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" Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet in thickness, which have rolled down and spread far over the plain, surround large trees, bury even their tops, and rise above them, leaving to the husbandman no longer a ray of hope. One can imagine no sadder... "
Annual Report of the Forest Commission of the State of New York - Page 69
by New York (State). Forest Commission - 1887
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Scrambles Amongst the Alps in the Years 1860-69

Edward Whymper - 1871 - 522 pages
...tops, and rise above them. . . . The gorges, under the influence of the sun which cracks and shivcrs to fragments the very rocks, and of the rain which...raised several feet in a single year by the debris. . . . An indirect proof of the increase of the evil is to be found in the depopulation of the country....
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The Earth as Modified by Human Action

George Perkins Marsh - 1874 - 702 pages of these landscapes furrowed with so many ravines, it presents only images of desolation and of death. Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet...bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds are recognized at a great distance, as they issue from the mountains, and they spread...
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Reboisement in France: Or, Records of the Replanting of the Alps, the ...

John Croumbie Brown - 1876 - 376 pages of these landscapes furrowed with so many ravines, it presents only images of desolation and of death. Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet...several feet in a single year, by the debris, so that that they reach the level of the bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds...
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Reboisement in France: Or, Records of the Replanting of the Alps, the ...

John Croumbie Brown - 1876 - 376 pages of these landscapes furrowed with so many ravines, it presents only images of desolation and of death. Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet...several feet in a single year, by the debris, so that that they reach the level of the bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds...
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Reports of Progress, Volume 3

Kentucky. Geological survey, 1873-1891 - 1877 - 516 pages of these landscapes furrowed with so many ravines, it presents only images of desolation and of death. Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet...bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds are recognized at a great distance, as -they issue from the mountains, and they spread...
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Reports of Progress, Volume 3

Kentucky. Geological survey, 1873-1891 - 1877 - 542 pages of these landscapes furrowed with so many ravines, it presents only images of. desolation and of death. Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet...bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds are recognized at a great distance, as they issue from the mountains, and they spread...
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Reboisement in France: Or, Records of the Replanting of the Alps, the ...

1880 - 374 pages of these landscapes furrowed with so many ravines, it presents only images of desolation and of death. Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet...several feet in a single year, by the debris, so that that they reach the level of the bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds...
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The Earth as Modified by Human Action: A New Edition of Man and Nature

George Perkins Marsh - 1882 - 720 pages
...eruption to cover the plains with their ruins. These gorges, under the influence of the sun whicli cracks and shivers to fragments the very rocks, and...bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds are recognized at a great distance, as they issue from the mountains, and they spread...
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The Earth as Modified by Human Action: A Last Revision of "Man and Nature,"

George Perkins Marsh - 1885 - 666 pages of these landscapes furrowed with so many ravines, it presents only images of desolation and of death. Vast deposits of flinty pebbles, many feet...bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds are recognized at a great distance, as they issue from the mountains, and they spread...
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The Forest Waters the Farm: Or, The Value of Woodlands as Reservoirs. Being ...

Antonin Rousset - 1886 - 128 pages
...which pour down with a frightful roar, and in their swift course exhibit the most convulsive movement. If you overlook from an eminence one of these landscapes...bridges, which, of course, are then carried off. The torrent-beds are recognized at a great distance as they issue from the mountains, and they spread themselves...
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