mate purposes, the property of the Lodge, so long as its Charter is unreclaimed, and five brothers remain in good standing in the Lodge. SEC. 3. In all cases where a Lodge shall have been suspended or expelled, or its Charter shall have been forfeited, the Charter, funds, books, properties, and effects of all kinds, shall revert to the Grand Lodge. And it shall be the duty of the last installed Officers of such Lodge, to deliver immediately to the Grand Master, or to the brother by him deputed to receive them, such funds and other effects as the Lodge may have claim to. SEC. 4. Members of a defunct Lodge, who were in good standing at the time of its dissolution, as may appear by the records of such Lodge, or who may have paid all arrearages then due to the Grand Lodge, shall, upon application to the Grand Secretary, receive a certificate, under the seal of the Grand Lodge, to enable them to make application for admission to membership in another Lodge: Provided, That no such certificate shall be given to a member of a suspended or expelled Lodge, unless ordered by special vote of the Grand Lodge. SEC. 5. Any Lodge or brother who shall be concerned in organizing, or who shall give countenance and support to, or shall visit any Lodge, in Michigan, purporting to be a Lodge of Odd Fellows, and not possessing a legal, unreclaimed, and valid Charter, duly granted and presented or confirmed by this Grand Lodge, shall be deemed unworthy of fellowship; and such brother, upon satisfactory proof, shall be suspended or expelled, at the option of the Lodge of which he is a member. And any brother, so suspended or expelled, shall not be reinstated unless the Grand Lodge assents thereto; nor shall any person, who has been in membership in any spurious or illegal Lodge, be received into any regular Lodge without the consent of the Grand Lodge. SEC. 6. Every Subordinate Lodge shall have a suitable seal, (a proof impression of which shall be desposited with the Grand Lodge,) and all its Official Communications shall be sealed therewith. SEC. 7. No Lodge shall have a public procession without the permission of the Grand Lodge, unless to attend the funeral of a brother. SEC. 8. The following shall be the form of a certificate of a member of the Grand Lodge: To the Officers and Members of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the I. O. of O. F. of the State of Michigan: This is to certify that P. G. filled the offices of has been elected to, and in this Lodge, and, by a vote passed at a regular meeting of the Lodge, held on the of day 18 was recommended to a seat in the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the I. O. of O. F. of the State of Michigan. In testimony whereof, we hereunto affix our hands and the seal of [L. S.] our Lodge, this Attest, day of 18 N. G. V. G. Secretary. SEC. 9. Any member of the Order who shall have painted on his sign any of the emblems of the Order, or otherwise exhibit them on the same, or shall have them printed on his business card, or expose them in any public place as a sign, shall (if the offence be persisted in, after the Lodge of which he is a member shall have given him notice to desist from such practice,) be suspended or expelled, agreeably to a vote of the Lodge. SEC. 10. Subordinate Lodges shall not receive applications for membership from petitioners residing in adjoining States, or in the Province of Canada West, when Lodges are known to exist in the county in which they reside or when another Lodge is located nearer their place of residence than the one to which they apply. SEC. 11. No Subordinate Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, shall alter its night of meeting without previously obtaining the consent of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE III. SEC. 1. No person shall have membership in more than one Subordinate Lodge at the same time; nor shall any Lodge confer Degrees upon a member of another Lodge, without the consent of the Lodge to which the member belongs, given under its seal. SEC. 2. The Grand Master shall forward (through one of the Representatives at each Quarterly Session of the Grand Lodge,) a Quarterly P. W. to the N. G. of each Lodge, the said P. W. to go into operation on the first day of each quarter. SEC. 3. The Constitution and By-Laws of each Lodge, chartered by this Grand Lodge, immediately on their adoption, shall be forward-` ed to this Grand Lodge, for its approval. RULES OF ORDER. I.-ORDER OF BUSINESS. After a quorum for opening shall be ascertained to be present, the following shall be the order of business, viz: 1. The Grand Master shall request the brethren to clothe themselves in proper Regalia, and direct the officers and members to take their respective stations, and shall then call up the Grand Lodge. 2. While standing, the Grand Chaplain shall address the Supreme Ruler of the Universe in prayer. 3. Proclamation shall be made by the Grand Marshal, of the opening of the Grand Lodge. 4. The minutes of the last session shall be read, and if no objection be made to any part thereof, they shall stand approved without vote. 5. The committee of Returns and Members shall report on the eligibility of members. 6. New members shall be admitted and instructed. 7. The Committee of Elections and Returns shall report on the returns from the Subordinates; and each of the returns reported as correct, shall be read. 8. Petitions shall be read and referred. 9. Communications read. 10. Financial accounts read and referred. 11. Appeals read and referred. 12. Reports of Committee of finance submitted. 13. Reports of Committee of Correspondence submitted. 14. Reports of Committee on Constitutions and By-Laws of Subordinate Lodges. 15. Reports of Committee of Grievance shall be submitted. 16. Reports of Special Committees, by seniority submitted. 17. Unfinished business acted upon by priority. 16. New business. The reports of the Committee of Returns and Members are privi leged to take priority to all other business, until disposed of. But the reports of all other Committees after having been submitted, will take their place in order among the unfinished business. The order of business, as here arranged, may at any time, for an occasion, be changed or dispensed with, by a special two-third vote of the Grand Lodge. II. OF DECORUM. During the continuance of the meeting, the most decorous silence must be observed; the officers and members retaining their respective seats, and no one leaving the room without the permission of the M. W. Grand Master, nor enter without the consent of the R. W. Grand Warden. No member shall speak to another, or otherwise interrupt the business of the Grand Lodge, or refuse to obey the Chair. Every officer and member shall be designated in debate, or otherwise, by his proper office or title, according to his standing in the Order. No member shall be permitted to vote or speak, unless clothed in Regalia appropriate to his rank and station. J III. OF THE CHAIR. The Grand Master, while presiding, shall state every question coming before the Grand Lodge, and immediately before putting it to vote, shall ask-" Is the Grand Lodge ready for the question?" Should no member rise to speak, and a majority indicate their readiness, he shall rise to take the question; and after he has risen, no member shall be permitted to speak upon it. He shall pronounce the votes and decisions of the Grand Lodge on all subjects. His decisions on questions of order shall be without debate, unless, entertaining doubts on the point, he invite it. And he shall have the privilege of speaking only on such questions from the Chair. When his decision has been appealed from, the question shall be put thus Will the Grand Lodge stand by the Chair in its decision ?” IV. OF DEBATE. Every member, when he speaks or offers a motion, shall be upstanding, and shall respectfully address the Chair, and when he has finished, he shall sit down. While speaking, he shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personality and indecorous language, as well as any reflection upon the Grand Lodge or its members. Should two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Chair shall decide which shall be entitled to the floor. No member shall disturb another in his speech, unless to call him to order for words spoken. If a member while speaking, shall be called to order, at the request of the Chair, he shall cease speaking and take his seat until the question of order is determined, when, if permitted, he may again proceed. No member shall speak more than once on the same question, until all the members wishing to speak shall have had an opportunity to do so; nor more than twice, without permission of the Chair. But no member shall have the privilege of speaking more than once on a question of order, after appeal from the decision of the Chair. V.-OF QUESTIONS AND VOTES. When any communication, petition, or memorial is presented, before it is read, or any vote taken on it, a brief statement of its contents shall be made by the introducer or the Chair; and, after it has been read, a brief notice of the purport shall be entered on the journal. No motion shall be subject to action, until seconded and stated by the Chair; and at the desire of any member, shall be reduced to writing. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be taken first upon the highest sum or number, and the longest or latest time proposed. Any member may call for a division of a question, when the sense will admit of it. When a question is before the Grand Lodge, no motion shall be received, unless to adjourn, the previous question, to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a certain time, to refer, or to amend; and shall have precedence in the order herein arranged; the first three of which shall be decided without debate. After any question except one of indefinite postponement, has been |