The Law Magazine and Law Review: Or, Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 20Butterworths, 1866 |
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accused action admitted appear applied appointed assize authority bankrupt bankruptcy Barrister-at-Law belligerent cause Church claim Codex commission commissioners confession Constance Kent conviction Corpus Juris Civilis counsel course court courts-martial creditors Cresswell crime criminal death debtor declared doubt duty easement edition effect Emperor England evidence examination existing expressed fact Gaius glossators guilty hot blast important indictment inquiry insolvent invention Jamaica judge judicial jurisprudence jurists jury justice Justinian land legislation Lincoln's Inn Lord Chancellor martial law matter means ment Middle Temple military mode murder nature neutrality Novellæ object obligation officers opinion owner Pandects pannels Papinian party patent persons Petition of Right possession practice Prayer Book precognition present principle prisoner proceedings profession prosecution punishment question reason reference respect rubric rule Solicitor specification statement statute tion trial Tribonianus verdict witnesses
Popular passages
Page 218 - Upon the day and at the time appointed for the ministration of the Holy Communion, the priest that shall execute the holy ministry shall put upon him the vesture appointed for that ministration, that is to say, a white albe, plain, with a vestment or cope.
Page 220 - Provided always, and be it enacted, that such ornaments of the church and of the ministers thereof shall be retained and be in use as was in this Church of England by authority of parliament in the second year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth...
Page 122 - Where divers and sundry persons craftily obtaining into their hands great substance of other men's goods, do suddenly flee to parts unknown, or keep their houses, not minding to pay or restore to any of their creditors, their debts and duties, but at their own wills and pleasures consume the substance obtained by credit of other men for their own pleasure and delicate living against all reason, equity and good conscience...
Page 329 - ... is used in armies in time of war, to proceed to the trial and condemnation of such offenders, and them to cause to be executed and put to death according to the law martial : VIII. By pretext whereof some of your majesty's subjects have been by some of the said commissioners put to death...
Page 219 - And here it is to be noted, that the minister, at the time of the communion, and at all other times in his ministration, shall use such ornaments in the church as were in use by authority of parliament in the second year of the reign of king Edward VI., according to the act of parliament set forth in the beginning of this book.
Page 217 - ... in all other places every minister shall be at liberty to use any surplice or no. It is also seemly that graduates, when they do preach, should use such hoods as pertaineth to their several degrees.
Page 216 - And here it is to be noted, that such Ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof, at all Times of their Ministration, shall be retained, and be in use, as were in this Church of England, by the Authority of Parliament, in the Second Year of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth.
Page 224 - Litchfield, that in the performance of the services, rites, and ceremonies ordered by the Prayer Book, the directions contained in it must be strictly observed ; that no omission and no addition can be permitted...
Page 292 - That the collectors of the customs be, and they are hereby, respectively authorized and required to detain any vessel manifestly built for warlike purposes, and about to depart the United States, of which the cargo shall principally consist of arms and munitions of war...
Page 219 - And here is to be noted that the Minister at the time of the Communion, and at all other times in his ministration, shall use neither alb, vestment, nor cope; but being Archbishop or Bishop, he shall have and wear a rochet : and being a priest or deacon, he shall have and wear a surplice only.