THE 154 LAW MAGAZINE AND LAW REVIEW; OR, Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence. NOVEMBER, 1865, TO FEBRUARY, 1866. VOLUME XX. LONDON: BUTTERWORTHS, 7, FLEET STREET, Law Publishers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. EDINBURGH: T. & T. CLARK, AND BELL & BRADFUTE. MELBOURNE: GEORGE ROBERTSON. 1866. LONDON: FAITHFULL & CO., PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, VICTORIA PRESS, S3A, FARRINGDON STREET, AND 1A, PRINCES STREET, STOREY'S GATE, WESTMINSTER. INDEX TO VOL. XX. OF THE Law Magazine and Law Review. Bankruptcy Reform, 124. Events of the Quarter, 162, 353. Extract of a Letter from Lord Brougham to the Earl of On the Construction of Specifications of Patents, 188. Reform, 234. Ritualism in its Legal Aspect, 215. |