A and amended so as to authorize and permit the Secretary of the Interior to expend not exceeding $15,000 in drainage work upon that portion of the project located within the State of New Mexico pending the formation of an irrigation district covering the lands within New Mexico under this project, and to expend upon that portion of the project located within the State of Texas such amount, within the limit of available appropriations, as the existing irrigation district may obligate itself to repay. [40 Stat., 426.] AMENDMENT OF YUMA MESA ACT. An act to amend section four of the act entitled "An act to provide for an auxiliary reclamation project in connection with the Yuma project, Arizona." (Act of Feb. 11, 1918, ch. -, 40 Stat., —.) Sec. 1. [Availability of fund.] That the first sentence of section four of the act entitled "An act to provide for an auxiliary reclamation project in connection with the Yuma project, Arizona," approved January twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, be amended so as to read as follows: "That the money in said auxiliary reclamation fund of the Yuma project, Arizona, shall be available for the construction or completion of irrigation works of the said auxiliary project or unit." [40 Stat., —.] SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' CIVIL RELIEF ACT. (Extract from) An act to extend protection to the civil rights of members of the Military and Naval Establishments of the United States engaged in the present war. (Act of March 8, 1918, Public No. 103.) Sec. 500. [Unpaid taxes and assessments of person in military service Affidavit to be filed-Collection stayed-Right of redemption when property sold-Interest to be paid.] (1) That the provisions of this section shall apply when any taxes or assessments, whether general or special, falling due during the period of military service in respect of real property owned and occupied for dwelling or business purposes by a person in military service or his dependents at the commencement of his period of military service and still so occupied by his dependents or employees are not paid. (2) When any person in military service, or any person in his behalf, shall file with the collector of taxes, or other officer whose duty it is to enforce the collection of taxes or assessments, an affidavit showing (a) that a tax or assessment has been assessed upon property which is the subject of this section, (b) that such tax or assessment is unpaid, and (c) that by reason of such military service the ability of such person to pay such tax or assessment is materially affected, no sale of such property shall be made to enforce the collection of such tax or assessment, or any proceeding or action for such purpose commenced, except upon leave of court granted upon an application made therefor by such collector or other officer. The court thereupon may stay such proceedings of such sale, as provided in this Act, for a period extending not more than six months after the termination of the war. (3) When by law such property may be sold or forfeited to enforce the collection of such tax or assessment, such person in military service shall have the right to redeem or commence an action to redeem such property, at any time not later than six months after the termination of such service, but in no case later than six months after the termination of the war; but this shall not be taken to shorten any period, now or hereafter provided by the laws of any State or Territory for such redemption. (4) Whenever any tax or assessment shall not be paid when due, such tax or assessment due and unpaid shall bear interest until paid at the rate of six per centum per annum, and no other penalty or interest shall be incurred by reason of such nonpayment. Any lien for such unpaid taxes or assessment shall also include such interest thereon. Sec. 501. [Interest in public lands of person in military serviceRights protected-Benefits of other acts not affected-Previous rights of action not limited-Proofs before officer in command.] That no right to any public lands initiated or acquired prior to entering military service by any person under the homestead laws, the desertland laws, the mining-land laws, or any other laws of the United States, shall be forfeited or prejudiced by reason of his absence from such land, or of his failure to perform any work or make any improvements thereon, or to do any other act required by any such law during the period of such service. Nothing in this section contained shall construed to deprive a person in military service or his heirs or devicees of any benefits to which he or they may be entitled under the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of homestead entrymen or settlers who enter the military or naval service of the United States in time of war," approved July twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and seventeen; the Act entitled "An Act for the protection of desert-land entrymen who enter the military or naval service of the United States in time of war." approved August seventh, nineteen hundred and seventeen; the Act entitled "An Act to provide further for the national security and defense by stimulating agriculture and facilitating the distribution of agricultural products," approved August tenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen; the joint resolution "To relieve the owners of mining claims who have been mustered into the military or naval service of the United States as officers or enlisted men from performing assessment work during the term of such service, approved July seventeenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen; or any other Act or resolution of Congress: Provided, That nothing in this section contained shall be construed to limit or affect the right of a person in the military service to take any action during his term of service that may be authorized by law, or the regulations of the Interior Department thereunder, for the perfection, defense, or further assertion of rights initiated prior to the date of entering military service, and it shall be lawful for any person while in military service to make any affidavit or submit any proof that may be required by law, or the practice of the General Land Office in connection with the entry, perfection, defense, or further assertion of any rights initiated prior to entering military service, before the officer in immediate command and holding a commission in the branch of the service in which the party is engaged, which affidavit shall be as binding in law and with like penalties as if taken before the Register of the United States Land office." APPROPRIATION FOR UNITED STATES RECLAMATION SERVICE, (Extract from) An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Gov- * * The following sums are appropriated out of the special fund in the Treasury of the United States created by the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, and therein designated "the reclamation fund": For all expenditures authorized by the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two (Thirty-second Statutes, page three hundred and eighty-eight), and Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, known as the reclamation law, and all other Acts under which expenditures from said fund are authorized, including salaries in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; rent of office quarters in the District of Columbia, $8,040, and for rent elsewhere; examination of estimates for appropriations in the field; printing and binding; law books, books of reference, periodicals, engineering and statistical publications, not exceeding $1,500; purchase, maintenance, and operation of horse-drawn or motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; payment of damages caused to the owners of lands of private property of any kind by reason of the operations of the United States, its officers or employees, in the survey, construction, operation, or maintenance of irrigation works, and which may be compromised by agreement between the claimant and the Secretary of the Interior, and payment for official telephone service and rental in the field hereafter incurred in case of official telephones installed in private houses when authorized under regulations established by the Secretary of the Interior, namely: Salt River project, Arizona: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $797,000; Yuma project, Arizona-California: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $590,000; Orland project, California: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $95,000; Grand Valley project, Colorado: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $348,000; Uncompabgre project, Colorado: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operation, $185,000; Boise project, Idaho: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $732,000: Provided, That no money shall be expended for extensions of the Boise project, except such amounts as may be collected from construction charges on that project under public notice; King Hill project, Idaho: For continuing construction and incidental operations, $423,000: Provided, That said project shall be subject to the reclamation Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, so far as applicable and consistent with contract heretofore made between the United States and King Hill irrigation district: Provided further, That for the purposes of issuing patent to lands reclaimed, the reclamation effected by the operations of the United States Reclamation Service may be considered by the Secretary of the Interior as equivalent to reclamation effected by the State of Idaho, under the Carey Act of August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninetyfour. Minidoka project, Idaho: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $489,000; Huntley project, Montana: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $112,000; Milk River project, Montana: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $186,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen; Sun River project, Montana: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $222,000, together with $100,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen; Lower Yellowstone project, Montana-North Dakota: For maintenance, operation, and incidental operations, $55,000; North Platte project, Nebraska-Wyoming: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $881,000, together with the unexpended balance of the sum appropriated for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen; Truckee-Carson project, Nevada: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $671,000, together with the unexpended balance of the sum appropriated for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen; Carlsbad project, New Mexico: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $75,000; Rio Grande project, New Mexico-Texas: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $1,296,000, together with the unexpended balance o the sum appropriated for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ighteen: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended or drainage except in irrigation districts formed under State laws and upon the execution of agreements for the repayment to the United States of all project investments; North Dakota pumping project, North Dakota: For maintenance, operation, and incidental operations, $64,000; Lawton project, Oklahoma: For continuation o investigation $,000; . Umatilla project, Oregon: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $80,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen; Klamath project, Oregon-California: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $423,000; Belle Fourche project, South Dakota: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $262,000; Strawberry Valley project, Utah: For maintenance, operation, and incidental operations, $59,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundre and eighteen; Okanogan project, Washington: For construction, maintenance, operation, and incidental operations, $154,000; Yakima project, Washington: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $645,000, to gether with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen; Shoshone project, Wyoming: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $400,000 together with the unexpended balance of the sum appropriated for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen; Secondary projects: For cooperative and other miscellaneous investigations, $100,000; Under the provisions of this Act no greater sum shall be expende', nor shall the United States be obligated to expend, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen, on any reclamation project appropriated for herein an amount in excess of the sum priated therefor, nor shal! the whole expenditures or obligations incurred for all of such projects for the fiscal year nineteen hundred herein approand nineteen exceed the whole amount in the "reclamation fund" for that fiscal year; Ten per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available interchangeably for expenditure on the reclamation projects named; but not more than ten per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said projects; Hereafter the purchase of supplies and the procurement of services for the Reclamation Service may be made in open market in the manner common among business men, without advertising and formal contract, when the aggregate of the amount required does not exceed $50, and when, in the opinion of th Director of the Reclamation Service, such limitations of amount are not designed to evade the purchase of supplies and the procurement of services under advertising and formal contract, and equally or more advantageous terms can thereby be secured. In all, Reclamation Service, $9,345,000. For reimbursement to the reclamation fund the proportionate expense of operation and maintenance of the reservoirs for furnishing stored water to the lands in Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington, in accordance with the provisions of section twentytwo of the Act of August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen (Thirty-eighth Statutes, page six hundred and four), there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $10,160. For an investigation to be made by the Director of the Reclamation Service of the reclamation by drainage of lands outside existing reclamation projects and of the reclamation and preparation for cultivation of cut-over timber lands in any of the States of the United States, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, purchase, maintenance, repair, hire, and operation of motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger vehicles, and for all other expenses, there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $100,000. LAW DECISIONS. ENTRIES AND ENTRYMEN. Abandonment of entry.-The failure of an entryman on arid lands withdrawn under the reclamation act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat., 388 ), as susceptible of irrigation, to continuously reside upon or cultivate the land, which, though later withdrawn for irrigation works, was |