Our Ferns in Their Haunts: A Guide to All the Native SpeciesF.A. Stokes, 1901 - 332 pages |
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Our Ferns in Their Haunts; A Guide to All the Native Species Willard Nelson Clute No preview available - 2016 |
Our Ferns in Their Haunts, a Guide to All the Native Species Willard Nelson Clute No preview available - 2018 |
Common terms and phrases
abundant acrostichoides Adiantum America apex appear Aspidium cristatum Asplenium Athyrium base beech fern BLADDER FERN blade botanists Botrychium bracken brake brown chain fern Cheilanthes Christmas fern cinnamon fern cliffs collector colour creeping crosiers Cystopteris Dicksonia Dryopteris erect evergreen fertile and sterile fertile fronds flowering frequently fronds are produced FRUITING PINNA genera genus GRAPE FERN green grow indusia indusium known lady fern lanceolate ledges lobes maidenhair margins marsh fern midrib moist moonwort narrow nearly North Noveboracense oblong Onoclea Ophioglossum Osmunda ostrich fern ovate Pellæa Phegopteris pinnæ pinnate pinnatifid pinnules plant Polypodium polypody Polystichum Pteris rachis rare rattlesnake fern resemblance rocks roots rootstock seldom shade SHIELD FERN slender slightly sori sori are borne sorus species specific name specimens spleenwort sporangia spores stalked sterile fronds sterile portion stipe Struthiopteris surface swamps Thelypteris toothed Trichomanes tufts twice pinnate usually variety veins winter wither wood ferns woodland Woodsia Woodwardia York fern
Popular passages
Page 270 - HERE are old trees, tall oaks and gnarled pines, That stream with gray-green mosses ; here the ground Was never trenched by spade, and flowers spring up Unsown, and die ungathered. It is sweet To linger here, among the flitting birds And leaping squirrels, wandering brooks, and winds That shake the leaves, and scatter, as they pass, A fragrance from the cedars, thickly set With pale blue berries. In these peaceful shades— Peaceful, unpruned, immeasurably old— My thoughts go up the long dim path...
Page 209 - twere a little sky Gulfed in a world below ; A firmament of purple light, Which in the dark earth lay, More boundless than the depth of night, And purer than the day— In which the lovely forests grew, As in the upper air, More perfect both in shape and hue Than any spreading there. There lay the glade and neighbouring lawn And through the dark green wood The white sun twinkling like the dawn Out of a speckled cloud.
Page 235 - Yet not so rudely as to send one sound Through the thick copse around. Sometimes a brighter cloud than all the rest Hangs o'er the archway opening through the trees, Breaking the spell that, like a slumber, pressed On my worn spirit its sweet luxuries, — And with awakened vision upward bent, I watch the firmament.
Page 69 - The heath this night must be my bed, The bracken curtain for my head, My lullaby the warder's tread, Far, far, from love and thee, Mary; To-morrow eve, more stilly laid, My couch may be my bloody plaid, My vesper song thy wail, sweet maid! It will not waken me, Mary!
Page 18 - On which it grew, or to be left alone To its own beauty. Many such there are, Fair ferns and flowers, and chiefly that tall fern, So stately, of the Queen Osmunda named ; Plant lovelier in its own retired abode On Grasmere's beach, than Naiad by the side Of Grecian brook, or Lady of the Mere, Sole-sitting by the shores of old romance.
Page 46 - Which curious women use in many a nice disease ; For them that are with newts, or snakes, or adders stung, He seeketh out a herb that is called Adder's-tongue ; As Nature it ordain'd its own like hurt to cure, And sportive did herself to niceties inure.
Page 180 - WHERE the copse-wood is the greenest, Where the fountain glistens sheenest, Where the morning dew lies longest, There the lady fern grows strongest.
Page 53 - Hammer, and pincers, thou unshod'st them with ? Alas ! what lock or iron engine is't That can thy subtile secret strength resist, Sith the best farrier cannot set a shoe So sure, but thou (so shortly) canst undo...
Page 235 - WHEN that my mood is sad, and in the noise And bustle of the crowd I feel rebuke, I turn my footsteps from its hollow joys And sit me down beside this little brook : The waters have a music to mine ear It glads me much to hear.
Page 153 - But this is to be reckoned among the old wives' fables, and that also which Dioscorides telleth of, touching the gathering of Spleenwort by night, and other most vaine things which are found scattered here and there in old books, from which most of the later writers do not abstaine, who many times fill up their pages with lies and frivolous stories, and by so doing do not a little deceive young students.