Marriages and deaths, registration of......176, 177, 197, 246, 249, 264, 339, 341 .37 Call, Thomas E...... Campton, to repair and construct bridges...... Caribou. See Deer. Carroll county, to protect deer in..... Cascade Electric Light and Power Company Cashiers and Treasurers of banks, bonds of...... Caucuses and Elections. ....... Centre Harbor. See Hawkins Pond. Chandler, William E., elected United States Senator.. Charitable Associations. See Counties. Corporations. See Counties. Charlestown, relating to school district.. Charter Fees..... Chase Home for Children and Cottage Hospital.. Chester and Derry Railroad Association... to establish water works...... ...107, 108, 241 .252, 255, 306, 335 Churches, relating to disposal of property of........42, 48, 93, 102, 103, 303, 362, 387 Concurrent resolutions: Committee of conference as to bill relative to sale of adulterated butter, etc...................... .278, 295 notify Governor of completion of business..... Death of Hon. Chas. H. Bell... Final adjournment... Flag to be raised on State House during present session. .384 ......74 .274, 299 ...61 ..92, 222, 247, 265 .97 .383 Relative to procuring for Daniel R. Henderson a position in House ..........243 Relative to taking fish from certain lakes........ Tendering thanks to Charles H. Hoyt...... Connecticut Valley Water Co........ Consolidated Hand Method Lasting Machine Co..... See Sheriff. "Constitution," concurrent resolution relating to.... Constitutional Convention..... .......148 .117, 121, 133, 136, 142 ...62, 77, 240 Contagious Diseases among domestic animals. See Domestic Animals. Contoocook Water Works Co........ Counties, charitable associations, etc.,exempted from taxation..148, 150, 153, 162 to prevent and suppress contagious diseases among Durham, to amend act incorporating Congregational Society......... Dustin Monument, appropriation for.... ..46, 48, 53, 54 .79, 83, 140, 152, 290, 300, 334, 340 .148, 149, 172 .42, 50, 62, 67, 76, 81, 93, 101,123, 142, 152, 174. 179, 200, 211, 219, 234, 240, 262, 270, 307, 311, 334, 361, 380, 382 ........89, 90,209, 216, 234 Equitable Adjustment of Claims.... .251, 254, 271 Farmington, to contract with Directors of Free Public Library................... Federal Government. .163, 180, 181, 273, 307 247 Fees for record of births and deaths at County Farm.........127, 130, 197, 200, 212 Fire Insurance Companies. Croydon Town Mutual Fire Insurance Co... ......... . . . . . . . 74, 274, 299 ..160, 161, 207, 212 ..196, 197, 221, 225 Northern Fire Insurance Co............ ..40 authorized to screen waters....... ..46, 52, 139 Committee added to Senate Committees..... Fisheries and Game, amendment of certain chapters relating to........294, 298 Fishing in Hawkins' pond, to prohibit...... Dan Hole pond, to prohibit. Mill pond, to prohibit.. .96, 99, 137, 141 Fish, to prohibit taking of, through ice from Mascoma lake and other .144, 145, 230, 232, 243, 274, 307 Fish, to prohibit taking of, through ice from Otter lake in Greenfield....39, 49 Fraternal Beneficiary Societies, regulating................ Insurance Commissioner, corporations under jurisdiction of.........214, 215, 283, to receive communication from governor.. ..........17 42 ..18 ..21 24 Kearsarge Reservoir Co........ Keeler, I. E., resolution of thanks to...... Keene, to appropriate money for watering streets.. improve Beaver brook..... incorporate City Savings Bank. King's Daughters' Benevolent Association of Nashua.. Knights of Pythias Association of Manchester..... Labels, etc., protected.... Labor, hours of........ Laconia and Lakeport Street Railway.. Laconia, to amend charter....... 252, 255, 262, 267, 271 .127, 131, 188, 194, 211 .127, 131, 201, 205, 212 to incorporate City Savings Bank....91, 112, 114, 240, 253, 254, 291, 300, 335 Lakes, ponds, and streams.. Lancaster Fire Precinct, to amend an act to issue bonds. .196 ..150 ..57, 59, 62, 175 .251, 255, 262, 267, 271 .290, 314 .253, 255, 379, 382 252, 254, 324 |