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Twelve Senators voted in the affirmative and ten Senators voted in the negative.

Senator Baker demanded the yeas and nays.

The clerk proceeded to call the roll.

The following Senators voted in the affirmative: Senators A. L. Rollins, Knight, Wason, Towle, Brown, Edgerly, Reed, Murry, Woodbury, Stevens, Gale, Folsom, C. A. Sinclair.

The following Senators voted in the negative: Senators Van Dyke, Baker, Palmer, W. C. Sinclair, Holt, F. W. Rollins, Barker, Gould, Bartlett, Gordon, Langley.

Thirteen Senators having voted in the affirmative and eleven Senators having voted in the negative

The affirmative prevailed, and the amendment was adopted. Senator Edgerly offered the following amendment:

Amend the bill by striking out all of section 3.

The amendment was adopted.

The question recurring: Shall the bill be read a third time?

Senator Sinclair of District No. 24 moved that the bill be laid on the table and made the special order of business for to-morrow morning at 11:30 o'clock.

The affirmative prevailed, and the bill was laid on the table and made the special order of business for tomorrow morning at 11:30 o'clock.

The following entitled House bills in a new draft, having been printed, were taken from the table and ordered to a third reading to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock:

An act to amend the charter of the city of Somersworth.

An act authorizing a record of bills of sale in certain cases. An act in amendment of section 1, chapter 79 of the Public Statutes.

Senator Brown for the Committee on Fisheries and Game to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act in amendment of chapter 133, section 21 of the Public Statutes as amended by chapter 56 of the Laws of 1893, relating to lobsters," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted and the bill ordered to a third reading to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.

Senator Edgerly for the Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to enable the city of Keene to improve and straighten Beaver Brook," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted and the bill ordered to a third reading to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.

The same Senator for the same committee, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to amend the charter of the city of Portsmouth and in amendment of chapter 23, section 25 of the Public Statutes," having considered the same, reported the same with the following amendments and recommended its passage:

Amend section 2 at line four by striking out the word "eight," and substituting the word "nine " therefor.

Amend section 4 at line four by striking out the word "excepting" in said line four, and by adding after the word "chosen" at the beginning of line six of said section, the words or appointed by said mayor and aldermen, or by the

police commissioners for said city, or elected by the city councils."

Amend section 8 by striking out the word "eight" in the second line of said section, and substituting the word "nine " therefor, and by striking out the word "one" in line four of said section, and substituting therefor the word "two."

The report was accepted and the amendments adopted.

Senator Sinclair of District No. 24 moved that the bill be laid on the table and printed.

The question being stated,

Shall the bill be laid on the table and printed?

(Discussion ensued.)

The motion was lost and the bill was ordered to a third reading to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock.

Senator Rollins for the Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act relating to the watering of streets in cities," having considered the same, reported the same with the following resolution :

Resolved, That it is inexpedient to legislate.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Senator Bartlett for the Committee on Judiciary to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to regulate the use of public highways and sidewalks in towns," having considered the same, reported the same with the following resolution:

Resolved, That it is inexpedient to legislate.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Senator Brown for the Committee on Fisheries and Game to

whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to prohibit fishing in tributaries of Dan Hole Pond in Tuftonborough and Ossipee," having considered the same, reported the same with the following resolution:

Resolved, That it is inexpedient to legislate.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Senator Holt for the Committee on Judiciary reported a bill entitled "An act in relation to printing the reports of certain state officers," and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted and the bill was read a first and second time and laid on the table to be printed under the rule.

The following message was received from the House of Representatives by its clerk :


Mr. President:

The House of Representatives has passed bills with the following titles, in the passage of which it asks the concurrence of the Honorable Senate:

An act to repeal chapter 208 of the Session Laws of 1889, limiting liability of portions of the school district of Charlestown towards maintenance of school-houses to those within their limits.

An act to amend section 32 of chapter 112 of the Public Statutes, relating to damages resulting from intoxication.

An act in relation to the grouping of towns for the purpose of employing a superintendent of schools.

An act in amendment of section 24, chapter 90 of the Public Statutes, relating to the duties of school officers.

The following entitled bills sent up from the House of Representatives were severally read a first and second time and referred:

To the Committee on Judiciary:

An act to amend section 32 of chapter 112 of the Public Statutes, relating to damages resulting from intoxication.

An act to repeal chapter 208 of the Session Laws of 1889, limiting liability of portions of the school district of Charlestown towards maintenance of school-houses to those within their limits.

To the Committee on Education :

An act in relation to the grouping of towns for the purpose of employing a superintendent of schools.

An act in amendment of section 24, chapter 90 of the Public Statutes, relating to the duties of school officers.

On motion of Senator Gordon, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met according to adjournment.

The journal was read and approved.

The following entitled Senate new drafts of House bills were severally read a third time, passed, and sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence:

An act authorizing a record of bills of sale in certain cases.

An act to amend the charter of the city of Somersworth.

The following entitled Senate new draft of the following entitled House bill was read a third time:

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