and Edward B. Woodbury having a majority of all the votes cast, is elected. and John P. Bartlett having a majority of all the votes cast, is and Francis A. Gordon having a majority of all the votes cast, and Charles W. Stevens having a majority of all the votes cast, and Stephen H. Gale having a majority of all the votes cast, is elected. DISTRICT No. 22. Jeremiah Langley had Ivory I. Chamberlain had 1,401 · 737 and Jeremiah Langley having a majority of all the votes cast, is and Charles E. Folsom having a majority of all the votes cast, and Charles A. Sinclair having a majority of all the votes cast, is elected. Respectfully submitted: JAMES A. EDGERLY, THOMAS H. VAN DYKE, JOHN P. BARTLETT, Committee. On motion of Senator Reed the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That a message be sent to the House of Representatives, that from an examination of the returns of votes there appear to be vacancies in senatorial districts Nos. 2, 5, and 8. That Henry W. Keyes and William D. Baker are the two constitutional candidates in District No. 2. That Ichabod P. Berry and William C. Sinclair are the two constitutional candi dates in District No. 5. That George A. Wason and Elgin A. Jones are the two constitutional candidates in District No. 8; and that the Senate is ready to meet the House of Representatives in convention, at such time as the House may suggest, for the purpose of filling the vacancies in the Senate, agreeably to the provisions of the constitution. On motion of Senator Knight the Senate adjourned. AFTERNOON. On motion of Senator Knight the Senate voted to take a recess until 3: 30 o'clock. (Recess.) The Senate having assembled, Senator Stevens gave notice that on to-morrow or some subsequent day he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled: An act creating a board of trustees for Woodlawn Cemetery in Nashua. On motion of Senator Holt the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That there be added to the list of standing committees of the Senate, a Committee on Fisheries and Game, consisting of five Senators appointed by the President, to whom shall be referred all bills and resolutions relating to those subjects. The following message was received from the House of Representatives by its clerk: HOUSE MESSAGE. Mr. President: The House of Representatives has adopted the following resolution : Resolved, That the Honorable Senate be informed that the House of Representatives has organized by the election of Stephen S. Jewett of Laconia as speaker, William Tutherly of Concord as clerk, Eliphalet F. Philbrick of Concord as assistant clerk, and Horace L. Ingalls of Concord as sergeant-atarms, and is now ready to proceed with the business of the session. The House of Representatives has adopted the following resolution : Resolved, That the House of Representatives is ready to meet the Senate in convention for the purpose of electing a commissary general and proceeding with the senate elections agreeably to the provisions of the constitution. On motion of Senator Gale, the Senate met the House of Representatives in joint convention for the purpose of proceeding with the elections, agreeably to the provisions of the constitution, and for the election of a commissary general. (See House proceedings.) Upon returning to the senate chamber, on motion of Senator Edgerly the Senate adjourned. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1895. The Senate met according to adjournment. The reading of the journal having been commenced, on motion of Senator Gould the rules were so far suspended that its further reading was dispensed with. The Honorable Ezra S. Stearns, secretary of state, appeared and introduced William D. Baker, senator from District No. 2; William C. Sinclair, senator from District No. 5; and George A. Wason, senator from District No. 8; each of whom had taken and subscribed the oath of office before his excellency the governor, and were duly qualified as senators agreeably to the provisions of the constitution. Senator Baker gave notice that on to-morrow or some subsequent day he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled: An act to amend Chapter 65 of the Public Statutes in relation to the distribution of railroad taxes. The following message was received from the House of Representatives by its clerk : HOUSE MESSAGE. Mr. President: The House of Representatives has adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That the House of Representatives is ready to meet the Honorable Senate in joint convention for the purpose of receiving His Excellency the Governor and any communication he may be pleased to make. On motion of Senator Murry, the Senate met the House of Representatives in joint convention. (See House proceedings.) Upon returning to the senate chamber, on motion of Senator Barker, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns, it adjourn to meet this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. On motion of the same Senator the Senate adjourned. |