An act in relation to public printing. An act in amendment of section 5, chapter 174 of the Public Statutes, relating to marriages. An act to amend certain sections of chapter 92 of the Public Statutes, relating to truant officers. An act to prohibit the taking of fish through the ice from the waters of Mascoma lake and other specified lakes and ponds in the state. An act to incorporate the Woodsville Free Library in Haverhill, and authorizing the Woodsville Union High School District to aid in its maintenance and support. An act to annex certain islands in Winnipesaukee lake to the town of Gilford. An act to annex certain islands in Winnipesaukee lake to the town of Tuftonborough. An act to incorporate the Mt. Gardner Land & Improvement Company. The following entitled bill sent up from the House of Representatives was read a first time: An act in amendment of section 5, chapter 174 of the Public Statutes, relating to marriages. On motion of Senator Gould, the bill was laid on the table. The following entitled bills sent up from the House of Representatives were severally read a first and second time and referred, To the Committee on Judiciary: An act in relation to public printing. An act to incorporate the Woodsville Free Library in Haver hill, and authorizing the Woodsville Union High School District to aid in its maintenance and support. To the Committee on Towns and Parishes: An act to annex certain islands in Winnipesaukee lake to the town of Tuftonborough. An act to annex certain islands in Winnipesaukee lake to the town of Gilford. To the Committee on Fisheries and Game: An act to prohibit the taking of fish through the ice from the waters of Mascoma lake and other specified lakes and ponds in the state. To the Committee on Education : An act to amend certain sections in chapter 92 of the Public Statutes, relating to truant officers. To the Committee on Incorporations: An act to incorporate the Mt. Gardner Land and Improvement Company. On motion of Senator Towle, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns, it adjourn to meet to-morrow morning at 9:45 o'clock, and that when it adjourns. to-morrow morning, it adjourn to meet next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Senator Gould for the special committee consisting of the Senators from Hillsborough county, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act authorizing the county of Hillsborough to issue bonds to defray the expense of its new county farm buildings," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage. The report was accepted, and on motion of the same Senator, the rules were so far suspended that the bill was read a third time by its title and passed at the present time. On motion of Senator Wason, the Senate adjourned. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1895. The Senate met according to adjournment. The reading of the journal having been commenced, on motion of Senator Folsom, the rules were so far suspended that its further reading was dispensed with. On motion of Senator Barker the Senate adjourned. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1895. The Senate met according to adjournment. The journal was read and approved. Senator Rollins offered the following resolution: Resolved, That two Senators be appointed by the president to attend the funeral of the late Benjamin F. Prescott to-morrow as representatives of this body. The president appointed Senators Rollins and Bartlett. The following message was received from the House of Representatives by its clerk: Mr. President: HOUSE MESSAGE. The House of Representatives concurs with the Honorable Senate in its amendment to the following entitled bill sent up from the House of Representatives: An act to incorporate the Diamond Granite Company.. The House of Representatives concurs with the Honorable Senate in its amendment to the following entitled bill sent up from the House of Representatives: An act to amend the charter of the city of Portsmouth, and in amendment of chapter 23, section 25, of the Public Statutes. The House of Representatives has passed bills and joint resolutions with the following titles, in the passage of which it asks the concurrence of the Honorable Senate: An act in regard to the water-works in the town of Ashland. An act to protect water used for domestic purposes. An act in amendment of chapter 14 of the Laws of 1891, relating to free public libraries. An act to empower selectmen of towns to appraise school property, and apportion taxes thereon in compliance with chapter 43 of the Laws of 1885. An act in relation to the treatment of drunkards and inebriates. An act to amend division 1, section 7 of chapter 55 of the Public Statutes, relating to public funds liable to be taxed. An act relating to the bonds of treasurers of savings banks and cashiers of state banks and trust companies. An act authorizing the town of Pelham to appropriate money for the celebration of its one hundred and fiftieth anniversary. An act authorizing the city of Manchester to appropriate a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the city of Manchester. An act exempting from taxation the real and personal estate of counties, charitable associations, charitable corporations, and societies. An act in amendment of an act entitled, "An act to incorporate the Chester & Derry Railroad Association" approved April 7th, 1891. An act to amend the charter of the Electric Meter & Motor Company. An act to incorporate Brown's Academy. An act to incorporate the Union Mutual Insurance Company. An act for the detection and punishment of horse thieves. An act to establish water-works in the town of Chester and to incorporate the Chester Water-Works Company. The House of Representatives has passed the following concurrent resolution, in the passage of which it asks the concurrence of the honorable Senate,— Resolved, that the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, hereby tenders hearty thanks to their fellow member, Charles H. Hoyt, for the very enjoyable representation of the famous drama,-" A Black Sheep"-so generously given by him to the members of the legislature Feb. 19th, at White's Opera House. The Senate concurred in the passage of the foregoing resolution. The following entitled bills sent up from the House of Representatives were severally read a first and second time, and referred,— |