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of Manchester, Caldwell of Nashua, Greenleaf of Franconia, Barron of Carroll, Roderick of Berlin, Mitchell of Mason.

Rules.-The Speaker, Messrs. Upton of Manchester, Pierce of Somersworth, Bales of Wilton, Hill of Concord.

Soldiers' Home.-Messrs. Carbee of Haverhill, Wyatt of Northfield, Webster of Manchester, Severance of Claremont, Beverstock of Keene, Tetley of Laconia, Evans of Concord, Beach of Manchester, Brown of Auburn, Paris of Wolfeborough, Dana of Manchester, Lock of Deering.

State Prison-Messrs. Eaton of Nashua, Chesley of Nottingham, Rolfe of Concord, Abbott of Bradford, Thompson of Manchester, Clough of Pittsfield, Barnes of Hanover, Emerson of Wilton, Hayden of Hollis, Lagace of Nashua, Manning of Manchester, Maguire of Pembroke.

Towns.-Messrs. Gordon of Canaan, Lightbody of Manchester, Skinner of Keene, Carroll of Concord, Perkins of Danbury, Hooper of Weare, McMann of Northumberland, Marston of Hampton, Hersom of Rochester, Swenson of Concord, Knight of Bennington, Smith of Alexandria.

Unfinished Business.-Messrs. Abbott of Bradford, Davis of Hancock, Sargent of Manchester, Porter of Manchester, Fuller of Nashua, Wilcox of Swanzey, Goodwin of Moultonborough, Hall of Strafford, Edgerly of Epping, Brown of North Hampton, Quinn of Manchester, Wilson of Stoddard. Engrossed Bills.-Messrs. Smith of Enfield, Whitney of Nashua.

State House and State House Yard.-Messrs. Durgin of Concord, Otis of Nashua, Farley of Somersworth.

State Library.-Messrs. C. R. Walker of Concord, Liscom of Hinsdale, Moore of Wakefield.


The following bills were introduced, read twice, and referred as follows:

By Mr. Remich of Littleton, An act to authorize the commissioners of the Littleton Village District to issue bonds and to legalize, ratify, and confirm all acts of the district and its commissioners heretofore done or performed in reference to said bonds.

An act to enable the Littleton Village District to acquire and maintain water-works and an electric light plant.

Severally to the Committee on Incorporations.

By Mr. Pierce of Somersworth, An act to amend the charter of the city of Somersworth. To the Committee on the Judiciary.

An act to disannex the farm of Frank G. Perkins from the city of Dover and annex the same to School District Number Four in Rollinsford for school purposes. To the Commit

tee on Education.


At the request of Mr. Pierce of Somersworth, the special order, being the following resolution, was taken up and considered, the main question being on the adoption of the resolution:

Resolved, That the Clerk of the House be and is hereby instructed to strike from the roll of the House the names of Ernest L. Guptill and William Dow, of Ward 2, Portsmouth, and place upon the roll the names of Edward E. McIntire and Frederick M. Sise, as members from said ward, subject to the right of any persons to make contest without notice.

The pending question being on the adoption of the following resolution of reference :-Resolved, That the resolution relating to the rights to seats of members from Ward 2, Portsmouth, be referred to a special committee of five to be appointed by the Speaker, to investigate and report forthwith what persons appear to have received a plurality of the votes cast for representatives in said ward.

After debate, Mr. Howard of Manchester demanded the yeas and nays, which being called, the resolution of reference was adopted by a vote of 246 to 82, as follows:



Brown of Auburn, McDuffee of Candia, Wilcomb, Collins of Danville, Brown of Deerfield, Moody, Wetherell, Follansby, Warren, Cooper, Sanborn of Fremont, Spollett, Marston, Curtis, Collins of Kingston, Miller, Beane, Durgin of Newmarket,

Pinkham, Currier, Chesley of Nottingham, Clement of Plaistow, Hartford, Jackson, Newton, Tilton of Salem, Wilson of Salem, Fogg, Jewell of South Hampton, Fitts, Barker of Stratham, Barker of Windham.

STRAFFORD COUNTY. Swain, Twombly of Dover, Witham, Gilman of Dover, Redfield, Moulton, Clough of Dover, Whitehouse, Pierce of Dover, Perry, Townsend, Stevens, Herring, Safford, Seavey, Thompson of Lee, Jones of Milton, Dame, Rowe, Hersom, Bradley, McDuffee of Rochester, Pierce of Somersworth, Fountain.

BELKNAP COUNTY. Gilman of Alton, Davis of Barnstead, Piper, Morrill of Gilford, Varney, Saltmarsh, Towle of Meredith, Woodman, Morrison.

CARROLL COUNTY. Frink, Pease, Kennett of Conway, Miles of Effingham, Kennett of Madison, Goodwin, Lamper, Richardson, Paris, Tibbetts.

MERRIMACK COUNTY. Fontaine, Buxton, Putney, Abbott of Concord, Rolfe, Cate, Coombs, Evans, Durgin of Concord, C. R. Walker, Carroll, R. E. Walker, Robinson of Concord, Perkins of Danbury, Ryder, Marden, Aiken, Kenrick, Leach of Franklin, Emery, Sumner, J. W. Prescott, Davis of Hopkinton, Farwell of New London, Wyatt, Wilson of Pembroke, Osgood, Clough of Pittsfield, Green, Little of Salisbury, Little of Sutton, Jewell of Warner.

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. Rotch, Gault, Hall of Brookline, Patch, Carlton, Poor, Pierce of Greenville, Childs, Scruton, Hayden, Andrews, Leach of Litchfield, Blanchard, Sanborn of Manchester, Stetson, Butterfield, Robie, Ray of Manchester, Bruce, Dodge of Manchester, Kennard, Lawrence, Sargent, Shannon, Barr, Beach, Lord of Manchester, Neal, Upton, Young of Manchester, Hastings, Perkins of Manchester, Porter, Webster, Lightbody, Thompson of Manchester, Baldwin, Clement of Manchester, Parker, Bartlett, Burns, Kaley, Otis, Eaton, Keith, Thurber, Taylor of Nashua, McQuesten, Ray of Nashua, Caldwell, Hooper of Nashua, Shedd, Marsh, Brooks, Patterson, Hooper of Weare, Emerson.

CHESHIRE COUNTY. Prouty, Farr, Gowing, Firmin, Smith of Gilsum, Temple, Liscom, Manser, Stearns of Keene, Taft, Skinner, Beverstock, Nims, Blake, Hemenway, Perkins of Marlow, Taylor of Nelson, Martin of Richmond, Converse, Wilcox, Herrick, King, Lord of Westmoreland, Mansfield, Stearns of Winchester.

SULLIVAN COUNTY. Buss, Brown of Claremont, Parks, Whitcomb, Chellis, Severance, Westgate of Cornish, Davis of Croydon, Burpee, Winch, Cragin, Hurd, Westgate of Plainfield, Baker.

GRAFTON COUNTY. Brown of Ashland, Dickinson, Sanborn of Campton, Gordon of Canaan, Smith of Enfield, Greenleaf, Kimball of Grafton, Huntington, Barnes, Carbee, Butler, Clark of Landaff, Spring, Cheney, Burton of Lebanon, Jepperson, Remich, Merrill, Farr, Holt, Paddleford, Lamprey, Kennedy, Chase, Dearborn, Jewell of Warren, Dolloff, Emmons.

Coös COUNTY. Colby, Johnsen of Berlin, Roderick, Barron, Russ, Twitchell of Dummer, Twitchell of Gorham, Moore of Lancaster, Truland, Roberts of Milan, McMann, Schoppe, Boothman, Moore of Whitefield, Twombly of Whitefield.

ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. Randall, Brown of North Rye.


Dudley, Morrill of East Kingston, Edgerly,
Hampton, Tilton of Raymond, Locke of

STRAFFORD COUNTY. McFadden, Berry, Doe, Roberts of Rollinsford, Leahy, Farley, Rainville, Hall of Strafford.

BELKNAP COUNTY. McDonald, Sleeper, O'Shea, Hill of Tilton. CARROLL COUNTY. Woodward, Wentworth, Dow of Tamworth, Moore of Wakefield.

MERRIMACK COUNTY. Jones of Canterbury, Hill of Concord, Ahern, A. W. Prescott, Kimball of Hopkinton, Sanborn of Loudon, Maguire, Dodge of Webster, Langley.


Tenney, Knight of Bennington, Lock of Deering, Peavey, Burton of Lyndeborough, Kelley, Lynch, Manning, Quinn, Starr, White, Martin of Manchester, Burke, Dana, Howard, Tardivel, Mitchell, Brunelle, Blood, Hallinan, Whitney, Doyle, Lagace, Hadley, Bales.

CHESHIRE COUNTY. Farwell of Harrisville, Wilson of Stoddard. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Hoyt, Robinson of Goshen, Heath, Straw,


GRAFTON COUUTY. Smith of Alexandria, Johnson of Bath, Knight of Bethlehem, Bowles, Jewell of Groton, Cummings, Langway, Herbert, Knight of Wentworth.

CoÖS COUNTY. Young of Clarksville, Gathercole, Clement of Dalton, Thurston, Crawford, Stockwell, Allen of Stewartstown, Clark of Stratford, Bennett.

The Speaker named as such committee Messrs. Pierce of Somersworth, Leach of Franklin, Follansby of Exeter, Bales of Wilton, and O'Shea of Laconia.

On motion of Mr. Smith of Alexandria,-Resolved, That the Committee on Fisheries and Game be instructed to ascertain whether the public are excluded from the right of fishing in any of the public waters of the state; if so, what waters and under what claims or pretenses, and to report by bill or otherwise the action which they recommend to be taken in the premises.

On motion of Mr. Upton of Manchester, at 12 o'clock, the House adjourned.


The House met at 3 o'clock.


A message from the Honorable Senate, by its Clerk, announced that the Senate had adopted the following concurrent resolution in which the concurrence of the House was requested :Resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring, that a committee of three on the part of the Senate be appointed to confer with a like committee on the part of the House, to make assignment of rooms to the various committees and employés of both branches of the Legislature. The Senate named as members of such committee on the part of the Senate, Senators Brown, Woodbury, and Langley. The House concurred in the concurrent resolution, and the Speaker named as such committee on the part of the House, Messrs. Leach of Franklin, Spring of Lebanon, and Howard of Manches


The message also announced that the Senate had adopted the following resolution :-Resolved, That the House of Representatives be notified that the Senate will meet the House of Representatives in joint convention at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, January 16, for the purpose of electing secretary of state, state treasurer, and public printer. The House concurred in the resolution.


By unanimous consent, the general order was taken up, and

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