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An act to enable the Littleton village district to acquire and maintain water-works and an electric light plant.

To the Committee on Revision of Laws:

An act in relation to the salary of the justice of the police court of the city of Portsmouth.

To the Committee on Incorporations :

An act to incorporate the Diamond Granite Company.

The following entitled bill sent up from the House of Representatives, was read a first and second time:

An act to authorize the Lancaster Fire Precinct to issue bonds.

On motion of Senator Gould, the rules were so far suspended that the bill was read a third time and passed at the present time.

On motion of the same Senator, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met according to adjournment.

Senator Baker, having assumed the chair, read the following communication:

Hon. W. D. Baker:

CONCORD, January 24, 1895.

MY DEAR SIR: As I shall be absent from the city to-morrow, will you kindly take the chair and preside during the session of the Senate?

Very truly yours,

F. W. ROLLINS, President.

The reading of the journal having been commenced, on motion of Senator Edgerly the rules were so far suspended that its further reading was dispensed with.

On motion of Senator Van Dyke, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met according to adjournment.

Senator Baker, having assumed the chair, read the following communication:

Hon. W. D. Baker:

CONCORD, January 28, 1895.

MY DEAR SIR: As I shall be absent from the city this evening, will you kindly take the chair, and preside during the session?

Very truly yours,

F. W. ROLLINS, President.

The journal was read and approved.

On motion of Senator Reed, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met according to adjournment.

The journal was read and approved.

The following message was received from the House of Representatives, by its clerk :

Mr. President:


The House of Representatives has passed the following concurrent resolution, in the passage of which it asks the concurrence of the Honorable Senate:

Resolved, by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring :

That the janitor, or other proper officer in charge of the State House, be instructed to raise the flags upon the wings of the State House at the opening of the morning and afternoon sessions of the Senate and House of Representatives, and lower them upon the adjournment of the respective branches, and that this rule be observed during the present session.

The Senate concurred in the passage of the foregoing resolution.

Senator Gould moved the adoption of the following resolution :

Resolved, that the clerk be instructed to procure thirty bill holders (called Keystone holders) for the use of the Senate.

The motion was lost.

Senator Bartlett for the Committee on Fisheries and Game, to whom was referred the bill entitled: "An act to prohibit the taking of fish through the ice on Otter lake, in the town of Greenfield," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted.

On motion of Senator Wason, the rules were so far suspended that the following entitled bill was read a third time, passed, and sent to the House of Representatives for con


An act to prohibit the taking of fish through the ice on Otter lake, in the town of Greenfield.

The following entitled Senate bills, having been printed, were taken from the table and ordered to a third reading this afternoon at 3 o'clock:

An act in amendment of section 2 of chapter 265 of the Public Statutes in relation to minors.

An act amending section 5 of chapter 43 of the Public Statutes relating to the election of selectmen.

Senator Sinclair of District No. 24, under suspension of the rules, sixteen senators actually voting in favor thereof, introduced a bill entitled "An act in amendment of the charter of the Consolidated Hand Method Lasting Machine Company," which was read a first and second time and referred to the Committee on Incorporations.

On motion of Senator Gordon the Senate adjourned.


The following entitled Senate bills were severally read a third time, passed, and sent to the House of Representatives for con


An act in amendment of section 2 of chapter 265 of the Public Statutes in relation to minors.

An act amending section 5 of chapter 43 of the Public Statutes, relating to the election of selectmen.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills made the following report which was accepted:

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report that they have carefully examined and found correctly engrossed a bill with the following title:

An act to authorize the Lancaster fire district to issue bonds.


For the committee.

The following message was received from the House of Representatives by its clerk:


Mr. President:

The House of Representatives has passed the following entitled bill, in the passage of which it asks the concurrence of the Honorable Senate:

An act in amendment of the charter of the city of Portsmouth, creating a board of police commissioners for said city.

The following entitled bill sent up from the House of Representatives was read a first and second time and referred :

To the Committee on Judiciary:

An act in amendment of the charter of the city of Portsmouth creating a board of police commissioners for said city.

Senator Barker for the Committee on Agriculture, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act in amendment of chapter 127 of the Public Statutes relating to the sale of adulterated butter, oleomargarine, and imitation cheese," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted and the bill laid on the table to be printed under the rule.

Senator Bartlett for the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the joint resolution relating to the boundary line between this State and Massachusetts, having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted.

On motion of Senator Gould the rules were so far suspended

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