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that the following joint resolution was read a third time and passed at the present time:

Joint resolution relating to the boundary line between this State and Massachusetts.

Senator Reed moved the adoption of the following resolu


Resolved, That the clerk be instructed to notify the New Hampshire Democratic Press Co., that on and after this date no copies of the daily People and Patriot will be taken for the use of the Senate.

The question being stated,

Shall the resolution be adopted?

Senator Bartlett moved that the resolution be indefinitely postponed.

(Discussion ensued.)

The motion was lost.

Senator Sinclair of District No. 24 moved that the resolution be laid on the table.

The question being stated,

Shall the resolution be laid on the table?

The same senator called for a division, with the following result:

Four senators voted in the affirmative.

Fifteen senators voted in the negative.

The negative prevailed, and the motion was lost.

Senator Bartlett demanded the yeas and nays.

The clerk proceeded to call the roll.

The following Senators voted in the affirmative:

Senators Van Dyke, F. W. Rollins, Woodbury, Bartlett, Folsom, C. A. Sinclair.

The following Senators voted in the negative :

Senators Baker, Palmer, A. L. Rollins, W. C. Sinclair, Knight, Holt, Wason, Brown, Edgerly, Barker, Reed, Murry, Gould, Gordon, Stevens, Gale, Langley.

Six Senators having voted in the affirmative.

Seventeen having voted in the negative,

The negative prevailed and the motion was lost.

Senator Sinclair of District No 24 moved that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

The motion was lost.

Question recurring,

Shall the resolution be adopted?

The affirmative prevailed, and the resolution was adopted.

Senator Reed moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, That the clerk be instructed to procure forty copies of the Portsmouth Times for the use of the Senate.

The question being stated,

Shall the resolution be adopted?

On motion of Senator Sinclair of District No. 24, the resolution was laid on the table.

On motion of Senator Bartlett, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met according to adjournment.

The reading of the journal having been commenced, on motion of Senator Murry the rules were so far suspended that its further reading was dispensed with.

Senator Bartlett for the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act in amendment of chapter 147 of the Public Statutes, relating to voluntary corporations," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted, and the bill ordered to a third reading this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Senator Gale for the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act for the assessment of a tax on bicycles and tricycles," having considered the same, reported the same with the following resolution :

Resolved, That it is inexpedient to legislate.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Senator Edgerly for the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to enable women in this State to fill the office of notary public; to legalize the appointment of those heretofore appointed, commissioned, and qualified, and legalize their official acts," having considered the same, reported the same with the following resolution:

Resolved, That it is inexpedient to legislate.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

Senator Baker for the Committee on Incorporations, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to amend the

charter of the Garvin's Falls Power Company, and to confirm its organization," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted and the bill ordered to a third reading this afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Senator Baker, for the Committee on Incorporations, reported a bill entitled "An act to authorize McCullom Institute to acquire, hold, and convey real estate and receive donations," and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted, and the bill was read a first and second time and laid on the table be printed under the rule.

The following report from the Committee on Engrossed Bills was read and accepted:

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report that they have carefully examined, and found correctly engrossed, the following joint resolution :

Joint resolution relating to the boundary line between this State and Massachusetts.



Senator Rollins for the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act in amendment of the charter of the City of Portsmouth, creating a board of police commissioners for said city," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage.

The report was accepted.

The question being stated,

Shall the bill be read a third time?

Senator Sinclair of District No. 24 offered the following amendment:


Amend section 4 of the bill by striking out the word

eighty" in the fifteenth line and inserting instead thereof the word "twenty."

[blocks in formation]

The following Senators voted in the negative:

Senators Van Dyke, Baker, Palmer, A. L. Rollins, W. C. Sinclair, Holt, Wason, Towle, F. W. Rollins, Edgerly, Reed, Murry, Gould, Woodbury, Gale, and Langley.

Two Senators having voted in the affirmative, and sixteen Senators having voted in the negative, the negative prevailed and the amendment was rejected.

Senator Bartlett offered the following amendment :

Strike out the words "Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council," in the second line of section 2, and insert instead thereof the words "Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Portsmouth."

The question being stated,

Shall the amendment be adopted?

(Discussion ensued.)

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