An act for the punishment of parents who neglect to provide for the support of their minor children. An act in amendment of section 1, chapter 39 of the Public Statutes, relating to the purity of elections. An act in amendment of section 15, chapter 34 of the Public Statutes, relating to the preservation of ballots. Joint resolution providing for the printing of the proceedings at the dedication of the State Library Building, January 8, 1895. The following entitled bills and joint resolutions, sent up from the House of Representatives, were severally read a first and second time and referred: To the Committee on Judiciary: An act in amendment of section 1, chapter 39 of the Public Statutes, relating to the purity of elections. An act relating to the insurance of the property of the state, and in amendment of chapter 11 of the Laws of 1893. An act to prohibit public officers from accepting or receiving loans, gifts, or gratuities from criminals or persons engaged in any unlawful business. An act in amendment of section 15, chapter 34 of the Public Statutes, relating to the preservation of ballots. An act for the punishment of parents who neglect to provide for the support of their minor children. To the Committee on Towns and Parishes: An act to sever a certain tract of land from the town of Brentwood and annex the same to the town of Epping. To the Committee on Education : An act in amendment of chapter 92 of the Public Statutes relating to teachers and school boards. To the Committee on State Library: Joint resolution providing for the publishing of the proceedings at the dedication of the State Library Building, January 8, 1895. To the Committee on Agriculture : An act to encourage the breeding of and improvement in trotting and pacing horses in the State of New Hampshire. On motion of Senator Sinclair of District No. 24, the Senate adjourned. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1895. The Senate met according to adjournment. Senator Brown having assumed the chair, read the following communication: Hon. E. H. Brown: CONCORD, January 31, 1895. MY DEAR SIR: As I shall be absent from the city to-morrow, will you kindly take the chair and preside during the morning session of the Senate? Yours truly, FRANK W. ROLLINS, President. The reading of the journal having been commenced, on motion of Senator Wason, the rules were so far suspended. that its further reading was dispensed with. On motion of the same Senator, the Senate adjourned. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1895. The Senate met according to adjournment. The reading of the journal having been commenced, on motion of Senator Brown, the rules were so far suspended that its further reading was dispensed with. On motion of the same Senator, the Senate adjourned. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1895. The Senate met according to adjournment. The journal was read and approved. The following report from the Committee on Engrossed Bills was read and accepted: The Committee on Engrossed Bills report that they have carefully examined, and found correctly engrossed, bills with the following titles: An act to enable the Littleton Village District to acquire and maintain water-works and an electric light plant. An act to amend section 9 of chapter 176 of the Laws of 1893, creating the Littleton Village District. An act in amendment of chapter 94 of the Laws of 1872, entitled "An act in relation to Union School District, No. 1, in Tilton." EDWARD B. WOODBURY, The following entitled Senate bills having been printed were taken from the table and ordered to a third reading this afternoon at 3 o'clock: An act to incorporate the Berlin Street Railway. An act providing that certain sessions of the public schools shall be devoted to exercises of a patriotic nature. An act in amendment of chapter 127 of the Public Statutes, relating to the sale of adulterated butter, oleomargarine, and imitation cheese. An act to authorize the McCullom Institute to acquire, hold, and convey real estate and receive donations. On motion of Senator Towle, the Senate adjourned. AFTERNOON. The following entitled Senate bills were severally read a third time, passed, and sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence: An act to incorporate the Berlin Street Railway. An act providing that certain sessions of the public schools shall be devoted to exercises of a patriotic nature. An act in amendment of section 5 of chapter 8 of the Public Statutes, relating to books admitted to the State Library. An act to authorize the McCullom Institute to acquire, hold, and convey real estate and receive donations. The following entitled Senate bill was read a third time: An act in amendment of chapter 127 of the Public Statutes, relating to the sale of adulterated butter, oleomargarine, and imitation cheese. The question being stated, Shall the bill pass? Senator Gould moved that the bill be laid on the table. The motion prevailed, and the bill was laid on the table. Senator Gale for the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act relating to the insurance of the property of the state and in amendment of chapter II of the Laws of 1893," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage. The report was accepted and the bill ordered to a third reading to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Senator Knight for the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to prevent the display of foreign flags on public buildings," having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage. The report was accepted and the bill laid on the table to be printed under the rule. Senator Gordon for the Committee on State Library, to whom was referred the joint resolution, providing for the printing of the proceedings at the dedication of the State Library Building, January 8, 1895, having considered the same, reported the same without amendment and recommended its passage. The report was accepted and the joint resolution ordered to a third reading to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Senator Bartlett for the Committee on Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act in amendment of section 1, chapter 39 of the Public Statutes, relating to the purity of elections," having considered the same, reported the same with the following resolution: Resolved, That it is inexpedient to legislate. |