PRINTED FOR THE USE OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 USA 5 SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY, UNITED STATES SENATE. HENRY F. HOLLIS, New Hampshire, Chairman. BLAIR LEE, Maryland. COE I. CRAWFORD, South Dakota. SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ROBERT J. BULKLEY, Ohio, Chairman. WILLIAM G. BROWN, West Virginia. HARRY H. SELDOMRIDGE, Colorado. J. WILLARD RAGSDALE, South Carolina. FRANK P. WOODS, Iowa. EDMUND PLATT, New York. D OF D 1058 23 LIST OF WITNESSES. Ady, Abel, Klamath Falls, Oreg. Alexander, H. Q., physician and farmer, Matthews, N. C.. Page. 429, 964 280 969 -Atkeson, T. C., farmer, Morgantown, W. Va. 260 Badow, Gerard, M. J., journalist, Chicago, Ill.. 570 Bathrick, Hon. Ellsworth R., Member of Congress from Ohio 858 Breitung, Edward N., mining engineer, Marquette, Mich... 319 Brooks, Prof. T. J., Agricultural and Mechanical College of Mississippi. 240 Coulter, John Lee, secretary United States Commission to Investigate and 151, 830 Cunningham, John, farmer, Granville, Ohio. 599 Doak, W. B., farmer, Clifton Station, Va... 662 Daniel, T. Cushing, financial writer, Washington, D. C........... 764 Fischer, George, secretary Northwest Land & Home Builders' Union, Redfield, 134 Fletcher, Duncan U., Senator from Florida 1 Hill, John Sprunt, Durham, N. C...... 442 Hulings, Hon. Willis J., Member of Congress from Pennsylvania . 947 784 608, 682 Jordon, Hon. Harvie, member United States Commission on Rural Credits.... Moss, Hon. Ralph W., Member of Congress from Indiana.. 69, 889 Myrick, Herbert, president Orange Judd Co., Springfield, Mass 513, 965 Norris, Hon. George W., Senator from Nebraska... 915 Norton, Hon. Patrick D., Member of Congress from North Dakota. 952 405 Quick, Herbert, editor, Springfield, Ohio. 799 Robinson, Leonard G., general manager Jewish Agricultural Industrial Aid 537 Ryan, William A., comptroller, Reclamation Service, Washington, D. C... 932 217, 438, 825 Lubin, David, Shibley, George H., director American Bureau of Political Research, Washington, D. C.... Southgate, Thomas S., merchant, Norfolk, Va.. Van Cortland, Robert B., retired banker and farmer. Von Engelken, F. J. H., farmer, East Palatka, Fla.. RURAL CREDITS. FEBRUARY 16, 1914. UNITED STATES SENATE, The subcommittees assembled in joint session at 10.30 o'clock a. m., Hon. Henry F. Hollis presiding. Present: Senator Lee and Messrs. Bulkley, Brown, Stone, Seldomridge, Weaver, Hayes, Woods and Platt. Present also: Senator Robert L. Owen, chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency. Senator HOLLIS. Senator Fletcher, will you state your connection with the subject of rural credits up to this time, for the record? STATEMENT OF HON. DUNCAN U. FLETCHER, A SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA. Senator FLETCHER. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee: As president of the Southern Commercial Congress, I had some correspondence with Mr. David Lubin, the American delegate to the International Institute of Agriculture, with headquarters in Rome, Italy, and Mr. Lubin brought this subject to my attention, and I invited him to come to our next convention in Nashville, Tenn., in April, 1912, to discuss the subject there. Mr. Lubin replied that if we would get the consent of the State Department granting him leave of absence and assemble representatives of the different States, and give him a week there, he would be glad to come; that he did not feel like he could cross the ocean merely to make a speech at the convention. It was a good-sized undertaking, but we started into do that, and finally we got leave of absence, throught Secretary Knox, for Mr. Lubin, and we succeeded in assembling representatives from 27 States in Nashville; and Mr. Lubin came and brought all the data that he had been collecting for years, practically ever since he succeeded in establishing that international institute of agriculture, which was in 1905; and they spent six days in Nashville, studying the subject there under the guidance of Mr. Lubin. And at our convention Mr. Lubin delivered his address, and a resolution was adopted calling on the Southern Commercial Congress to assemble a commission, to be composed of two qualified and representative men from each State, if possible, for the purpose of going to Europe and studying the various systems in operation in those countries for the benefit of agriculture primarily. It was a good, big contract, but the resolution was adopted by our convention, and we went to work to carry it out as far as possible. I rather protested at the time that the commission was too large. 37031-14-1 1 |