May, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, ten dollars' worth of labor shall be performed or improvements made by the tenth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and each year thereafter, for each one hundred feet in length along the vein until... United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court - Page 71by United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1898Full view - About this book
| United States. Congress - 1872 - 912 pages are held in common such expenditure may be made upon any one claim; and upon a failure to ¡j comply with these conditions, the claim or mine upon...representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after such failure and before such location. Upon I the failure of any one of several copwuers to contribute... | |
| United States. President - 1872 - 1104 pages to relocation in the same manner as if no location of the same bad ever been made: 1'rotidnJ, That the original locators, their heirs, assigns,...representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after such failure and before •••ii-h location. Upon the failure of any ono of several co-owners to... | |
| United States. President - 1872 - 786 pages to relocation in tho same manner as if no location of the same had evtr been made: J'roridal, That the original locators, their heirs, assigns, or legal representatives, have not resumed work npon tho claim after such failure and before such location. Upon tho failure of any one of several... | |
| Rossiter Worthington Raymond - 1873 - 600 pages
...performed or improvements made for each one hundred feet in length along the vein until a patent shall have been issued therefor; but where such claims are held...representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after such failure and before such location. Upon the failure of nny one of several co-owners to contribute... | |
| Rossiter Worthington Raymond - 1873 - 584 pages
...therefor; but where such claims are held in common such expenditure may be made upon any one claim 5 and upon a failure to comply with these conditions,...representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after such failure and before such location. Upon the failure of any one of several co-owners to contribute... | |
| United States - 1873 - 1188 pages
...any one claim ; and upon a failure to comply with these conditions, the claim or mine upon which srch failure occurred shall be open to relocation in the...representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after such failure and before such location. Upon the failure of any one of several co-owners to contribute... | |
| United States - 1873 - 1192 pages
...manner as if no location of the same had ever been made: Provided, That the original locators, (heir heirs, assigns, or legal representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after sucli failure and before such location. Upon the failure of any one of several co-owners to contribute... | |
| United States. General Land Office, Henry Norris Copp - 1874 - 382 pages
...such failure occurred shall be open to relocation in the same manner as if no location of the same hod ever been made: Provided, That the original locators,...representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after such failure and before such location. Upon the failure of any one of several co-owners to contribute... | |
| Henry Norris Copp - 1875 - 1000 pages
...ground so that its boundaries can be readily traced. All records of mining-claims hereafter made shail contain the name or names of the locators, the date...the claim after failure and before such location. Upon the failure of any one of several со- owners to contribute his proportion of the expenditures... | |
| Arizona - 1875 - 248 pages
...vein until a patent shall have been issued therefor; but where such claims are held in common,such expenditure may be made upon any one claim; and upon...representatives, have not resumed work upon the claim after such failure and before such location. Upon the failure of any one of several co-owners to contribute... | |
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