THE LAW MAGAZINE, AND LAW REVIEW; OR, Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence. NOVEMBER, 1865, TO FEBRUARY, 1866. VOLUME XX. LONDON: BUTTERWORTHS, 7, FLEET STREET, Jaw Publishers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1866. LONDON: FAITHFULL & CO., PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, VICTORIA PRESS, 83A, FARRINGDON STREET, AND 14, PRINCES STREET, STOREY'S GATE, WESTMINSTER. : INDEX TO VOL. XX. Bankruptcy Reform, 124. Events of the Quarter, 162, 353. Extract of a Letter from Lord Brougham to the Earl of On the Construction of Specifications of Patents, 188. Ritualism in its Legal Aspect, 215. |