Bodily harm, what amounts to assault, with grievous .........274-5 Firing loaded pistol into group shews intention to do 275 .... 270 Capital felony, assault may in some cases amount to............ 279 Common assault, when there may be conviction of Con. Stat. Can., c. 91, did not apply to ..272-3 ....... 276 Complaint of, under 32 & 33 Vic., c. 20, s. 43, cannot be withdrawn ........ Conductor on train not liable for assault... 515 .271-2 Consent, can be no assault where there is (see Rape)................................270-1 .........279-80 Need not shew that complainant prayed Magistrate to proceed summarily...... 280 Nor that assault made unlawfully 280 Correction, moderate, is justifiable (see Master) 277 Crime, including assault, may be conviction of assault, on Indictment, for carnally knowing girl, may be conviction of When should set out means used to inflict grevious bodily harm............. 274 Justification of assault in self defence, what amounts to .276-7 Of shooting with pistol.... 276 No justification of excessive force........ 279 Maliciousness, necessary in assault, under 32 & 33 Vic., c. 20, No right to appear before Justices in charges of indictable Probability of non-appearance........... On charges of perjury arson, larceny, murder, treason, felony 583 583 ....584-5 PAGE BAIL (Continued- On application for, Court may look at information and remedy 586 Persons, in execution by legal process Obligatory, in case of misdemeanor as well after as before indictment found .... .......585-6 After two trials and discharges of jury for disagreement.....586-7 If offence bailable may be relieved at any time, on giving 588 Practice as to entering up judgment on the recognizance...... 588 Application made on affidavits entitled in the Queen's Bench 590 590 BARRISTER- Not allowed at Coroner's inquest 539 Motion for Criminal Information must be made by (see Coun- After absence for seven years, prosecution must prove that Common law of England, as to marriages introduced......21-2,164 Marriage, before age of, must be ratified....... ...167-8 168 21-2,164 First wife, not admissible till proof of first marriage........ 162 Foreign Country, when marriage in will be held invalid here 167 168 Jewish marriage, written contract not essential to validity of 167 In foreign country, by persons not British subjects....... 167 Minors may marry by banns Onus of proof, when on prosecution...................... ..165-6 163 Presumption that person not heard of for seven years is dead 164 |