Conviction should state defendant to be of some calling named No power to convict summarily under Act for repressing riots ... 448 Suit pending whether must be (see Champerty). .156-7 Damaging property, under Con. Stats. Can., c. 93, s. 28..... 521 Must have legal authority (see Authority, Apprehension, .258-9 256-61 Knowledge of character in which officer acts, must be 256-61 PAGE MANSLAUGHTER (Continued)- Officer of justice, killing of Peace, arrest for breach of Private person, arrest by (se Arrest). Removal of person unlawfully in house. Servant, killing of domestic... Suspicion of felony, arrest for. Voluntary manslaughter MARRIAGE- English Law as to, introduced (see Bigamy) MASTER AND SERVANT- Act Con. Stat. U. C., c. 75, as to. ... Does not apply to school trustees and school teacher What agreements within Act....... Conviction does not determine contract of service. Must shew that person servant at time 256 258 259-60 261 .253 4 .259-60 252 21-2 429 429 430 430 430-1 431 431 442 Complaint must be upon oath Jurisdiction under 12 Vic., c. 55... MERGER- Of lesser offence in greater 78-9 MOLESTATION OR OBSTRUCTION- By master or workman (see Strikes-Trades' Union Act) MONOPOLY- By-law as to market stalls. For exempting new manufactures Rules in restraint of trade. Strikes not necessarily illegal... 79 79 608 627 All liable for committing, in prosecution of unlawful purpose 98-9 Must state act done feloniously, and of malice afore- NEW BRUNSWICK (see English Laws in force). NEW TRIAL- When it must be moved for, within first four days of term... 234 Not now granted in case of felony....... .631-2 When indictment removed by certiorari, and tried at assizes 632-3 Boom in river Fine for non-abatement. Compelling through Sheriff Action lies for, to navigable waters. Fresh actions for continuing nuisance Where action lies indictment lies Civil right, course when indictment for trial of Court, questions for..... Dam may be Disorderly houses Evidence on indictment for Highway, non-repair of, is Ill-fame, conviction for keeping house of Indictment lies for public. Is proper remedy for.. 201 201 201 201-2 197 202 202 232 .200-1 22-8 199-200 198 233 199 198 197 200 Course, when proceeding by, is substantially for trial of |