OBJECTIONS (Continued)— PAGE To Judge's ruling or direction should be raised at trial...... 609 OBSTRUCTING ENGINE OR CARRIAGE— Act 32 & 23 Vic., c. 22, s. 40, as to What is offence within..... Not limited to physical obstructions..... ..609-10 435 435 435-6 OBSTRUCTING THE EXECUTION OF PUBLIC JUSTICE— Acting in execution of duty, and under proper authority....235–6 Knowledge of character in which officer acts not necessary 234 OFFICE, OFFENCES BY PERSONS IN- Attachment granted against Commissioners for trying cause 144 Clerk of Peace cannot charge any fees not given by law..... .... ..... Deputy Returning Officer indictable for refusing to administer oath Extortion, what is .. 149-150 143 143 OFFICE, OFFENCES BY PERSONS IN (Continued) — Indictment for.... Is misdemeanor .... PAGE 144 143 Indemnity, would be illegal for Judge to take.. Indictment, when lies, when good 145 143 If remotely connected with one of parties, no objection.. 152 Justice, when can act, if himself assaulted 152 Neglect to execute duties indictable 143 Registrar and deputy may be jointly guilty of misdemeanor.. 143 148 ORDER RESPECTING DISTRESS FOR RENT- Sufficient to follow the form given in the Con. Stats. U. C., c. 123..... OVERSEER OF POOR OF PARISH- Liable to indictment for not accounting 256 438 448 OYER AND TERMINER- Whether Commissions now necessary for holding Court of ..592-3 PARDON- Does not remove effect of attainder by Court Martial PARLIAMENT PAGE Publication of debates in (see Libel) 178 PARLIAMENTARY OFFENCES- Members of Parliament not liable for statements in House .. 240 Courts, power of, to enquire into commitments by Parliament 242 241 242 PARTNER- Agreement to defraud copartner .402-3 Conviction for selling liquor without license will lie against.. 135 315 PAWNBROKERS' ACT- Only applies to persons exercising trade of pawnbroker....436-7 Common Law offence, when affidavit not sworn in judicial Must be two witnesses, or proof of material facts......400-1 Insurance company, affidavit as to loss by fire.. .387-8 Prayer book of Church of England, oath taken on... 393 Drunkenness, how it affects criminal liability Feme Covert not liable for crime committed in her husband's 95 But this only presumption ad may be rebutted....... 95 Protection does not extend to crimes mala in se as treason, Under seven, not liable..... Rule between seven and fourteen Under fourteen cannot commit rape.. may be principal in second degree ... 91 92 But |