National banks derive their general powers from section 5136 of the Revised Statutes (12 U. S. C. 24) including all such incidental powers as are necessary to carry on the business of banking. Since installment purchase contracts represent evidences of debt national banks may legally acquire them. Therefore no State statute can deprive such banks of that power or append conditions which would require national banks to obtain licenses or pay license fees. However, some State officials disagree with this view and contend that the national banks must comply fully with all the provisions of the State law including the examining and licensing requirement. In order to eliminate controversies with State banking officials who seek to enforce State licensing and examining requirements with respect to national banks, section 5136 should be amended to follow the above recommendation. Amendment of this section in accordance with our recommendation will, of course, merely be declaratory of existing law. Existing law 6. CONTRIBUTIONS BY NATIONAL BANKS Title 12, U. S. C., sec. 24, par. eighth (U. S. R. S., sec. 5136).—Upon duly making and filing articles of association and an organization certificate, the association shall become, as from the date of the execution of its organization certificate, a body corporate, and as such, and in the name designated in the organization certificate, it shall have power Eighth. To contribute to community funds, or to charitable, philanthropic, or benevolent instrumentalities conducive to public welfare, such sums as its board of directors may deem expedient and in the interests of the association, if it is located in a State the laws of which do not expressly prohibit State banking institutions from contributing to such funds or instrumentalities. Recommendation It is recommended that this statute be amended to permit national banks to make contributions in such sums as its board of directors may deem expedient and in the interests of the association to educational institutions not operated for profit and to organizations established for the purpose of civic improvement or betterment. The right of national banks to make such contributions should be made express. Organizations established for the purpose of civic improvement and betterment would include local development corporations designed to attract industry to the locality in which the bank is located. This statute should also be amended to eliminate the requirement that the national bank must be located in a State the laws of which do not expressly prohibit State banking institutions from contributing to such funds or instrumentalities. Reasons There has always been doubt whether under the existing statute national banks could legally make contributions of the type which it is recommended they should be permitted to make. Since national banks may now make contributions to charitable, philanthropic, or benevolent instrumentalities conducive to public welfare, there would seem to be little doubt that they should also be permitted to make contributions to educational institutions which are not operated for private profit. Also, national banks existing in particular localities have the same moral obligations to support organizations established to benefit the community as do other corporations and individuals. Consequently, the law should permit them to make contributions to such organizations. It cannot be denied that local development corporations which seek to attract industry to their communities will, if successful, benefit the entire community and contributions to them would be in the best interests of the banks. There is no reason why the status of State laws in relation to State banks should be a condition to the making of contributions by national banks. 7. CHANGE OF LOCATION OF A NATIONAL BANK Existing law Title 12, U. S. C., sec. 30.-That any national banking association may change its name or the place where its operations of discount and deposit are to be carried on, to any other place within the State, but not more than thirty miles distant with the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, by the vote of shareholders owning two-thirds of the stock of such association. A duly authenticated notice of the vote and of the new name or location selected shall be sent to the office of the Comptroller of the Currency; but no change of name or location shall be valid until the Comptroller shall have issued his certificate of approval of the same. Recommendation Amend statute to eliminate the word "place" and substitute the word "location" and provide that no change in location of the main office within the limits of the city, town, or village in which it is located will be permissible without the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency. Reason The Comptroller has interpreted this statute to mean that a bank may change the location of its head office within the city where it was chartered to do business without his approval. It is believed that all changes of location should be subject to his approval. Existing law 8. CONSOLIDATIONS AND MERGERS OF BANKS Title 12, U. S. C., sec. 33.-That any two or more national banking associations located within the same State, county, city, town, or village may, with the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, consolidate into one association under the charter of either existing banks, on such terms and conditions as may be lawfully agreed upon by a majority of the board of directors of each association proposing to consolidate, and be ratified and confirmed by the affirmative vote of the shareholders of each such association owning at least two-thirds of its capital stock outstanding, at a meeting to be held on the call of the directors after publishing notice of the time, place, and object of the meeting for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the place where the said association is located, and if no newspaper is published in the place, then in a paper published nearest thereto, and after sending such notice to each shareholder of record by registered mail at least ten days prior to said meeting: Provided, That the capital stock of such consolidated association shall not be less than that required under existing law for the organization of a national bank in the place in which it is located: And provided further, That if such consolidation shall be voted for at said meetings by the necessary majorities of the shareholders of each of the associations proposing to consolidate, any shareholder of any of the associations so consolidated, who has voted against such consolidation at the meeting of the association of which he is a shareholder or has given notice in writing at or prior to such meeting to the presiding officer that he dissents from the plan of consolidation, shall be entitled to receive the value of the shares so held by him if and when said consolidation shall be approved by the Comptroller of the Currency, such value to be ascertained as of the date of the Comptroller's approval by an appraisal made by a committee of three persons, one to be selected by the shareholder, one by the directors, and the third by the two so chosen; and in case the value so fixed shall not be satisfactory to the shareholder he may within five days after being notified of the appraisal appeal to the Comptroller of the Currency, who shall cause a reappraisal to be made, which shall be final and binding; and if said reappraisal shall exceed the value fixed by said committee, the bank shall pay the expenses of the reappraisal; otherwise the appellant shall pay said expenses, and the value so ascertained and determined shall be deemed to be a debt due and be forthwith paid to said shareholder from said bank, and the share so paid shall be surrendered and after due notice sold at public aution within thirty days after the final appraisement provided for in this Act. Publication of notice and notification by registered mail of the meeting provided for in the foregoing paragraph may be waived by unanimous action of the shareholders of the respective associations. Where a dissenting shareholder has given notice as above provided to the association of which he is a shareholder of his dissent from the plan of consolidation, and the directors thereof fail for more than thirty days thereafter to appoint an appraiser of the value of his shares, said shareholder may request the Comptroller of the Currency to appoint such appraiser to act on the appraisal committee for and on behalf of such association. If shares, when sold at public auction in accordance with this section, realize a price greater than their final appraised value, the excess in such sale price shall be paid to the shareholder. The consolidated association shall be liable for all liabilities of the respective consolidating associations. In the event one of the appraisers fails to agree with the others as to the value of said shares, then the valuation of the remaining appraisers shall govern. Title 12, U. S. C., sec. 34.-That associations consolidating with another association under the provisions of this Act shall not be required to deposit lawful money for their outstanding circulation, but their assets and liabilities shall be reported by the association with which they have consolidated. And all the rights, franchises, and interests of the said national bank so consolidated in and to every species of property, personal and mixed, and choses in action thereto belonging, shall be deemed to be transferred to and vested in such national bank into which it is consolidated without any deed or other transfer, and the said consolidated national bank shall hold and enjoy the same and all rights of property, franchises, and interests in the same manner and to the same extent as was held and enjoyed by the national bank so consolidated therewith. Title 12, U. S. C., sec. 34a.-That any bank incorporated under the laws of any State, or any bank incorporated in the District of Columbia, may be consolidated with a national banking association located in the same State, county, city, town, or village under the charter of such national banking association on such terms and conditions as may be lawfully agreed upon by a majority of the board of directors of each association or bank proposing to consolidate, and which agreement shall be ratified and confirmed by the affirmative vote of the shareholders of each such association or bank owning at least two-thirds of its capital stock outstanding, or by a greater proportion of such capital stock in the case of such State bank if the laws of the State where the same is organized so require, at a meeting to be held on the call of the directors after publishing notice of the time, place, and object of the meeting for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published in the place where the said association or bank is situated, and in the legal newspaper for the publication of legal notices or advertisements, if any such paper has been designated by the rules of a court in the county where such association or bank is situated, and if no newspaper is published in the place, then in a paper of general circulation published nearest thereto, unless such notice of meeting is waived in writing by all stockholders of any such association or bank, and after sending such notice to each shareholder of record by registered mail at least ten days prior to said meeting, but any additional notice shall be given to the shareholders of such State bank which may be required by the laws of the State where the same is organized. The capital stock of such consolidated association shall not be less than that required under existing law for the organization of a national banking association in the place in which such consolidated association is located. Upon such a consolidation, or upon a consolidation of two or more national banking associations under section 1 of this Act, the corporate existence of each of the constituent banks and national banking associations participating in such consolidation shall be merged into and continued in the consolidated national banking association and the consolidated association shall be deemed to be the same corporation as each of the constituent institutions. All the rights, franchises, and interests of each of such constituent banks and national banking associations in and to every species of property, real, personal, and mixed, and choses in action thereto belonging, shall be deemed to be transferred to and vested in such consolidated national banking association without any deed or other transfer; and such consolidated national banking association, by virtue of such consolidation and without any order or other action on the part of any court or otherwise, shall hold and enjoy the same and all rights of property, franchise, and interests, including appointments, designations, and nominations and all other rights and interests as trustee, executor, administrator, registrar of stocks and bonds, guardian of estates, 83668-562 assignee, receiver, committee of estates of lunatics and in every other fiduciary capacity, in the same manner and to the same extent as such rights, franchises, and interests were held or enjoyed by any such constituent institution at the time of such consolidation: Provided, however, That where any such constituent institution at the time of such consolidation was acting under appointment of any court as trustee, executor, administrator, registrar of stocks and bonds, guardian of estates, assignee, receiver, committee of estates of lunatics or in any other fiduciary capacity, the consolidated national banking association shall be subject to removal by a court of competent jurisdiction in the same manner and to the same extent as was such constituent corporation prior to the consolidation, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair in any manner the right of any court to remove such a consolidated national banking association and to appoint in lieu thereof a substitute trustee, executor, or other fiduciary, except that such right shall not be exercised in such a manner as to discriminate against national banking associations, nor shall any such consolidated association be removed solely because of the fact that it is a national banking association. If such consolidation shall be voted for at said meetings by the necessary majorities of the shareholders of the association and of the State or other bank proposing to consolidate, and thereafter the consolidation shall be approved by the Comptroller of the Currency, any shareholder of either the association or the State or other bank so consolidated, who has voted against such consolidation at the meeting of the association of which he is a stockholder, or has given notice in writing at or prior to such meeting to the presiding officer that he dissents from the plan of consolidation, shall be entitled to receive the value of the shares so held by him if and when said consolidation shall be approved by the Comptroller of the Currency, such value to be ascertained as of the date of the Comptroller's approval by an appraisal made by a committee of three persons, one to be selected by the shareholder, one by the directors of the consolidated association, and the third by the two so chosen; and in case the value so fixed shall not be satisfactory to such shareholder he may within five days after being notified of the appraisal appeal to the Comptroller of the Currency, who shall cause a reappraisal to be made, which shall be final and binding; and the consolidated association shall pay the expenses of reappraisal, and the value as ascertained by such appraisal or reappraisal shall be deemed to be a debt due and shall be forthwith paid to said shareholder by said consolidated association, and the shares so paid for shall be surrendered and, after due notice, sold at public auction within thirty days after the final appraisement provided for in this Act; and if the shares so sold at public auction shall be sold at a price greater than the final appraised value, the excess in such sale price shall be paid to the said shareholder; and the consolidated association shall have the right to purchase such shares at public auction, if it is the highest bidder therefor, for the purpose of reselling such shares within thirty days thereafter to such person or persons and at such price as its board of directors by resolution may determine. The liquidation of such shares of stock in any State bank shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the law of the State in such cases if such provision is made in the State law; otherwise as herein before provided. No such consolidation shall be in contravention of the law of the State under which such bank is incorporated. |