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hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail for a period of not more than ninety days.

E. State University-General Hospital_

Chapter 411, An act creating the Minnesota General Hospital, relating to the Laws 1921, acceptance and treatment of county and state patients and other patients Page 622. in the Minnesota General Hospital; providing for partial payment for

indigent patients by the several counties; providing for co-operation between the Minnesota General Hospital and other hospitals; enabling counties and groups of counties to erect and maintain general hospitals and making appropriations.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

Section 1. The hospitals now and hereafter established in connection with the Medical School of the University of Minnesota shall be known as the Minnesota General Hospital. The Student Infirmary, the University Dispensary, and the Elliot Memorial Building shall be parts of the said Minnesota General Hospital.

Sec. 2. (1) Said Minnesota General Hospital shall be primarily and principally designed for the care of legal residents of Minnesota who are afflicted with a malady, deformity, or ailment of a nature which can probably be remedied by hospital service and treatment and who are unable, financially, to secure such care or, in case of a minor, whose parent, guardian, trustee or other person having lawful custody of his person, as the case may be is unable financially to secure such care. The Minnesota General Hospital is hereby designated as a place of treatment for such persons.

(2) Said hospital shall be utilized for such instruction and for such scientific research as will promote the welfare of the patients committed to its care, and assist in the application of science to the alleviation of human suffering.

Sec. 3. Whenever the existence of a case described in Section 2 of this act shall come to the notice of the sheriff, town clerk, health officer, public health nurse, policemen or any other public official, or any physician or surgeon, it shall be his duty to, and any other person may, file with the judge of probate of the county of the legal residence of such person, an application for the treatment of such person at the Minnesota General Hospital.

Such application shall be made in duplicate on blanks to be furnished by the Minnesota General Hospital, and shall contain a full statement of the financial situation of the person sought to be treated

and a general statement of his physical condition, and shall be verified.. Upon the filing of such application, the judge of probate shall make investigation in such manner as he shall deem advisable, and it shall be the duty of any public official of any county, city, town, village or ward of the residence of the person sought to be treated to supply to the judge of probate on request thereof, all information within his knowledge relative to the financial situation of the person sought to be treated. If after such investigation, said judge of probate shall be satisfied that the person on whose behalf the application is made is not financially able to provide himself witth such treatment, or, in case of a minor, that his parent, guardian or trustee, in representative capacity, or the person having legal custody over him or legally responsible for his support or maintenance, is not financially able to provide such treatment, then said judge shall appoint a physician of said county whose duty shall be personally to make an examination of the person on whose behalf said application for treatment has been filed. Said physician shall thereupon make and file with the judge of probate a verified report in writing, setting forth the nature and history of the case, and such other information as will be likely to aid in the medical or surgical treatment of the disease, malady, deformity or ailment affecting said person, and shall also state in said report whether or not, in his opinion, the condition of such person can probably be remedied at a hospital. The report of said physician shall be made in duplicate within such time as the court may direct, and upon blanks to be furnished by the Minnesota General Hospital for that purpose.

Said report shall include any information within the knowledge of said physician relative to the financial situation of the person proposed to be treated. The physician appointed to make said examination unless he is already a salaried officer of the state or some division thereof, shall receive five dollars for making said examination and in any case shall receive his actual and necessary expenses: which fee and expenses shall be paid by the county of residence of said patient; and it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to provide for such payment.

If, upon filing of said report, the judge of probate shall be satisfied that the case is one which should be treated at the Minnesota General Hospital, and that the person to be treated, or his parents, guardian, trustee or other person having legal custody of his person in case of a minor, is not financially able to provide such person with proper treatment, the judge of probate shall enter an order finding such facts. In case the court is not so satisfied he may take additional testimony or make such further investigation as to him shall seem proper. The court may reject any application which is found to be without sufficient merit. Upon the entry of the order of the judge of probate approving said

application, he shall communicate with the superintendent of the Minnesota General Hospital and ascertain whether or not the applicant can be received as a patient. If the Minnesota General Hospital can receive such applicant, the court shall thereupon certify his approval of such application to said hospital and to the chairman of the board of county commissioners. One copy of the application and the physicians' report shall be sent to the superintendent of said hospital.

If the court should find that an applicant or the person legally responsible for him is able to pay in part but not in full for care at the Minnesota General Hospital at the rate to be charged as determined in Section 5, the court may approve the application of such patient on such terms of division of hospital charges as the court may deem equitable and just.

Sec. 4. Upon approval of such application, if the patient is unable to travel alone the court may appoint a suitable official or person to take the patient to said hospital, and such person shall receive his actual and necessary expenses, and, if not a salaried officer of the state or any subdivision thereof, shall receive in addition $3.00 per day for the time actually and necessarily consumed in transporting said patient to said hospital and returning. The traveling expenses of such patient and the per diem and expenses of the person appointed to accompany him shall be paid by the county of residence of said patient, and it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of said county to provide for such payment.

Sec. 5. The Minnesota General Hospital shall treat patients admitted on certificate of the judge of probate of any county at rates based on actual cost as determined by the Board of Regents of the University. Any resident of the state, upon a proper showing to the Board of Regents of the University, that he is unable to pay ordinary physician's fees and hospital charges, may be received upon paying the same rate as charged for county patients. It shall be the duty for the Board of Regents to investigate applications made for such treatment under this section; and, if satisfied of the truth of the allegations made, and of the necessity for treatment, the Board of Regents shall admit such patients whenever there is room in said hospital.

Students of the University and such other patients as the Board of Regents to an extent that will not interfere with the primary purpose of said hospital as set forth in Section 2, may direct, may be received in said General Hospital whenever there is room and any fees received from such patient shall be used for the purposes of said hospital.

Sec. 6. No compensation shall be charged or received, by any officer of the Minnesota General Hospital, or by any physician or sur

geon or nurse in its employment, who shall treat or care for any patient in said hospital, other than the compensation provided for such persons by the Board of Regents of the University.

Sec. 7. The Board of Regents of the University shall file a verified monthly report with the State Auditor, containing an itemized statement of the expense charged against each patient received on certification of any probate court, together with the name of the county from which said patient was certified, and a statement of any sums paid by the patient, or by any person in his behalf. The state auditor shall audit such monthly report, and, upon finding same correct, he shall issue a warrant against the state treasurer for the net amount so certified. The state treasurer shall thereupon transfer such amount from the general fund of the state to the appropriation from University income provided by the Board of Regents for the maintenance of the Minnesota General Hospital.

Sec. 8. On or before the first day of October in each year the state auditor shall certify to each county the net amount due from it to the state for each patient for which said county is legally chargeable, in whole or in part, for the fiscal year ended on the 30th day of June next preceding, and the net total amount due from such county for all such patients for which it is chargeable during said fiscal year, which last amount shall be equal to one-half the total sum certified by the Board of Regents of the University for patients from said county and shall be a special charge against such county, and shall be certified, levied and collected with the general taxes and paid into the state treasury.

Sec. 9. Whenever, in the opinion of the superintendent of the Minnesota General Hospital, any patient should be discharged therefrom as cured, or as no longer needing treatment, or for the reason that treatment cannot benefit his case, said superintendent shall discharge said patient. If the patient is a county patient and is unable to return to his place of residence alone, said superintendent shall appoint some suitable person to accompany said patient from said hospital to his place of residence. Such person shall receive his actual and necessary expenses, and, if not a salaried officer of the state or any political subdivision thereof, shall receive in addition three dollars per day for the actual time necessarily consumed. The traveling expenses of all county patients and the said per diem and expense of person appointed to accompany such patients shall be part of the legitimate expense of caring for such patients in the Minnesota General Hospital and as such included by the superintendent in his monthly bill to the state auditor, provided for in Section 7.

Sec. 10. The State Board of Control may make application to the Board of Regents of the University, for the admission to the Minnesota

General Hospital of any inmate of any state institution under the said Board of Control, or any person committed to or applying for admission thereto, who is afflicted with any disease, malady, deformity or ailment, which can probably be remedied, or which can be advantageously treated by proper medical or surgical care at the Minnesota General Hospital. Said application shall be accompained by the report of the physician of said institution or by a physician appointed by the Board of Control, in the same form as reports of other physicians for admission of patients to said hospital. The superintendent of the Minnesota General Hospital shall decide whether such patient may be received by the hospital and if received when he shall be discharged or returned to the institution from which he came. The Board of Control shall pay the Regents of the University for the treatment of such patients at the same rate charged for county patients, and the expense of such treatment and of transporting such patient, to and from the Minnesota General Hospital shall be paid out of the appropriation for operation of the institution from which said patient is sent. Said Board of Control may, when necessary, send an attendant with or to bring back such patient and pay for traveling expenses in like manner.

Chapter 153,

F. County Boards.

1. Certain powers with reference to Industrial Home Schools.

An act to authorize the county board in any county in this state now Laws 1919, or hereafter having not less than 150,000 nor more than 220,000 inhabiPage 154. tants, and an area of over 5,000 square miles to establish by purchase or lease an industrial home school for girls; and to provide for the maintenance of the same.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

Section 1. Industrial home school for St. Louis county.That the board of county commissioners of any county in this state which now has or may hereafter have a population of over 150,000 and less than 220,000 inhabitants, and an area of over five thousand (5,000) square miles, shall have the power to acquire by lease, gift, purchase or condemnation land and a suitable house for and establish and maintain thereon an industrial home school for the confinement and care therein of any and all girls and women convicted of any violation of the laws of this state or of any city or village ordinance, who could be sentenced as punishment therefor to any prison, jail or lockup.

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