The county commissioners of all counties to which this act applies are hereby authorized, empowered and when they shall have established such home school are required to provide the necessary funds and to make all needful appropriations to carry out the provisions of this act. The maximum amount that may be expended by said board of county commissioners for the establishment of said home school shall not exceed $15,000 and for annual maintenance thereof shall not exceed $7,500. Said board of county commissioners may establish and maintain said school for the purpose of training and educating in all branches of domestic science the girls or women who shall become inmates thereof under the provisions of this act. All expenses incurred in establishing and maintaining said home school shall be paid on duly itemized and verified bills filed with, audited and allowed by the county board of such county, when properly approved by the matron of said home school, except the salary of the matron and assistant matrons who shall be paid in the same manner as other officers and employes of said county are paid. Sec. 2. Directors of home and vacancies officers.-That the board of county commissioners of any such county, whenever they shall determine to establish and maintain such home school, shall appoint a board consisting of three members, at least one of whom shall be a member of the county board of such county and one a woman. The members of any board appointed under the terms of this act shall be chosen with reference to their special fitness for such office. The board shall be known as the "Board of Industrial Home Directors." The members of said board shall serve without compensation or financial benefit, but they shall be entitled to reimbursements for all actual and reasonable expenses in connection with their official duties, an itemized and verified statement of which expenses shall be filed with and audited and allowed by said county board. The terms of the members of the first "Board of Industrial Home Directors" shall expire as follows: One on the first Monday of January of the first year hereafter; one on the first Monday in January of the second year; and one on the first Monday in January of the third year after their appointment. Upon expiration of such terms their successors shall be appointed in like manner for three years each. All vacancies on said board shall be filled by like appointment for the unexpired terms. Upon the appointment of the first board and annually thereafter on the first Monday in January the board shall elect from its number a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary, to serve for one year and until their successors qualify. The members of said board shall qualify by subscribing to and taking the usual oath of office and shall hold office as indicated above, or until their successors are appointed and have qualified. Sec. 3. To have full charge of school.-Said "Board of Industrial Home Directors" shall have full charge and control of said industrial home school and the erection of all buildings and the making of all improvements thereon, and shall have charge of furnishing the same with proper furniture and equipment. It shall appoint and employ a matron, and as many assistant matrons as may be required and other necessary help, and shall prescribe their duties and fix their compensation. And shall require to be taught in said school domestic science in all its branches and shall direct the establishment and maintenance of a careful curriculum for regular classes and study in relation thereto, and shall direct the matron to cause all girls and women confined therein to be employed at domestic labor and study as far as practicable. Sec. 4. To adopt rules and regulations, and designate matron and assistant matron and prescribe duties.-Said “Board of Industrial Home Directors" shall adopt such rules and regulations and enforce such discipline for the management and operation of said industrial home school as may be deemed necessary, and shall have power to adopt rules and regulations under which the inmates may be allowed. to work out by the day, when such inmates shall be sufficiently educated in domestic science to be qualified for such work. The written order of the matron or assistant matron shall be sufficient authority and warrant for any officer or constable or parole officer of this state to execute such order, and arrest and return to the custody of said industrial home any inmate that may have escaped or broken her parole, and it is hereby made the duty of any such sheriff, constable or police officer to execute any such order in the same manner as any other criminal process of this state is executed. The matron and assistant matrons of such industrial home school shall be vested with the duties of probation officers of the district court and said court shall have authority to appoint or designate one or more other persons of good character to serve as probation officers during the pleasure of the court without compensation. Sec. 5. Admission to home.—Any girl or woman who may be a resident of any county to which this act applies and who evinces a desire to be free from undesirable associations and to lead a better life shall, upon her personal request or the request of her parent or guardian and upon the recommendation of the matron, be admitted upon the order of the juvenile court of such county to such industrial home school and be subject to the rules and regulations thereof and be entitled to its protection and privileges for a period not exceeding ten days, provided such applicant may remain in said school for such further time as may be determined by the matron, subject, however, to the control of the board of directors, and when circumstances render it possible shall pay such reasonable charges as may be required by said Board of Industrial Home Directors. Sec. 6. Commitments.-The juvenile court of any such county may commit to such industrial home school for a period of not more than one year any girl duly adjudged by such court to be dependent, neglected or delinquent, and any such girl may be released therefrom at any time upon order of said court, and if it appear to the satisfaction of said court that any girl so committed is of a vicious or incorrigible character and not proper to be an inmate therein, then such court may recommit such person to any state or other institution authorized by law to receive her. Sec. 7. Commitment under sentence.—The district court and any municipal court or justice of the peace in such county may commit or parole into such industrial home school any girl or woman duly convicted by such court of any violation of the laws of this state or of any city or village ordinance and who could by such court be sentenced as punishment therefor to be confined in any prison, jail or village lockup. Any girl or woman who at any time shall have been committed to the county jail of such county may, during the time of her confinement therein, by order of the court making such commitment, be transferred from such jail and committed to such industrial home school for such time as to such court shall seem proper, not exceeding, however, the unexpired term of her sentence. If any girl or woman committed or paroled into such industrial home school is found to be vicious or incorrigible, and not amenable to the regulations of said industrial home school, she may be recommitted to the county jail of such county by the court from which said girl or woman was committed. Sec. 8. To be a place of detention.-Said school shall be a place of detention; and the district, juvenile and municipal courts and any justice of the peace of said county may commit to, parole to, or place in said school for temporary detention, any female coming within the respective jurisdictions of said courts, and any female who is committed to or placed therein may be released therefrom by order of said courts respectively. Sec. 9. Inconsistent acts repealed. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, including chapter 265, Laws of 1913, are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 31, 1919. Chapter 138, a. Power to employ county nurse. An act to amend an act entitled “An act authorizing city and village Laws 1921, councils, boards of county commissioners and town boards to employ Page 192. public health nurses," being Chapter 38, Laws of 1919. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Chapter 38, Laws 1919, amended. That Chapter 38, Laws of 1919, being an act entitled "an Act authorizing city and village councils, boards of county commissioners and town boards to employ public health nurses be amended to read as follows: Section 1. City and village councils, county boards and town boards authorized to employ public health nurses.-Every city council, village council, board of county commissioners and town board is hereby authorized and empowered to make appropriations for the employment and necessary expenses of public health nurses. Such nurses if not already registered in Minnesota, shall apply for registration immediately upon their employment and unless registered within six months from date of application, their further employment shall be illegal. It shall be the duty of such nurses to act in any one or more of the following capacities; as hygiene experts for schools or school districts within the county, not already provided with regular medical inspection; to assist authorities charged with the care of the poor in safeguarding the health of such persons; to assist in discovering and reporting cases of tuberculosis and other communicable diseases; to act as visiting nurses; to assist in giving health instruction; to perform such other similar duties as shall be directed by the board employing such nurses or the authority under whom such nurses are acting as hereinafter provided, and to make written reports through the board employing them to the state and local boards of health in such form and at such times as shall be prescribed by the state board of health. The board of county commissioners may detail any such public health nurses to act under the direction of the county superintendent of schools, the county child welfare board or the county health officer. Sec. 2. Definition of expenses. The term "expenses" as used in the preceding section may cover and include suitably furnished office rooms, records, stationery, postage, nursing and nurses' supplies, transportation, including the purchase and maintenance of automobiles, meals and lodging of nurses when on duty away from their place of residence, telephone rent and tolls, clerical assistance and such other actual expenses as shall be necessarily incidental to the carrying out of the above purposes. Appropriations heretofore made by any council or board for the year 1921 for public health nursing may be expended in accordance with the provisions of this act. |