Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine BY BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Rec. Nov, 12, 1889. WEED, PARSONS & COMPANY, PRINTERS AND ELECTROTYPERS, ALBANY, N. Y. TABLE OF CASES REPORTED. 122 495 688 Alves v. Henderson National Bank... 452 Childs ads. First National Bank, etc... 465 Anderson v. Philadelphia Warehouse Co Attleborough National Bank ads. Richards Bank v. McIntire.. Bank ads. Oldham Bank v. Zent Batchelder ads. Corcoran 707 City National Bank of Poughkeepsie v. Blye ads. Corn Exchange Bank 634 Coleman ads. Butler 291 Board, etc., of Albany ads. Stanley.. 268 278 Bollong ads. Schuyler National Bank. 558 Comrs., etc. ads. McAden 694 561 Continental Nat. Bank v. Folsom 350 Boston, City of, ads. National Bank, etc Bostwick ads. Brinckerhoff.... 300 Cook County Nat. Bank v. United 591 States 68 Britton ads. Evansville National Bank. 48 Davenport National Bank v. Board, 20 Evansville National Bank v. Britton... 48 |