OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION FOR NORTH DAKOTA, = HELD AT BISMARCK, THURSDAY, JULY 4 to AUG. 17, 1889, TOGETHER WITH THE ENABLING ACT OF CONGRESS AND THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT DIVISION OF TERRITORIAL PROPERTY. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA.: 1889. Journal of the Convention BISMARCK, D. T., July 4, 1889. The delegates elected to the convention to form a constitution for the new state of North Dakota assembled this day at 12 o'clock m., in the hall of the house of representatives in the territorial capitol in the city of Bismarck, under and by virtue of the provisions of the act of congress, approved February 2, 1889: "An act to provide for the division of Dakota into two states, and to enable the people of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington to form constitutions and state governments, and to be admitted into the union on an equal footing with the original states, and to make donations of public lands to such states." Hon. L. B. Richardson, secretary of the territory of Dakota, called the convention to order. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Anderson, of Bismarck. Secretary Richardson delivered a brief address to the delegates. Mr. Parsons moved that John A. Rea, of Bismarck, be elected secretary pro tem. Carried. Mr. Harris moved that R. M. Tuttle be elected stenographer pro tem. Carried. Mr. Parsons moved that the convention proceed to the election of a president. Mr. Williams moved, as an amendment, that the convention proceed to the election of a president pro tem. Amendment car ried. The original motion, as amended, was adopted. Mr. Moer moved that F. B. Fancher be elected president pro tem. The motion was agreed to.. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Williams were apponted a committee to escort Mr. Fanchor to the chair, and the duty assigned to them. was duly performed. |