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"and his mind

about as great as it is over the United States dis- | badge for a brevet in our service,) trict courts. If the Secretary of War is to super-reverts to the pay and pension which, in these insede the Commanding General in his duties, why stances, a grateful country has bestowed on her not dispense with that office? It would relieve the well deserving soldiers." Such is literally the case treasury of a heavy charge, some $7000 a year, with us. The only information which our Secreand in a short time render the whole Army so ob- tary can communicate is second-handed, and, as he noxious as to produce an entire re-organization or is so situated as to be daily, almost hourly, in condisbandment, the latter of which even would be stant intercourse with these staff gentlemen, it is not preferable to permitting it to remain in its present at all astonishing that their interests and their fame condition. But I would suggest whether the of alone are trumpeted by him. I appeal to you fice of Secretary of War might not be abolished whether such should be, and whether it shall be. with more propriety, after being vacated by the A SUBALTERN. present incumbent whose further researches may be followed by results which will redound to the honor of his country, and place him on an equality LINES BY A FATHER ON HE DEATH OF A CHILD. with the renowned Don Quixote.

The 2nd section of the law establishing the department of war, approved 7th August, 1789, provides: "That there shall be in the said department an inferior officer, to be appointed by the said principal officer, to be employed therein as he shall deem proper, and to be called the chief clerk in the department of war, and who, whenever the said principal officer shall be removed from office by the President of the United States, or in any other case of vacancy, shall, during such vacancy, have the charge and custody of all records, books and papers appertaining to the said department." During the last summer, when the Secretary was on a tour to New England, his duties were devolved on a young man, a subordinate clerk in the Indian Bureau, who may or may not be a relation of the Hon. Secretary. The fact of both possessing the same name has created suspicion. The only very distinguished act of this young gentleman was the issuing an order, on assuming the duties of the office, directing the Commanding Officer of one of our forts to fire a salute in honor of the President of the United States, who, if no accident occurred, would pass on a railway within about three miles of the fort at, or about a certain hour. The intention of the above law is very plain, and it seems strange that one who has graced the Bench should so easily misunderstand it.

I cannot forbear to extract from a foreign journal a few lines which apply with much force to our service. A correspondent, speaking of a civil Secretary, says, "Within the precincts of his own circle of acquaintances he will never meet the worn and disappointed regimental officer, or have his better feelings touched by the sad spectacle of a widow lady and her orphan children, reduced, in one moment, from comparative comfort to the very verge of poverty and despair. His associates and friends are amongst the wealthy and fortunate members of the service he sees, indeed, amongst them the marks of severe wounds, and traces on the countenance the ravages of hardship and climate,but, at the same glance, his cye rests on the brilliant star and medal on the breast," (an additional


Hid art thou in the dark grave-William!
In vain thy mother longs to press thee;
In vain, thy father to caress thee;
But not in vain in prayer they bless thee,

They fondly trust-my darling boy!
Hush'd is thy voice's prattle-William!
But list! that cry, that thrilling tone-
My slumber's fled-the dream is gone:
But not in vain thy accents join

Th' angelic choir--my darling boy!
Scaled are thy soft blue eyes-William!
We mourn in vain their early night,
In vain call back their joyous light:
But not in vain their radiance bright

Shines still in Heaven-my darling boy!
Gone is the flush of thy check--William !
In vain would we recall its bloom,
Its kindling beauty, from the tomb:
But, cheering hope! HE will relume

Its cherub-hues, my darling boy!
Young and innocent wert thou-William!
Then cheer thee, love! nor wail thy lot;
For of such my kingdom is" HE taught,
HE kindly greets and forbids him not,

Our angel-babe-our darling boy!"



Dear was the cabin which stood in the valley,


The cot of my fathers, the home of my youth,
Green trees were round it where breezes might dally,
And lovers might whisper affection and truth.
Soon came the SASSENACH, bitter and bloody;
Around us the red-coated minions were poured;
Cottage so lovely and children so ruddy,

The one fed the torch and the other the sword.
Crush us they may, but we still must remember
The wrongs of our country, the death of our sires;
Brooding in silence while memory each ember
Shall fan 'till they kindle to terrible fires.
Then shall the moment arrive when the cruel,
Who struck without pity, our rage shall pursue;
Then shall our Erin, our heart's only jewel,
Make bare to the stranger LAMBH GERRY ABOO!*
Hasten the time when from slumber arousing
Our land from the scabbard shall draw the red brand,
Scatter the tyrants who now are carousing,-
And strike right and left with a terrible hand.
Then shall the sun-burst+ awaken a glory

O'er mountain and valley, o'er river and sea;
Then shall the land that is written in story,
Be mate to her masters, be glorious and free.
Philadelphia, Dec., 1843.
The red right-hand.

The banner of ancient Ireland.



may be lost, or stolen from you; there is no spell to guard it from accidents like these."

The second, Haladdin, eagerly pointed to the ruby heart, "give me that, father," he exclaimed, with a glowing cheek. A smile passed over the countenance of the sage as he said, "You would try its power over the beautiful Kezia; is it not so, Haladdin ?" The youth blushed and spoke not. "Take it, my son, and while it remains with you, it will enable you to possess the heart of her you love; but remember, that it may be lost, and nothing can replace it.”

In the days when magic was practised in Persia, there lived in Ispahan a wise and skilful magician, whose name was Kabulneza. He had spent a long life in acquiring the secrets of his art, and was consulted in omens and auguries by even the monarchs of the East. He was a counsellor of princes; and no chief, who could gain access to him, would commence any undertaking of importance, without first having recourse to his cabalistic lore, The third, in his turn, came forward and chose and his enchanted spells. But he had never made the wand. "Your spirit, Hazif, is a high and noa bad use of the power which he possessed; and ble one, but this will prove a dangerous gift unless knew little about evil genii, excepting as he in-used with discretion. It will give you power when vented charms to repel their baleful approach. you wish to exercise it; power to sway the minds of others—but the wand may be broken, it is for you to guard it well."

With all his art, however, he was unable to resist the influence of time, or to ward off the stroke of death; and when he had reached his eightieth year he prepared for the event, which he expected at a certain moment. His auguries proved true; and on the last day that he had to live, he sent for his brother's four sons, who were all young men just entering upon the duties and cares of life. He had loved them well, and they had been educated by him in the ancient lore of their land; but he had not initiated them into the mysterious spells by which he exercised so mighty an influence over mind and matter. He knew, too, the bias of their minds, and by his dying instructions he wished rather to leave them a salutary token of his regard, than to bestow upon them the dangerous art he exercised.

As with unfeigned sorrow they approached the dying magician, their eyes fell upon the articles that were placed on a small table before him; a golden purse, a silver wand, a ruby heart, and a magic glass.

"I have sent for you, my sons," said the sage, "to bestow upon you a portion of what I have to leave. You have seen me rich, powerful, beloved and happy at least, as much so as mortal can be. Here are the means, but I cannot give them; you must choose, and in the order of your birth. Neither may I advise you in your choice; your own inclinations must prompt your decisions."

With downcast eye the favorite nephew of the seer bent at his feet and said, "This glass is mine, father, without right of choice; but I shall value and keep it in remembrance of you. When I am old, I may need it." "Not so, Riezzin, it is for the young, as well as for the aged; and if I had my life to live over again, I would choose, my son, what by chance has fallen to you. This glass will enable you to view every thing in life through a true medium; but you must guard it and keep it bright. You will find it a greater treasure than you deem it now."

"And now, farewell my sons. The shades of death are gathering round me, and I go to the home of my fathers. Remember the advice of Kabulneza, and cherish his memory when there is nothing left to you but his tomb."

Quarter of a century had elapsed; and the name of the magician no longer resounded through the length and breadth of the land. He had gone down with his generation into the vale of forgetfulness; and slept, undisturbed, in the tomb of his fathers. Others, skilled in the magic of their clime, arose to replace him; yet none acquired the influence over the wise and great that Kabulneza had succeeded in obtaining.

It was a gala day in the city of Ispahan. The "The glass will be for me," thought the youngest, sun had shed its last ray upon the gilded domes as he looked with a sigh upon the other glittering and minarets of the gorgeous capital; and as darktreasures, and regretted, for the first time, that na-ness drew her veil around, the glimmer of lamps ture had not bestowed the privilege of seniority gradually brightened the scene, until thousands of upon him. them glittered in the streets and squares. The Elmana, the eldest, came forward; and bending city was illuminated to celebrate the accession on one knee said, "I choose the purse, father." of the recently appointed Vizier Azem to his "As I thought, Elmana, you have chosen what you office. He had that day made his triumphal entry imagine will procure all that your heart sighs for; into the city, and had taken possession of the palace it is yours, but yours to use and not to abuse. prepared for him. While that purse is in your possession, you have * The Vizier Azem is the prime minister of Persia, or but to wish for the gold that you desire, and it will the great supporter of the empire; as he alone almost susf your coffers at your bidding. But the purse tains the whole weight of the administration."

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From the balcony of his princely residence, the love, all were his. Step by step he had ascended Vizier looked out upon the eager crowd anxious to the eminence of fame, and now he could look down

do honor to the new favorite; while, undazzled by from the summit, and trace the various means that the splendid career that seemed to open before him, had aided him in the ascent. The past rose behe calmly listened to the seductive tones of flattery, fore him with its many colored hues; years gone and turned away with a smile from the obsequious by seemed but as yesterday; and as he retraced attention of his followers. He was a man about the path of existence he felt as if he must be still five-and-forty years of age, tall and commanding a boy, so vivid were the reminiscences of his early in his form, with a mild, benignant expression of youth. While he yet pondered on these things, he countenance, that seemed as if it had never been turned, and beheld the outline of a figure shrouded ruffled by the contending passions that so soon grave in a filmy haze, yet sufficiently distinct to present their deforming furrows in the brow. the semblance of a man.

"Shade of Kabulneza! I welcome thee-though the chill of the tomb surrounds thee, and I tremble in thy presence, still, I welcome thee."


Nay, stretch not out thy hand to grasp mine, Riezzin. The frame I once tenanted is mouldering in the dust; it is my spirit alone that is with thee now."

As the night waned, festivity and revelry gave "I have come to thee, my son," said the spirit, place to a profound stillness; and, at length, dis-"in thy hour of triumph; dost thou know me, missing his attendants, the Vizier retired to an Riezzin?” apartment that overlooked the gardens of his seraglio. The moon shone brightly in, and lent a softened beauty to the oriental magnificence of all that surrounded him. He had sought the quiet of the midnight hour to compose his excited mind, and to commune with his spirit on the eventful proceedings of the day. He had not long been there, when a veiled female glided quickly to his side, and before he was aware of her entrance, she had cast herself upon her knees at his feet, and was gazing with an expression of the deepest attach-scenes, that I might learn what has befallen those ment into his face. I loved since I quitted this vale of tears. Tell me, Riezzin, have my dying gifts been blessings to thy brothers, as well as to thyself?"

"Jewel of my heart!" murmured the Vizier, removing the veil, and stooping to kiss the fair, white brow; 66 more precious art thou to me than all my greatness. Yanina, beloved Yanina, thou hast shared the triumphs of this day with Riezzin; is it not so, my fairest?"

"As the parched flower drinks in the dew that nourishes it, so has the triumph of Riezzin refreshed the heart of Yanina."

"What would'st thou, revered shade of him who was my best friend?"

"I have been permitted to revisit these earthly

"Alas! Kabulneza, they but betrayed my brothers to their destruction."

"I would know their fate, Riezzin, if thou may'st reveal the story of their lives."

"Thou knowest, father, that Elmana chose the purse. He was immediately surrounded by every luxury that wealth could procure. He denied him"I knew it dearest; and amid all the pomp and self nothing. He built palaces; he laid out garparade of power, I did not forget my rose of beauty. dens; he hired singing men and singing women ; How fair thou art, Yanina; fairer, it seems to me, the costly wines of Shiraz sparkled at his board, than when first thy charms awoke the thrill of love and viands from distant realms were heaped upon within my soul. Time has dealt gently with thee, his table. Gold was lavished among his depenloved one; he has not marred one dear lineament." dents, as if it had been but the sand of the desert. "The rose is withered by the unkind frost; but He went to every extreme of indulgence; and inthere has been no wintry chill within our bower.jured his health, and enervated his frame by riot The suns of ten summers have risen and set since I was thine, and yet thou lovest me, Riezzin ?" "Aye; as nature rejoices in the sunbeam; so does my spirit find its light in thee, Yanina."

"Dear Riezzin!" she murmured; and, rising, she stood before him in all the matured loveliness of female beauty. She was past the age when the women of the East are usually most attractive; but not one destroying trace of time was visible upon her countenance.

and excess. He lost the esteem of his friends, and consequently his self-respect. He sank lower and lower, until, one fatal evening, he fell asleep among his companions with the golden purse in his bosom. While he slept, it was stolen from him. To others, the purse was useless, excepting for the price its weight would bring; but to him it had become the alpha and omega of existence. He has sought it in vain for years; but, with an infatuation as vehement as it is fruitless, he still continues a wanderer on the face of the earth, expecting to recover his lost treasure. I have entreated him to resign the hope of finding it, and to begin a life of activity She left the apartment; and the Vizier reseated and usefulness; but those years of supineness and himself at the open window. The events of the day self-indulgence have prostrated his energies. With again passed before him. Honor, power, wealth, a body enfeebled by former excesses, and a min

"I would be alone, Yanina, for a little while. I need composure. In an hour I will rejoin thee, dearest."

unfitted for employment, he will probably pass the remainder of his days in pining after the enjoyments which he abused, and which he can never expect will be his again.”

"Behold thy gift, my father. The magic glass ever rests upon my bosom, and is guarded by a massive chain. When I first received it from thee I did not prize it, for I was disappointed in the al

"It is as I feared-but Haladdin-what use did lotment of thy gifts. I saw my brothers enter at he make of his gift, the ruby heart?"

once, without effort, into the possession of what "He soon succeeded in winning the affections each had sighed for; while I was left to toil and of his first love, the beautiful Kezia. For a time, struggle in the world. I envied Elmana the wealth I thought my brother the happiest of mortals; in which he revelled; I coveted the love of beauty; he lived but in her smile, and serenity and bliss I yearned for the possession of power. I felt within seemed to wait upon his steps. But, true to the me the aspirations of a proud and ambitious soul, fickleness of his nature, he soon wearied of one but discontent of mind impaired my happiness. I who had charmed him only by her beauty, and was not willing to make use of the necessary means while her whole soul was devoted to him, he cruelly to advance my fortune, but wished that what I deneglected her. Her very attachment to him tended sired might come at my bidding as by the touch of to strengthen his growing dislike; but she was an enchanter's wand. Envy of my brothers made bound to him by that fatal spell, and the cast off me miserable, and in pining after some undiscovered leman only found repose in an early grave. Halad- good, I lost the precious amulet of content. The din gave himself up to the worship of woman; and dark temptations of Eblis beset my path, until life in that idolatry of the heart he wasted all the noble became a burthen almost too grievous for me to and high-toned energies of his nature. He could bear. In despondence of soul, I invoked the angel influence the love of the fairest with that ruby gift of death to summon my spirit to his home; but and at last, it became the instrument of his destruc- Azrael was deaf to my entreaties, and I lived on tion. He saw by stealth the flower of his sove- during many moons a prey to vain regrets. But reign's harem. To see, was to love-to love, was at length, O Kabulneza, I visited thy tomb, and to obtain. By stratagems, their stolen meetings as my tears fell upon the costly shrine, I rememremained long unsuspected; but Haladdin became bered thy gift. Thy words arose to my memory, careless and confident, and his deluded victim could and I sought in haste the magic glass. After thy not know the fearful danger of her position. A death, I grieve to say, it had been thrown aside in spy of the Shah's household betrayed them; and the disappointment of the moment, and for hours I the bow-string was the punishment of both.” searched for it in vain; but at last, amid a heap of rubbish, I found it. It was tarnished by neglect, and the glass was soiled and dim. However, I cleansed it; and then, invoking thy blessing, I looked through it. I beheld letters of gold, but they sparkled like the diamond with such dazzling brilliancy, that my eye could not at first bear the lustrous splendor, and around these letters streamed beams of light, that seemed to radiate until their outer circle reached the heavens. By degrees I was enabled to decypher the shining characters, which, as I read, were engraved upon my memory with magic power; and this, Kabulneza, was the transcript of that luminous and enchanted page

"Alas! he was a youth of promise; unfortunately, wavering in his principles; yet I trusted that he would not have abused the gift he chose. But Hazif, the proud, the noble Hazif-what of him, Riezzin ?"


Pause, Riezzin-the rose of youth is on thy cheek, thy hand is strong, and thy frame vigorous. Life spreads itself before thee; thou art but on its threshold, its many paths are round thee, which to choose; but in supineness and regret thou art wasting thy strength in mourning after the shadow when thou mightst possess thyself of the substance.

"He did nobly, father, at first. He used the wand to advance himself in the councils of his country. He exerted his power for the benefit of others, and made himself a name and a reputation that outvied the great ones of our land. All bent before his talents; and his eloquence was like the breeze of heaven, bringing freshness and purity to the soul. His career was glorious, and would have been happy, but ambition gradually twined her fetters around him, and whispered, at length, aceents of treason in his ear. I warned him; I entreated him to be content with the love and admiration of a people. I told him to beware how he stepped upon the paw of the sleeping lion. Reason availed not, when ambition lured; and I saw at length, with heart-felt sorrow, that the favorite of Wealth, love, power, confer not happiness, exceptthe Shah was suspected as a traitor. He was too popular to be destroyed at once, but he was banished from the land of his birth. He now finds a home on the confines of Arabia; and still possesses, I hear, the magic influence given him by the silver wand." "He may retrieve the past, Riezzin; it is not yet too late. But tell me now, my son, the story of thy life."

ing as the mind is disciplined to make a good use of them; and the vicissitudes of life are intended for that discipline. Naught but sunshine will wither and blight the garden flowers; they must have clouds, and rain, and tearful dews. Youth is the season for effort. Employ then thy talents with all the energy of thy nature, and the bread that is earned by thy daily toil will taste sweeter to thee

than the luscious viands which are heaped upon with every accession to my wealth, or fame, I took the table of Eliana. Win, by the consistency of thy gift from my bosom, and from it, I learned to thy principles and the purity of thy life, the respect be prosperous without exultation, and to be great of thy fellow men; and power, honorably acquired without pride. It showed me that life was never and nobly retained, may crown thy brow with greener a state of perfect happiness, or of unalleviated laurels than Hazif will ever wear. Place the affec- misery, and that contentment was the key that tions of thy manhood where they will meet with a would open the secret treasure-house of earth. It pure return, for even in the harem's casket there reminded me that the great and the mighty must may be found a precious pearl: yet, enervate not sleep at last with the lowly, and that none of the thy soul by the worship of beauty that may perish world's glittering baubles could be carried with us in an hour, and the rose of thy garden may bloom to the tomb. Thou seest, oh! Kabulneza, upon when that of Haladdin shall have passed away. what an eminence I stand; dare I hope to sway Go forth then, to toil, to strive, to overcome, to with judgment and integrity the mighty destinies of endure. The warrior wins not the victory without this land? I tremble, lest, having attained the sumthe battle; the poet wears not the wreath without mit of my loftiest ambition, I should forget myself." having won the prize. The world is man's battle ground, worthy of his destiny. Coward he, who faints ere the conflict is begun; and traitor to himself, if, when the first blow is struck, he dare not strike again. On! on! Riezzin; stay not to ponder, the angel of life weeps over every wasted hour.

"The golden characters disappeared, the dazzling light faded; and as I pressed thy gift to my lips, I felt that a veil had been lifted from my moral vision. I saw life for the first time through a true medium; but a partial glimpse, it is true, yet enough to point the stepping stone of my career. I waited only for the morrow's dawn; and, resuming the occupation of my father, I determined to excel as an artisan, and leave to destiny the shaping of my fortune. A load was lifted from my heart; my prostrate energies revived, my drooping hopes seemed to bud and blossom beneath the refreshing influence of high resolves, and in the useful exercise of my faculties, I found my nature invigorated and improved. I had no time for repining; and when at night I sought the restoring comfort of repose, my sleep was sweet, and undisturbed by the wild dreams of ambition. Once, the throb of envy and regret returned, when I beheld Elmana showering dinars of gold among the multitude thronging round him; but, looking through my glass, I read these words; Better is poverty with honor, than wealth with degradation.' I turned, and recoiled as I marked the reeling, staggering form of Elmana, and returning to my employment, I felt, in the approval of my own heart, a sense of happiness hitherto unknown.

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"I need not dwell, Kabulneza, upon my rising fortunes. In the pursuit of my calling my wealth increased, and the warnings of the magic glass prevented my placing undue value upon worldly treasures. As the stream of time flowed on, the lessons thy gift imparted, added the weight of truth to my decisions, and before one gray hair had tinged these locks, the name of Riezzin was known throughout Persia. They said that the wisdom of Kabulneza had descended to me, and from the poor artisan, I became the wealthy, influential counsellor of princes. Success would have been my ruin; but

"The glass, the glass, Riezzin," murmured the departing shade; "it will warn and guide thee to the end of thy pilgrimage."

With reverential awe, the Vizier gazed once more through the enchanted glass, and these were the characters of light reflected from its surface. "Success is the test of greatness. The moth is overpowered by the light of a taper; the eagle can gaze into the sun. If thou art truly great, Riezzin, thou wilt feel that pomp and power can never elevate the soul; it soars or sinks, as it is true or false to the nobler impulses of its nature. Thy position will have for thee no dangers, if thou wilt value rightly the elevation it bestows, and guard thy spirit from the treacherous whisperings of pride."

The Vizier turned to address the shade of Kabulneza, but it had disappeared, and the veiled form of the beloved Yanina again stood by his side.



Love lieth in his halls a corpse,
While, mourning, round his coffin, stand
The wan and pallid Feelings, like

Dim spectres from the shadow-land.
His nose is pinched, his lips are blue,
His once round cheeks are sunken in,
And heavily lie his clotted locks

Upon his yellow, waxen skin.

"Poor Love, dear Love," the mourners say,

"Tis sad that one so young should die. Poor Love, dear Love, ah, dreary day That seeth him in cold earth lie."

"He was a merry wight," saith one,

"But fond of mischief," saith another,
"And yet, despite his wayward ways,"
Quoth Hope, "I loved him as a brother.
He used to laugh and chat with me

For days, existing on my smiles,
I heedless of his many tricks-
There was such magic in his wiles."
"Poor Love, dear Love," the mourners say,
He was too good a lad to die."
And then uprose from every lip

A wild and weird and wailing cry.

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