Labor Laws of the United StatesU.S. Government Printing Office, 1896 - 1383 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
action affidavit aforesaid agent amended by chapter apply appointed association or union Atlantic Reporter attachment boiler BRAKEMAN building building or structure cause certificate charge child claim clerk coal coal mines commissioner CONDUCTOR contract contractor conviction thereof corporation county jail court debt debtor deemed guilty discharge district duty employees employment enforce ENGINEER LOCOMOTIVE entitled examination exceeding execution exempt EXPRESSMAN factory Federal Reporter fifty dollars filed FOREMAN form of advertisement hereby imprisonment injury inspection inspector judgment labor less lessee liable lien LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER machinery manufacturing master materials furnished mechanic's lien mechanical ment miners mines minor misdemeanor months necessary North Dakota notice offense operator owner paid party payment performed person or persons plaintiff prison punished purpose railroad record repair Reporter shaft steam steamboat subcontractor superintendent therein tion trade-mark TRAINMAN unlawful vessel violation wages Аст
Popular passages
Page 250 - ... or as a gymnast, contortionist, rider or acrobat in any place whatsoever, or for any obscene, indecent or immoral purpose, exhibition or practice whatsoever, or for, or in any business, exhibition or vocation injurious to the health or dangerous to the life or limb of such child, or cause, procure or encourage any such child to engage therein.
Page 478 - ... that has not a sufficient number of cars in it so equipped with power or train brakes that the engineer on the locomotive drawing such train can control its speed without requiring brakemen to use the common hand brake for that purpose.
Page 233 - ... and every contractor, subcontractor, architect, builder, or other person having charge of any mining, or of the construction, alteration or repair, either in whole or in part, of any building or other improvement as aforesaid, shall be held to be the agent of the owner for the purposes of this Act.
Page 346 - That not less than the current rate of per diem wages in the locality where the work is performed...
Page 466 - ... work required of them on each day of the week, the hours of commencing and stopping...
Page 177 - ... day, except when it is necessary to make repairs to prevent the interruption of the ordinary running of the machinery, or when a different apportionment of the hours of labor is made for the sole purpose of making a shorter day's work for one day of the week ; and in no case shall the hours of labor exceed sixty in a week.
Page 152 - ... shall be appointed for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years.
Page 121 - A servant is one who is employed to render personal service to his employer, otherwise than in the pursuit of an independent calling, and who in such service remains entirely under the control and direction of the latter, who is called his master.
Page 440 - ... representations concerning the same or concerning the person examined, or who shall willfully and corruptly furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, or to be examined, being appointed, employed, or promoted...
Page 399 - Every employer shall post in a conspicuous place, in every room where such persons are employed, a printed notice stating the number of hours...