INDEX. NOTE.-Everything relating to national banking associations is indexed alphabetically under the A. ACT TO STRENGTHEN THE PUBLIC CREDIT........ Banks.).......... ASSIGNMENT of registered stock: By whom made, form, and execution of.... In foreign countries B. PAGE. 81 71 9 114, 153, 155 57, 58 57, 59 BALANCES OF OLD LOANS. (See Monthly Debt Statement.)........... NATIONAL. (See National Banks.)................. STATE, observations concerning; number formerly existing... conversion of, into national banks......... tax on deposits and capital........ 25, 78, 79 100-159 129, 145-147 142, 158, 159 86, 126, 127, 129, 134, 145, 146 86, 144, 159 7, 25, 32 19, 20 Authority for calling in, for redemption....... Distinctive features of registered and coupon... Registered, lost or destroyed, immediate notice of, should be given.... duplicates of, authority for, and how obtained..... interest on, where payable and how transfer of, by assignment.... Coupon, precautions to be observed concerning...... duplicates of, when issued, how obtained exchange or conversion of. interest on, where payable........ transfer of, by delivery, before and after maturity...... Payment of interest on, may be anticipated.... 18,76 55, 64 60, 62 61, 62 69, 70 57, 59 66 66-68 8, 63 70 61 71 165 BONDS Continued: Purchase of, py Secretary of the Treasury..... Purchased for the sinking fund, are canceled and destroyed....... PAGE. 72, 82 method of proceeding and regulations concerning. 73, 74 82, 83 83, 84 75-77 75 76 79-82 85-87, 126, 127 110, 112, 116 7 8-12 12 13 14 15 17-20 15 16 20 22 23 21 Oregon war debt.... Balances of old loans. Gold certificates...... United States notes.. Old demand notes.... BONDS, ETC., PAYABLE IN CURRENCY: .... (See Certificates, Debt of the United States, Navy Pension Fund, Pacific Railway Bonds, 30 31 55-57 56, 57 Issued to E. and N. A. Railway Co. of Maine, known as certificates of indebted- payable in lawful money.. Of stock, or registered bonds...... CLOSING TRANSFER BOOKS of registered stock, dates of......... COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. (See National Banks.)..... Origin of the term; description of bonds; when payable, etc...... COUPONS: May be detached and pass by delivery; decisions of courts respecting. Of bonds called in for redemption-fractional payments..... COUPON BONDS: Pass by delivery; decisions of courts respecting title.............. 82, 83 79-82 72-75 101, 102 12, 13 12, 13 65 70, 71 76, 77 64, 65 Precautions to be observed by holders; advantages gained thereby in case of loss... 66 CURRENCY, the introduction of, &c........ (See United States Notes, Fractional Currency, National Banks.) Bearing interest and payable in coin. (See Bonds, etc., Payable in Coin.) 7–24, 79–82 DEBT OF THE UNITED STATES-Continued: Bearing interest and payable in lawful money, viz: Certificates of indebtedness of 1870......... Pacific railway bonds... Bearing no interest and payable in coin, viz: Balances of loans contracted prior to February 25, 1862... Gold certificates.... United States notes... Old demand notes....... Bearing no interest, and payable in lawful money, viz: Certificates of deposit.... Fractional currency Highest point reached in.... Reduction of, up to September 1, 1872........... Not to be increased by virtue of any existing law.. General statement of loans from the earliest period. DEFACED OR DESTROYED BONDS: Duplicates may be obtained in lieu of ..... cxcept of classes called in for redemption...... DEFACED AND MUTILATED CURRENCY..... (See United States Notes, Fractional Currency.) DISTINCTIVE PAPER: Exclusively used for bonds and other obligations of the United States......... Peculiarities of; circular respecting........ Unauthorized possession of, a penal offense; penalties incurred.. E. EXTINGUISHMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT: By operation of the sinking fund.. An established feature of national policy....... Extracts from messages of Presidents recommending the....... In 1835, celebration on account of............. FOUR PER CENT. BONDS. (See Funded Loans.)...... FOUR-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. BONDS. (See Funded Loans.)........ FIVE PER CENT. BONDS: Of 1874, description of the loan...... oldest outstanding loan not called in for redemption.... Of 1881. (See Funded Loans.)................... Of 1904. (See Ten forties). FIVE-TWENTY BONDS: Of 1865, description of............ Of 1865, 1867, and 1868, or Consols... 48 48 48 82-85, 93 88 88-91 91 92 92 9, 11 9, 10 23 21 10 15, 16 13, 14 12, 13 Faith of the United States pledged by act of Congress to payment of, in coin......... 82 G. GOLD. (See Coin, Scles of Gold.)... GOLD BANKS AND GOLD NOTES. (See National Banks.).. GOVERNMENT: Its necessities and powers, observations concerning. 72, 76, 82, 83 154 26 99 40, 79, 81 81 35 Duty of, to redeem its obligations in coin, unless otherwise expressly provided in Faith of the United States solemnly pledged to such redemption....... GREENBACKS: Origin of the term. (See United States Notes.)......... H. HOLDERS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES: Dilatory in claiming payment.......... Precautions to be observed by.... 25 ...60, 66 |