Sec. 49. In the eighth judicial circuit.-As now provided by law article 7, chapter 21, Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1919. Sec. 50. In the ninth judicial circuit. In the county of Howard, on the second Monday in January, first Monday in May and third Monday in September; in the county of Randolph at Moberly, first Mondays in February and June, and the second Monday in October; at Huntsville, on the second Monday in April, first Monday in September and second Monday in December. Sec. 51. In the tenth judicial circuit. In the county of Marion on the first Monday in February, the second Monday in May and the third Monday in October; in the Hannibal court of common pleas, on the second Monday in January, the second Monday in April and the third Monday in September; in the county of Ralls on the fourth Monday in February, and the first Mondays in June and November; in the county of Monroe, on the fourth Monday in March, and the fourth Mondays. in August and November; in the county of Shelby, on the first Monday in March and the first Monday in September. Sec. 52. In the eleventh judicial circuit.—In the county of Audrain on the second Monday in February, the third Monday in May, the second Monday in September and the first Monday in December; in the county of Pike, the circuit court at Bowling Green, on the second Monday in January, the third Monday in April, the second Monday in August and the first Monday in October; the Louisiana court of common pleas on the second Monday in March and the first Monday in November. Sec. 53. In the twelfth judicial circuit. In the county of St. Louis, on the second Monday in January, the first Monday in May and the third Monday in September. Sec. 54. In the thirteenth judicial circuit. In the county of Boone, on the first Monday in January, the first Monday in April, the third Monday in June and the first Monday in October; in the county of Callaway, on the second Monday in February, the second Monday in May, the first Monday in September and the first Monday in December. Sec. 55. In the fourteenth judicial circuit. In the county of Lincoln, on the fourth Monday in March, the first Monday in September and the first Monday in December; in the county of Warren, on the second Monday in January, the first Monday in August and the first Monday in October; in the county of Montgomery, at Montgomery City, the fourth Mondays in January and April and the third Monday in October; in the county of St. Charles, on the third Monday in February, the third Mor day in May and the third Monday in November. Sec. 56. In the fifteenth judicial circuit. In the county of Jefferson, on the second Monday in January, the first Monday in May and the second Monday in September; in the county of Washington, on the second Monday in March, and the second Monday in August; in the county of St. Francois, on the second Monday in February, the fourth Monday in May and the first Monday in November; in the county of Ste. Genevieve, on the second Monday in April and the second Monday in October. Sec. 57. In the sixteenth judicial circuit. In the county of Jackson, at Independence, on the second Monday in March, the second Monday in September, the first Monday in June and the first Monday in December; at Kansas City, on the second Monday in January, the second Monday in March, the second Monday in May, the second Monday in September and the second Monday in November, and if the business so requires, the said court may hold in both of said cities at the same time. Sec. 58. In the seventeenth judicial circuit. In the county of Mississippi, on the second Monday in March, the second Monday in July and the second Monday in November; in the county of New Madrid, on the second Monday in January, the second Monday in April and the second Monday in September; in the county of Stoddard, on the second Monday in February, and the second Monday in May, and the second Monday in October. Sec. 59. In the eighteenth judicial circuit.—In the county of Butler, on the first Monday in January, the first Monday in April and the first Monday in July, and the first Monday in October; in the county of Ripley, on the third Monday in March, the fourth Monday in June, the second Monday in November; in the county of Wayne, on the second Monday in February, and the second Monday in August. Sec. 60. In the nineteenth judicial circuit. In the county of Laclede on the first Monday in February, the third Monday in May, and the first Monday in October; in the county of Crawford, on the third Monday in February, the first Monday in June, the third Monday in October; in the county of Pulaski, on the third Monday in March and the third Monday in September; in the county of Dent, on the first Monday in April, the first Monday in August and the fourth Monday in November; in the county of Webster, on the third Monday in January, the third Monday in August, the second Monday in November; in the county of Phelps, on the first Monday in May, the first Monday in September, the second Monday in December. Sec. 61. In the twentieth judicial circuit.--In the county of Dunklin, on the first Monday in January, the second Monday in April, and the first Monday in September; in the county of Pemiscot, on the third Monday in February, the fourth Monday in July and the second Monday in November. Sec. 62. In the twenty-first judicial circuit.—In the county of Iron, on the first Monday in April and the first Monday in October; in the county of Reynolds, on the fourth Monday in May and the third Monday in November; in the county of Carter, on the fourth Monday in April and the fourth Monday in October; in the county of Shannon, on the second Monday in March and the second Monday in September; in the county of Oregon, on the fourth Monday in February and the fourth Monday in August. Sec. 63. In the twenty-second judicial circuit. In the county of Texas, on the third Monday in April, third Monday in August and third Monday in October; in the county of Howell, on the first Monday in March, second Monday in June and first Monday in December; in the county of Wright, on the first Monday in April and third Monday in November; in the county of Douglas, on the second Monday in January, first Monday in May and first Monday in October; in the county of Ozark, on the third Monday in May and first Monday in November; in the county of Christian, on the fourth Monday in January, fourth Monday in June and third Monday in September; in the county of Taney, on the third Monday in March and first Monday in September. Sec. 64. In the twenty-third judicial circuit. In the county of Greene, on the second Monday in January, the second Monday in May and the second Monday in September. Sec. 65. In the twenty-fourth judicial circuit. In the county of Lawrence, on the second Mondays in January, May and September; in the county of McDonald, the first Monday in February and the fourth Monday in August; in the county of Newton, on the fourth Monday in February, the first Monday in June, and the second Monday in October; in the county of Barry, on the third Monday in March and the fourth Monday in June and the second Monday in November; in the county of Stone, on the fourth Monday in April and the fourth Monday in November. Sec. 66. In the twenty-fifth judicial circuit. In the county of Jasper, at the city of Carthage, on the third Monday in February, the first Monday in June, and the third Monday in November; and at the city of Joplin on the first Monday in January, the second Monday in April and the third Monday in September. Sec. 67. In the twenty-sixth judicial circuit. In the county of Cedar at Eldorado Springs, on the first Monday in June, and the first Monday in December; at Stockton, on the fourth Monday in March, and the fourth Monday in September; in the county of Dade, on the second Monday in April, and the second Monday in September, and the second Monday in December; in the county of Hickory, on the third Monday in April, the third Monday in November; in the county of Polk, on the first Monday in February, the fourth Monday in May, the third Monday in October; in the county of St. Clair, on the fourth Monday in January, the third Monday in June, the first Monday in October; in the county of Dallas, on the third Monday in March, the first Monday in October. Sec. 68. In the twenty-seventh judicial circuit. In the county of Henry on the first Monday in January, first Monday in May and second Monday in September; in the county of Lafayette on the fourth Monday in January, third Monday in May and first Monday in October at Lexington, and on the second Monday in March and fourth Monday in September at Higginsville; in the county of Johnson on the fourth Monday in February, first Monday in June and third Monday in October. Sec. 69. In the twenty-eighth judicial circuit. In the county of Vernon, on the third Monday in February, the third Monday in May and the first Monday in October; in the county of Barton, on the second Monday in March, the third Monday in June and the second Monday in November; in the county of Cass, on the first Monday in May, the second Monday in January and the first Monday in September; in the county of Bates, on the first Monday in February, the first Monday in June and the third Monday in October. Sec. 70. In the twenty-ninth judicial circuit. In the county of Gasconade, on the first Monday in January, the first Monday in May and the first Monday in September; in the county of Franklin, on the first Monday in April, the third Monday in July and the first Monday in November; in the county of Maries, on the third Monday in May and the third Monday in October; in the county of Osage, on the third Monday in April and the second Monday in December, and the fourth Monday in September.
Sec. 71. In the thirtieth judicial circuit. In the county of Pettis, on the first Monday in February, the first Monday in May, second Monday in September and the first Monday in December, for the trial of civil cases; and on the first Monday in January, the first Monday in April, and the first Monday in June, and the third Monday in October, for the trial of criminal cases; in the county of Benton on the second Monday in March, second Monday in July, and on the second Monday in November. Sec. 72. In the thirty-first judicial circuit. In the county of Cooper, on the fourth Monday in January, the third Monday in May, the second Monday in October; in the county of Cole, on the first Monday in March, third Monday in June and third Monday in November; in the county of Moniteau, on the second Monday in January, the first Monday in May, the first Monday in September; in the county of Camden, on the third Monday in February, the first Monday in August; in the county of Morgan on the second Monday in April, and the third Monday in August, and the third Monday in November; in the county of Miller, on the third Monday in March, the third Monday in July, the first Monday in November. Sec. 73. In the thirty-second judicial circuit. In the county of Madison, on the first Monday in April and the fourth Monday in October; in the county of Perry, on the second Monday in May and the second Monday in October; in the county of Bollinger, on the first Monday in March and the fourth Monday in September; in the county of Cape Girardeau, on the first Monday in January, the fourth Monday in April, and the second Monday in September; in the county of Scott, on the second Monday in August, on the third Monday in March, and the third Monday in November. Sec. 74. In the thirty-third judicial circuit. In the county of Platte, on the third Monday in March, the first Monday in September, the fourth Monday in November; in the county of Clinton, on the first Monday in January, the second Monday in April, the third Monday in Sepember; in the county of DeKalb, on the third Monday in January, the fourth Monday in April, and the third Monday in October; in the county of Gentry, on the first Monday in March, the first Monday in October, the third Monday in December. Sec. 74a. In the thirty-fourth judicial circuit. In the thirty-fourth judicial circuit the court shall be held at the following designated times in each county in each year. In the county of Linn, at the city of Brookfield on the third Monday in February and the first Monday in October, and at the city of Linneus, on the second Monday in June and the second Monday in December; in the county of Chariton at the city of Salisbury, on the first Monday in February and the third Monday in September and at the city of Keytesville, on the third Mondays in May and November, and in the county of Saline, on the second Monday in January and the first Mondays in May and September. Sec. 75. Time for holding court in foregoing numbered sections not effective until January 1, 1923.-All of the above sections fixing the times for holding the terms of circuit court in the above numbered circuits, shall not be in force or become effective until the first day of January, in the year 1923. On the first day of January, 1923, the provisions of the above sections fixing the terms of holding courts in the judicial circuits. of Missouri, shall become effective and all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 76. Time for holding terms of circuits courts until first day of January, 1923. For the purpose of fixing the time of holding terms of circuit courts in the various counties of this state from the date this act goes into effect until the first day of January, 1923, regular terms of circuit court shall be held at the following designated times in each county respectively as follows: Sec. 77. In the counties of Adair, Knox and Lewis.In the county of Adair on the third Monday in January, third Monday in May and fourth Monday in October; in the county |