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struction and improvement of public roads, with an emergency clause," as passed by the 51st general assembly and approved by the governor April 20, 1921, as found on page 46 of the session acts of 1921 and to enact in lieu thereof a new section, with an emergency clause.

House bill No. 94.

AN ACT to repeal an act entitled an act to appropriate money to the department of finance for the support and maintenance and operation thereof; inciuding the salaries of the commissioner of the department of finance, his agents, assistants, deputies, examiners, clerks, and other employes, during the years 1921 and 1922, with an emergency clause, as passed by the 51st general assembly and approved by the governor March 28, 1921, as found on page 58 of the session acts of 1921.

House bill No. 103.

AN ACT to repeal section 13124, of the Revised Statutes of the state of Missouri, 1919, relating to compensation of assessors and collectors and to enact in lieu thereof a new section relating to the same subject and to be known as section 13124 relating to the compensation of assessors and collectors in cities or counties having a population of over five hundred thousand.


Constitution of Missouri, Article 2, Sec. 36.-"No law passsed by the general assembly, except the general appropriation act, shall take effect or go into force until ninety days after the adjournment of the session at which it was enacted, unless in case of emergency (which emergency must be expressed in the preamble or in the body of the act), the general assembly shall, by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, otherwise direct."

The legislature having adjourned Wednesday, August 3, 1921, the laws passed by the extra session of the fifty-first general assembly and approved by the governor, go into effect November 2, 1921.


Secretary of State.


City of Jefferson.


I, CHARLES U. BECKER, Secretary of State of the State of Missouri, hereby certify that I have carefully collated the laws and resolutions passed by the Fifty-first General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as contained in the foregoing pages and compared them with the original manuscripts, correcting them thereby. Errors are noted by the use of brackets [enclosing interpolated words, points and figures necessary to the meaning] and black side headings are used for the convenience of the reader but are no part of the laws they precede.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri. Done at my office in the City of Jefferson this 3rd day of September, A. D. nineteen hundred and twenty-one.


Secretary of State.

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