PAGE HOLDERS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES-Continued: To select place for payment of interest on registered stock..... INTEREST: When payable in coin When it ceases to run..... On registered bonds, where payable.... I. ....... ............ transferred after books are closed, to whom payable.........57, 69 disposition of, when not claimed in ninety days. On coupon bonds, how and where collectable. in cases of called bonds or detached coupons. May be paid before maturity; when subject to rebate On funded loans, exempt from taxation... ........... ..... ..... ............ ... 69 69, 70 70 70, 71 76, 77 87 117 Collection of, on bonds deposited with Treasurer by national banks... L. LEGAL-TENDER NOTES: (See United States Notes.) Origin of the term; for what receivable. .................... .......... .. LIABILITY: (See National Banks.) Of stockholders in national banks; extent and enforcement of..... If registered, notice of loss to be given Treasury Department.. ......... ............. 35 42 41 42, 43 108, 134 123 136, 152 142 25 ... ................. ......... ........... .... ........ .. .... ... 7 25 MUTILATED CURRENCY. (See United States Notes; Fractional Currency.)............... 49 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. (See Organization) 103 .. receiver, not good as a set-off in favor of a debtor of the bank... .......... .. designated as depositaries, under banking laws, are public depositaries...... 130 BANKING ASSOCIATIONS, how formed. (See Organization.) ... no limit to number of, or to aggregate amount of capital. .. 103, 104 .................. BANK NOTE PAPER. (See Counterfeiting.) 140 .. 120 exceed that imposed on State banks. 126, 127 but may equal the highest rate imposed, when a lower rate exists 127 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, discount of, when not usurious.. 120 .... BONDS, registered only, may be deposited to secure circulation. always to equal one-third of capital stock actually paid in....... transfers of, by Treasurer, to be countersigned and recorded by 113 to be examined annually and compared with Comptroller's result of examination to be certified to Treasurer by such officers 117 to be held exclusively as security for redemption of notes; de- cannot be retained as security for other claims of the United NATIONAL BANKS-Continued: BUSINESS OF BANKING, when it may be commenced...... PAGE. 112 106 ... where to be transacted BY-Laws to be established by board of directors... .......... may, subject to the provisions of the act, regulate the transfer of stock, election of directors, etc........ CAPITAL STOCK, no limit to amount of.... amount of, required on organization .... .. ............... 106 103 104 fifty per cent. to be paid in before commencing business to be deemed personal property... CHARLESTON, when to be added to list of cities where banks may hold three-fifths to keep list of stockholders. may verify reports, returns, &c... ..... CERTIFYING CHECKS, unlawful, unless amount certified is actually on deposit....... 151 151 151 of lawful money reserve of associations located elsewhere............ 121 the act of, by competent officers, creates a valid obligation on contrary to law, subjects banks to proceedings for closing up, CIRCUIT COURTS OF UNITED STATES, have no jurisdiction in equity to restrain Treasurer or Comptroller in disposing of bonds on deposit 139 CIRCULATION, how proportioned; original limit of total issue $300,000,000...... 114 153 of gold banks, limited to $1,000,000 each.. 153 PAGE. NATIONAL BANKS-Continued: CIRCULATION-Continued: $25,000,000 of, redistribution of, in States having less than their proportion; provisions concerning. (See Comptroller.).. 114, 155, 156 CIRCULATING NOTES, how provided; denominations and form of..... 115 not more than one-sixth to be under $5 none under $5, after resumption of specie payments............ 115 must be signed by president or vice president and by cashier.. 115 when banks may issue; for what they are receivable..... 115, 116 none other than those specified to be issued by banks. ..... 116 provisions relating to, 53, 121, 122, 128, 132, 135, 156, 157 ... of banks in liquidation, redeemed by treasurer of banks in other places, to be redeemed at a bank in either of ....... amount of, issued under act of July 12, 1870, to be reported 124 149 153 ... 101 101, 102 authorize associations, when duly organized, to commence busi- ness. 105, 112, 130 examine and determine when associations are entitled to such author- ization.... 112 ..... ... issue his official certificate for that purpose; contents of...... deliver, to associations which have complied with the law their quota furnish gold notes to associations organized as gold banks............... 154 117 ... require associations to make up deficiency in case of depreciation in .. and to make good any deficiency in lawful money reserve....... 121 122 suspend, after a preliminary examination, banks failing to redeem 131 .. 132 ... in case of insolvency, and within thirty days after notice of failure, 132 .. and thereupon to notify holders of circulating notes to present 133 cancel or sell forfeited bonds. and appoint a receiver. advertise for claims against the association..... and from time to time, after providing for any deficiency in 135 institute suit, in his own name, for forfeiture of banking privileges, of checks... 151 appoint from time to time, with approval of Secretary, examiners of make an annual report to Congress; contents of...... .. .. in case of non-compliance, to sell bonds of defaulting association to an .. 153 156 156 make regulations, subject to approval of Secretary, for removal of |