THE CHEMICAL NEWS AND JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE: (WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE "CHEMICAL GAZETTE.") A Journal of Practical Chemistry IN ALL ITS APPLICATIONS TO PHARMACY, ARTS, AND MANUFACTURES. EDITED BY WILLIAM CROOKES, F.R.S. AUTHORIZED AMERICAN REPRINT, VOLUME III.—JULY, 1868, TO JANUARY, 1869. NEW YORK : W. A. TOWNSEND & ADAMS, PUBLISHERS. PREFACE. त REFERRING to their Preface in each of the two preceding volumes of the American Reprint of the London CHEMICAL NEWS for information as to the general character and scope of the journal, the undersigned would now call special attention to the features they have introduced in the American issue. It is proper to say, that we purpose to make additions only-interfering with and modifying in no degree the reproduction of the English original. In the December number is commenced the publication of a SUPPLEMENT TO THE CHEMICAL NEWS in the United States,-more especially devoted to American interests,-containing Notices of the current Progress of Chemistry and the Physical Sciences in America, Notices of New Books, Movements in Trade, etc. This new department will be under the editorial charge of Professor CHARLES A. SEELY, of New York, a gentleman abundantly qualified to execute in the best manner the task thus undertaken. In this feature, we comply with suggestions frequently made and for some time entertained, and we are confident that it will t accepted by the scientific public as an earnest of the pledge that nothing will be left done to give to this Reprint such a place as its intrinsic character merits in the esteem of community. L. The Price Current of drugs, dyes, glassware, naval stores, oils, paints (dry and in oil), spices, and window-glass at Jobbers' Prices, is found to answer all we had hoped to secure, in giving to the publication a commercial as well as scientific interest. It will be faithfully corrected, monthly, by competent authority, furnishing a reliable record of current prices in the New York markets. DECEMBER, 1863. W. A. TOWNSEND & ADAMS. |