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regulation of the business of the association and the management of its affairs, and generally to do and perform all acts that it may be legal for a board of directors to do and perform under the Revised Statutes aforesaid. 7-This association shall continue for the period of ninety-nine years from the date of the execution of its organization certificate, unless sooner placed in voluntary liquidation by the act of its shareholders owning at least twothirds of its stock, or otherwise dissolved by authority of law.

8- These articles of association may be changed or amended at any time by shareholders owning a majority of the stock of the association, in any manner not inconsistent with law; and the board of directors or any three shareholders may call a meeting of the shareholders for this or for any other purpose, not inconsistent with law, by publishing notice thereof for thirty days in a newspaper published in the town, city, or county where the bank is located, or by mailing to each shareholder notice in writing thirty days before the time fixed for the meeting.

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this.

day of.....

(To be signed by at least five natural persons, preferably the applicants.)



Annual Meeting

SECTION 1. The regular annual meetings of the shareholders of this bank for the election of directors shall be held at its banking house on the day in January of each year provided in the articles of association, between the hours of 10 and 4 of said day. It shall be the duty of the board of directors, within one month prior to the time of said election, to appoint three shareholders to be judges of said election, who shall hold and conduct the same, and who shall, after the election has been held, notify under their hands the cashier of this bank of the result thereof and the names of the directors elect.

SECTION 2. The cashier, upon receiving the returns of the judges of the elections as aforesaid, shall cause the same to be recorded upon the minute book of the bank, and shall notify the directors elect of their election and of the time at which they are required to meet at the banking house of the bank for the purpose of organizing the new board. If at the time fixed for the meeting of the directors elect there is not a quorum in attendance, the members present may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is secured, and no business shall be transacted prior to taking the oath of office as prescribed by law.

SECTION 3. If, for any cause, the annual election of directors is not held on the date fixed in the articles of association, the directors in office shall order an election to be held on some other day, of which special election notice shall be given in accordance with the requirements of section 5149, United States Revised Statutes, judges appointed, returns made and recorded, and the directors elect notified, according to the provisions of sections one and two of these by-laws.


SECTION 4. The officers of this bank shall be a president, vice-president (who shall be members of the board of directors), cashier, and such other officers as may be from time to time required for the prompt and orderly transaction of its business, to be elected or appointed by the board of directors, by whom their several duties shall be prescribed.

SECTION 5. The president shall hold his office for the current year for which the board of which he shall be a member was elected, unless he shall resign, become disqualified, or be removed; and any vacancy occurring in the office of president or in the board of directors shall be filled by the remaining members.

SECTION 6. The cashier and the subordinate officers and clerks shall be appointed to hold their offices, respectively, during the pleasure of the board of directors.

SECTION 7. The cashier of this bank shall be responsible for all the moneys, funds, and valuables of the bank, and shall give bond, with security to be approved by the board, in the penal sum of............


conditioned for the faithful and honest discharge of his duties as such cashier, and that he will faithfully apply and account for all such moneys, funds, and valuables, and deliver the same to the order of the board of directors of this bank, or to the person or persons authorized to receive them.

SECTION 8. The president of this bank shall be responsible for all such sums of money and property of every kind as may be intrusted to his care or placed in his hands by the board of directors or by the cashier, or otherwise come into his hands as president, and shall give bond with security to be approved by the board, in the penal sum of....... ..dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as such president, and that he will faithfully and honestly apply and account for all sums of money and other property of this bank that may come into his hands as such president, and pay over and deliver the same to the order of the board of directors, or to any other person or persons authorized by the board to receive the same.

SECTION 9. The teller shall be responsible for all such sums of money, property and funds of every description as may from time to time be placed in his hands by the cashier, or otherwise come into his possession as teller; and shall give bond, with security to be approved by the board, in the penalty of ..dollars, conditioned for the honest and faithful discharge of his duties as teller, and that he will faithfully apply, account for, and pay over all moneys, property, and funds of every description that may come into his hands, by virtue of his office as teller, to the order of the board of directors aforesaid, or to such person or persons as may be authorized to demand and receive the same.


SECTION 10. The following is an impression of the seal adopted by the board of directors of this bank:


Conveyance of Real Estate

SECTION 11. All transfers and conveyances of real estate shall be made by the association, under seal, in accordance with the orders of the board of directors, and shall be signed by the president or cashier.

Increase of Stock

SECTION 12. Whenever an increase of stock shall be determined upon, in accordance with law, it shall be the duty of the board to notify all the share

holders of the same, and to cause a subscription to be opened for such increase of capital. In the increase of capital each shareholder shall have the privilege of subscribing for such number of shares of the new stock as he may be entitled to subscribe for, according to his existing stock in the bank. If any shareholder fails to subscribe for the amount of stock to which he may be entitled, the board of directors may determine what disposition shall be made of the privilege of subscribing for the unsubscribed stock.

Banking Hours

SECTION 13. This bank shall be opened for business from....

a.m. to.....


...o'clock p.m. of each day of the year, excepting Sundays and

days recognized by the laws of this State as holidays.

Directors' Meetings

SECTION 14. The regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held on the... .....of each month. When any regular meeting of the board of directors falls upon a holiday, the meetings shall be held on such other day as the board may previously designate. Special meetings may be called by the president, cashier, or at the request of three or more directors.

Discount Committee

SECTION 15. There shall be a committee, to be known as the discount committee, consisting of the president, cashier, and.... directors appointed by the board every. .months, to continue to act until succeeded, who shall have power to discount and purchase bills, notes, and other evidences of debt, and to buy and sell bills of exchange; and who shall, at each regular meeting of the board of directors, submit in writing a report of all bills, notes, and other evidences of debt discounted and purchased by them for the bank since their last report. The board of directors shall approve or disapprove the report of the discount committee, such action to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Minute Book

SECTION 16. The organization papers of this bank, the returns of the judges of the elections, the proceedings of all regular and special meetings of the directors and of the shareholders, the by-laws and any amendments thereto, and reports of the committees of directors shall be recorded in the minute book; and the minutes of each meeting shall be signed by the president and attested by the cashier.

Transfers of Stock

SECTION 17. The stock of this bank shall be assignable and transferable only on the books of this bank, subject to the restrictions and provisions of the national banking laws; and a transfer book shall be provided in which all assignments and transfers of stock shall be made.

SECTION 18. Transfers of stock shall not be suspended preparatory to the declaration of dividends; and, unless an agreement to the contrary shall be expressed in the assignments, dividends shall be paid to the shareholders in whose name the stock shall stand at the date of the declaration of dividends. SECTION 19. Certificates of stock, signed by the president and cashier, may be issued to shareholders, and the certificates shall state upon the face thereof that the stock is transferable only upon the books of the bank; and when stock is transferred, the certificates thereof shall be returned to the bank, canceled, preserved, and new certificates issued.


SECTION 20. All the current expenses of the bank shall be paid by the cashier, who shall every six months, or oftener if required, make to the board a detailed statement thereof.


SECTION 21. All contracts, checks, drafts, etc., and all receipts for circulating notes received from the Comptroller of the Currency shall be signed by the president or cashier.


SECTION 22. There shall be appointed by the board of directors a committee of....... ....members, exclusive of the president and cashier, whose duty it shall be to examine every six months the affairs of this bank, count its cash, and compare its assets and liabilities with the accounts of the general ledger, ascertain whether the accounts are correctly kept, and the condition of the bank corresponds therewith, and whether the bank is in a sound and solvent condition, and to recommend to the board such changes in the manner of doing business, etc., as shall seem to be desirable; the result of which examination shall be reported in writing to the board at the next regular meeting thereafter.

SECTION 23. The board of directors shall have power to change the form of the books and accounts when deemed expedient and define the manner in which the affairs of the bank shall be conducted.


SECTION 24. A majority of the directors is required to constitute a quorum to do business. Should there be no quorum at any regular or special meeting, the members present may adjourn from day to day until a quorum is in attendance. In the absence of a quorum no business shall be transacted.

Changes in By-Laws

SECTION 25. These by-laws may be changed or amended by the vote of a majority of the directors.

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