American Judicature Society To Promote the Efficient Administration of Justice BOARD OF DIRECTORS HARRY OLSON, Chairman Chief Justice of the Municipal Court of Chicago WOODBRIDGE N. FERRIS Governor of Michigan JAMES PARKER HALL Dean of the University of Chicago Law School EDWARD W. HINTON Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School Of the Chicago Bar ALBERT M. KALES Professor of Law in Harvard University. FREDERICK W. LEHMANN Of the St. Louis Bar, former President of the American Bar Association; former Solicitor General of the United States NATHAN WILLIAM MacCHESNEY Of the Chicago Bar; President Illinois Commission on Uniform State Laws. ROSCOE POUND Dean of Harvard University Law School JOHN H. WIGMORE Dean of the Northwestern University School of Law JOHN B. WINSLOW Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court HERBERT HARLEY Secretary PUBLICATIONS OF THE American Judicature Judicature Society Bulletin I. Causes for Dissatisfaction with the Administration of Justice in Metropolitan Districts; an analysis. (Out of print.) Bulletin II. Courts for Smaller Cities; suggestions based upon an investigation of the administration of justice in the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan. (Out of print.) Bulletin III. Discussion of Causes for Dissatisfaction, etc., by Members of the Council. (Out of print.) Bulletin IV. First Draft of an Act to Establish a Model Court for a Metropolitan District. (Out of print.) Bulletin IV-A. Second draft of so much of the Metropolitan Court Act as Relates to the Selection and Retirement of Judges. Bulletin IV-B. Second Draft of Metropolitan Court Act (exclusive of Selection and Retirement of Judges). Bulletin V. Interpretation of the Theory and Purposes of the American Judicature Society. Bulletin VI. Organization of Courts, by Roscoe Pound; Methods of Selecting and Retiring Judges, by Albert M. Kales; Local Courts of Limited Jurisdiction, by Herbert Harley. Bulletin VII. First Draft of a State-wide Judicature Act, in which is provided a model system of courts for state. (Out of print.) Bulletin VIII. Informal Procedure. The Branch Court of Concilia tion of the Municipal Court of Cleveland, by Judge Manuel Levine. Introduction by John H. Wigmore. The Small Claims Branch of the Municipal Court of Chicago, by Herbert Harley. Bulletin IX. A Modern Unified Court; a Plea for its Establishment in Mississippi, by C. J. Sydney Smith, President Mississippi State Bar Association. The Municipal Court of Chicago. An Address to the Louisiana State Bar Association, by Herbert Harley. Bulletin X. The Selection, Tenure and Retirement of Judges, by James Parker Hall. Bulletin XI. English Courts and Procedure, by Prof. William E. Higgins. The American Judicature Society to Promote the Efficient Administration of Justice was chartered in July, 1913. In its early stages its work consists mainly of drafting model legislative acts, which are submitted to the Council, embracing over 300 leading lawyers, publicists, and political scientists, throughout the country. Its publications are kept by legislative reference libraries in many of the states. They are not for sale, but may be obtained by those interested on application to the secretary, Herbert Harley, Room 207, 31 W. Lake St., Chicago. |