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An Act to amend The Seed Grain Advances Act, 1920.

[Assented to January 24, 1922.)

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts

as follows:

c. 53 amended

1. The Seed Grain Advances Act, 1920, is amended by 1919-20, inserting therein after section 9 the following:

obtaining title transfer

“9a.—(1) If a mortgagee, who has made an advance Mortgagees which has been added to the amount secured by his by voluntary mortgage and who has entered into an agreement with the Government in form A, obtains title to the mortgaged premises without proceedings in court or in the land titles office, the Provincial Treasurer may, notwithstanding anything contained in the said agreement, pay to the mortgagee such lesser sum as may be agreed upon between the treasurer and the mortgagee in lieu of the amount guaranteed by the agreement.

"(2) In such case the mortgagee shall be deemed for the purposes of the agreement to have obtained a final order of foreclosure of his mortgage, save that the liability of the Government under its guarantee shall be limited to the amount so agreed upon."

Rev. Stat. c. 1

Section 19 amended

''Act" and "statute"

Section 33 amended


An Act to amend The Interpretation Act.

[Assented to January 24, 1922]

HIS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of

the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts

as follows:

1. The Interpretation Act is amended in the manner hereinafter set forth.

2. Paragraph 1 of section 19 is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

"1. The expressions 'Act' and 'statute' mean an Act or statute of the Legislature of Saskatchewan and also include an Ordinance of the North-West Territories in force in this province."

3. Section 33 is amended by adding thereto the following subsection:

"(2) When no time is specially limited in the Act or law relating to the particular offence, for making a complaint or laying an information, the complaint shall be made or the information laid within six months from the time when the matter of the complaint or information arose."


An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act.


[Assented to January 24, 1922.]

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:

s. 11, amended

1. Section 11 of The Legislative Assembly Act is Rev. Stat. c. 2, amended by striking out the words "coroners and justices of the peace" in the third line and substituting therefor the words "coroners, justices of the peace, notaries public and commissioners for oaths."

2. The said section 11 shall be deemed always to have Retrospective been in form as amended by this Act.

Rev. Stat.

e. 15, new section da

Attestation of Great Seal


An Act to amend The Provincial Secretary's Act.


[Assented to February 9, 1922.]

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:

1. The Provincial Secretary's Act is amended by inserting therein after section 4 the following:

"4a. The Great Seal of Saskatchewan, when affixed to securities of the province issued under The Saskatchewan Loans Act, may be attested by the Provincial Secretary or his deputy or, for the Provincial Secretary, by any official of his department appointed for the purpose by the Lieutenant Governor in Council; and when the Great Seal is affixed to any such security and purports to be attested by the Provincial Secretary or his deputy or for the Provincial Secretary, it shall be deemed to be attested in accordance with this section until proof of the contrary."



An Act to amend The Highways Act.

[Assented to February 3, 1922.]

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:

1. The Highways Act is amended in the manner herein- Rev. Stat. after set forth.

c. 21

2. Paragraph 11 of section 2 is amended by inserting Section 2 after the word "improvement" in the seventh line the amended words "or land required for securing material in connection with road construction."

3. Section 34 is repealed and the following substituted New section 34 therefor:

"34. One copy of the plans of any lands required for Plans filed a public improvement approved by the minister shall be filed with the department and a second copy shall be forwarded to the land titles office for the land registration district within which such which such public improvement is situated."

4. Section 35 is repealed and the following substituted New section 35 therefor:

"35. The effect of the forwarding and receipt in a Land vests in land titles office of such copy of plans shall be to vest His Majesty the lands shown on such plans in His Majesty for the public use of the province, without prejudice however to the legal rights of the owner to compensation therefor: "Provided that the right and title to all mines and minerals which may be found to exist under such lands shall continue to be vested in the owner and his assigns."

5. Subsection (1) of section 44 is repealed and the Section 44 following substituted therefor:

"(1) If the difference between the sum awarded to the claimant and the amount offered by the minister is less than the difference between the sum awarded to the


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