Report, Volume 371881/82-1882/83, 1936/38- include also the registration reports for 1881-1882, 1936/37- |
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1000 Both American 1940 Male Female Accidental Acute rheumatic alcoholism American Both foreign bacteria Belknap BIRTHS Sex Parentage Board of Health Cancer Carroll Causes of Death Center Harbor central nervous system Cheshire childbirth chlorination chronic clinic Concord Congenital malformations Coos crippled Dairy Death by Counties DEATHS Sex Nativity Division duodenum encephalitis endocarditis examinations Farm father American father Females Males Females fever for'n father American for'n mother foreign American mother gland Goffstown Hampshire Hampton Hampton Falls hemorrhage Hillsborough Hooksett industrial inspections intestines June Laconia lungs Males Females Males Manchester MARRIAGES DEATHS Sex Mass Merrimack milk mother and for'n Moultonboro myocarditis Nashua North Hampton nursing service Ossipee physicians plants Population in 1940 Portsmouth public health nurses Puerperal puerperium pyelitis Rockingham Rollinsford samples Somersworth specified as rheumatic Strafford Street Suicide syphilis Table Total Male Female TOWNS treatment Tuberculosis unspecified organs unspecified sites venereal disease water supply Wolfeboro