Laws of the United States. An ACT for the relief of Thomas Taylor, junior. Be it enacted, &c. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Thomas Taylor, junior, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, one thousand and eightyone dollars, and sixty cents, being in full for filling up and gravelling the carriage way on the north side of the President's House, and for work done on New York Avenue, between Seventh street west and the President's wall. Approved-March 3, 1825. AN ACT for the relief of George Love. Be it enacted, &c. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to George Love, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of sixty-two dollars and eighty cents, the amount paid as Paymaster of the New York Militia, to the Representatives of deceased officers and soldiers, not heretofore allowed. Approved-March 3, 1825. AN ACT for the relief of Gilbert C. Russell. Be it enacted, &c. That the Third Auditor of the Treasury ascertain, (by the best evidence the nature of the case will admit, the rules for taking of which he shall prescribe,) the value (at the time of seizure,) of the property owned by Gilbert C. Russell, at Mobile Point, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-one, that was seized by an armed force acting under the orders of Captain De Russey, of the United States' army. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Auditor, in like manner, ascertain the value of the labor performed by the said Gilbert C. Russell, towards the erection of a fort at Mobile Point; whether the same was in erecting barracks, or in preparing materials for the further prosecution of the works at that place; and that the said Auditor report the amounts, so ascertained, to the Secretary of the Treasury, who is authorized and directed to pay the same to the said Russell, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved-March 3, 1825. IN ACT for the relief of James Porter and Tunstall Quarles. Be it enacted, etc. That James Porter and Tunstall Quarles, of the state of Kentucky, be, and they are hereby, released from a judgment obtained against them by the Post Office Department, as the sureties of William J. Salee: Provided, That said sureties shall pay the legal costs which have accrued in the prosecution of said demand. Approved-March 3, 1825. AN ACT for the relief of Christian Jacob Burckle. Be it enacted, etc. That the Collector of the Port of Philadelphia be, and he is hereby, authorized to perm it Christian Jacob Burckle to export, with the benefit of drawback, two packages of Spanish playing cards, which were imported into that port in the brig Hibernia, from Hamburg, the said Christian Jacob Burckle complying with all the forms and requisites of the existing acts allowing the benefit of drawback in other cases. Approved-March 3, 1825. AN ACT for the relief of Holden W. Prout, administrator on the estate of Joshua W. Prout, deceased. Be it enacted, etc. That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to audit and settle the claims of Holden W. Prout, administrator on the estate of Joshua W. Prout, deceased, for pay due James Milliken, William Melone, Lewis Ashburn, William Trotman, Henry King, James McClenden, William Hill, James Ferguson, William Forest, and Samuel Vance, soldiers of the Mississipрі Militia, at the time of their respective discharges, and pay the amount found due to the said Holden W. Prout, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved-March 3, 1825. AN ACT to authorize the surveying and making a Road from Little Rock to Cantonment Gibson, in the Territory of Arkansas. Be it enacted, etc. That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint three Commissioners, who shall explore, survey, and mark, in the most eligible course, a road from Little Rock to Cantonment Gibson, in the Territory of Arkansas; veys, accompanied with field notes, and certify and transmit the same to the President of the United States, who and said Commissioners shall make out accurate plats of such surshall cause the same to be deposited in the War Office. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said road shall be opened and made under the direction of the President of the United States, who is hereby authorized to employ the troops of the United States in the completion, or assisting in the completion, of said road. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners shall each be entitled to receive three dollars, and their assistants one dollar and fifty cents, for each and every day which they shall necessarily be employed in the exploring, surveying, and marking said road: and for the purpose of compensating the aforesaid Commissioners, and their assistants, and for opening and making said road, there shall be, and hereby is, appropriated the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved-March 3, 1825. INDEX TO THE DEBATES IN THE SENATE. Appropriation Bills, Senate recedes from its amend- | Ennis and Maddox, bill for the relief of; ordered to a ments to, except that relative to the Florida debate on this amendment; Senate insists there- on, 620. Appropriations for Military Service, motion to amend by debate thereon, 548 to 554; 555 to 558. bill amended and ordered to a third reading, 633 Brandt and Co.; petition to have duties refunded, 242. 243 Boyle and M'Girth's mounted rangers, bill for the relief third reading, 144, 145. Imprisonment for Debt, bill to abolish, 74. motion to recommit; debate thereon; adopted, 163 debate on the principle of the bill, 224 to 230. Indiana, resolution of the General Assembly of 671. Cadets at West Point, debate on resolution to limit the Indian tribes, remarks on the bill for the preservation number of, 136. Calhoun, J. C., resolution requesting the President to 548 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, bill authorizing a sub- passed as amended, and returned, 686. Choctaws, letter from J. L. M'Donald relative to, laid on the table, 630. Claimants to lands in Missouri, &c., bill supplementary to an act relative to; rejected, 637. and civilization of, 639 to 645. Infantry Tactics, resolution for printing, 683. ment of the, 527 to 534. 533 motion to recommit, 534; negatived, 605. 589 debate thereon, 582 to 589. shall not be justices of the Supreme Court, 605 motion to postpone indefinitely; negatived, 691. bill reported with amendments, 630. 515 bill making provision for, twice read, 12. amendment offered; negatived, 516. bill passed and sent to House of Representatives, 33 Senate proceeds to the H. of R. to count the bill from the House of Representatives, making VOL. I.-17 |