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" The motion was agreed to; and the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the consideration of the bill (HR 18542) making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30,... "
Register of Debates in Congress: Comprising the Leading Debates and ... - Page 637
by United States. Congress - 1825
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The Congressional Globe

United States. Congress - 1825 - 528 pages
...the claim, and allow to the state such portions thereof as are founded on the principles laid down in the former message. If those principles are correct,...decided in the affirmative — ayes JO, noes 14. Mr. NOBLE then rose and said he would ask the Senate to pardon him for a few moments, and he would give...
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Journal of the Senate of New Hampshire

New Hampshire. General Court. Senate - 1825 - 732 pages
...determined in the negative. Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. The Senate, as in committee of the whole, resumed the consideration of the bill entitled " An act to authorize the' field officers of the fifth regiment of militia in this State,...
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Register of Debates in Congress: Comprising the Leading ..., Volume 1; Volume 43

United States. Congress - 1825 - 524 pages
...the United Sutes, was read a third time, patted, and sent to the House for concurrence. The engrossed bill authorizing the purchase of the Equestrian Portrait of Washington, by Rembrandt Peak ; was read a third time. On the question Shall this bill pass ' Some discussion ensued; Messrs....
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The Congressional Globe, Volume 23, Part 3

United States. Congress - 1854 - 878 pages
...withdraw mv motion. Mr. CHASE'S motion was agreed to. HOMESTEAD BILL. On motron by Mr. WALKER, the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the consideration of the House bill " to grant a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of the public lands to actual settlers,"...
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Vermont gen. assembly, senate - 1836 - 304 pages
...passing a bill entitled " an act to provide for reporting the decisions of the supreme court." The Senate, as in committee of the whole, resumed the consideration of the hill entitled " an act to provide for the receipt and distribution of the public money of the United...
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Vermont gen. assembly, senate - 1839 - 382 pages
...negative. The said chapter was then reiul ih1: t'.ird time and passed. On motion of Mr. Fierpoint, iho Senate, as in committee of the whole, resumed the consideration of the eightieth chapter of ihe revised statutes, and while corsidering the same, The Senate adjourned. 4FTRRNOON....
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Vermont gen. assembly, senate - 1841 - 366 pages highways," and concurred with the House in adopting the amendment proposed thereto. (S. 21.) The Senate, as in committee of the whole, resumed the consideration of the bill entitled " an act relating to banks," and having made progress therein, the committee rose and reported...
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Vermont gen. assembly, senate - 1845 - 390 pages
...28 of the Revised Statutes," was taken up, and it was read the third time and passed. (S. 22.) The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the consideration of the bill entitled "An act relating to Common Schools." And having made progress therein, reported the same with...
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The Treaty Between the United States and Mexico: The Proceedings of the ...

United States - 1848 - 396 pages" After debate, On motion by Mr. Atchison, The Senate adjourned. TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1848. The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the consideration of the treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican...
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The Treaty Between the United States and Mexico: The Proceedings of the ...

United States - 1848 - 412 pages
...Webster, Wesicott, Yulee. On motion by Mr. Berrien, The Senate adjourned. SATURDAY, MABCH 4, 1848. The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the consideration of the treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican...
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