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Copyright, 1921, by



ARDLY a day passes but that The National City
Bank of New York is called upon to furnish defi-


nite information regarding some phase of national banking in the United States. The Bank's first publication covering this subject appeared sixteen years ago under the title National Bank Organization, a volume in which was brought together information of particular value to those interested in the organization of a national bank. The book was a welcome contribution in the general field of banking literature, and the demand for it was greater than could be satisfied by two separate editions.

In 1912, therefore, the Bank published a third and revised edition under the title National Banks of the United States. A considerable quantity of new material was introduced in this later book; not only was the subject of bank organization carefully covered, but an analysis of the national banking law was given, and a supplement including specimens of practically all the forms that national banks must use, was included.

National Banks of the United States received a wide distribution not only among those who were interested in organizing new banks, but likewise among the executives of existing banks. The book has been obsolete in many respects since the Federal Reserve Act became operative, and The National City Bank of New York has deferred issuing a later edition until it seemed that circumstances governing the operation of the Federal Reserve Act had [1]


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