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Selling cards without licence, or at any place not specified in the licence. Persons hawking cards for sale, at any place for which he shall have no licence, may be apprehended by Constable or Inland Revenue Officer, and taken before a Justice, and being convicted. Proviso-Cards in packs-the ace of spades being duly stamped,-imported cards, enclosed in wrappers, according to 16 & 17 Vic., c. 107, may be sold as if this Act not made; and second-hand cards may be sold to makers, without licence to sell.

Recovery of penalties and right of appeal.


Caretakers, servants, &c., refusing to give up possession of premises on demand.

See "Landlord and Tenant."

CARS AND CARTS: Names on Carts, &c.,-Any owner of any cart, car, dray, or other carriage used for conveyance of goods, who shall use or allow the same to be used on any public road or street, without having his name and residence painted upon some conspicuous part of the right or off side, in legible letters, not less than 1 inch

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Offence, or cause of Complaint.


Extent of Jurisdiction.

CARS AND CARTS-continued.

in height, of different colour from the ground on which painted, and in words at length; or who shall paint, or cause to be painted, any false or fictitious name or residence thereon.

One driver taking charge of more than one cart, unless where the horse of a second or hinder shall be attached by sufficient rein to back of the foremost.

Drivers of carts, as last aforesaid, riding thereon without some other person to guide them; or where such carriage shall be driven with reins, and be conducted by some person holding the reins of all the horses drawing same.

Driver wilfully or negligently so absenting himself that he cannot have the direction of the horse; or shall leave such carriage on road, &c., so as to obstruct the passage. Driver refusing to tell owner's name and residence, when not painted, as aforesaid, on car.

Owners permitting children under 13 years of age to drive.


Driver, owner, or guard, permitting more passengers to be carried than the number for whom seats shall be provided, inside or outside; allowing at least 16 inches for each passenger, not including children

under 7 years. Allowing passenger to sit on top of luggage, or any part not intended for passengers; or permitting luggage exceeding 2 feet in height above the roof on carriage, carrying inside passengers. Omitting to paint on doors, &c., as therein, the number of passengers to be conveyed.

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Cars or Carriages obstructing Streets, fc.-Any person who shall, within any city, borough, or market town, or within quarter of a mile of boundary thereof, cause any cart, dray, waggon, or other such carriage, or any public or hackney car or carriage, to stand in any public road or street longer than may be reasonable or necessary for loading or unloading, or for taking up or setting down passengers (except at appointed stands).

For other offences on "Roads," &c., see titles," Driver," "Nuisance on Roads, &c.;" and the "Towns Improvement Act," sec. 17, for offences in streets of towns where it is in force, and also "Police Clauses Act," 10 & 11 Vic., c. 89, s. 28.

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* But if the damage be done through any misconduct or misdemeanor, in the execution of the master's service, he may be punished under sec. 16 of the above Act. It would seem that the power conferred on Justices, to award compensation against owner for damage done by driver, is limited to the commission of those offences particularly referred to in section 14.

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*Section 2.-" After the hearing and determination by a Justice or Justices of the Peace of any information or complaint which he or they have power to determine in a summary way, by any law now in force or hereafter to be made, either party to the proceeding before the said Justice or Justices may, if dissatisfied with the said determination as being erroneous in point of law, apply in writing within three days after the same to the said Justice or Justices, to state and sign a case, setting forth the facts and the ground of such determination for the opinion thereon of one of the Superior Courts of Law, to be named by the party applying; and such party, hereinafter called the appellant,' shall, within three days after receiving such case, transmit the same to the Court named in his application, first giving notice in writing of such appeal, with a copy of the case, so stated and signed, to the other party to the proceeding in which the determination was given, hereinafter called the respondent.'"

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Form of Case.-The form or statement of the case may be simple; but there are matters to be strictly complied with, so as that it shall come properly under the cognizance of the Superior Court. It should be headed with the Petty Sessions Court, from which it comes; the title "appellant" and "respondent;""case stated for the opinion of the Court of- -(as named by the applicant), at the instance and request of- -, pursuant to the 20 & 21 Vic. c. 43, entitled (title of Act)." Set out the copy of summons and information, if any, whereby case brought before the Petty Sessions; the evidence as fully as can be collected, and any legal objections raised; the order of the Justices fully, and the Act under which made; copy of notice, stating when it was served. State also that the bond has been duly entered into ; indeed it may be proper to copy the bond-the Court above may require to see that

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To be given by Justices when assault 24 & 25 Vic.


Under Criminal Justice Act.

c. 100, s. 44.

18 & 19 Vic.

c. 126.

Penalty not exceeding £20, and where any such Act is committed with respect to more than 4 animals, not exceeding £5 each, may be imposed instead of the £20. 1 J.

the statute is strictly complied with. The case should be dated and signed; and the person delivering it to the appellant ought to endorse on it the date of doing so. Notice may be to following effect:



(Title of Case, and Petty Sessions Court.)

Take notice, that I the undersigned the (complainant or defendant as case may be) in this case being dissatisfied with your determination of the said (Information or Complaint) as being erroneous in point of Law, do hereby call upon and require pursuant to the provisions of the 20 & 21 Vic. c. 43, entitled "An Act to improve the administration of the Law so far as respects suminary proceedings before Justices of the Peace," to state and sign a case setting forth the facts and the grounds of such determination, for the opinion thereon of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench (or other superior Court to be named,-Com. Pleas or Exchequer.)



A. B., C. D., the Justices who

heard and determined such Complaint.

* The several orders in Council can be had on application to Queen's Printers, Dublin.

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