The movement for the restoration of Loan to the Union has received a sudden acceleration by the proclamation of Gen. Banks. An election ordered on the 22d of February for Governor sad other State officers, who are to be installed on the 4th of March; an election on a day not axed is to be held for members of Congress; and an election of delegates to a constitutional conrention is announced on the first Monday of April. State-men are to have the representation to which they are fairly entitled, he must discard the existing basis and adopt one more equitable. The tone of his proclamation is so decidedly in favor of a policy of freedom for the State, that we are encouraged to believe that this is what he really means. MCCLELLAN AS MENTOR Gen: McClellair's Report, detailing his own Military services, is soon to be before the pubhic. We forbear comments till then. But he has chosen to embody in it a private letter written by him in 1862 to President Lincoln; and, as this is complete in itself, and is herewith laid before our readers, we proceed to The Proclamation, however, goes further than merely to set in motion the machinery of State Government. It is declared that the funds mental law of the State is martial law, and by virtue of it all parts of the Constitution and laws of Louisiana which recognize, regulate or relate to Slavery are annulled, because "incon-speak of it. sistent with the present condition of public affairs and inapplicable to any class of persons now existing within its limits." Inasmuch as considerable portions of Louisiana were exwhich remained inactive and harmless throughcepted from the Proclamation of Freedom Gen. Banks's order must be regarded in the light of an extension of the Emancipation policy, and in anticipation of the action of the Convention. Gen. McClellan had been attacked before Richmond, his right wing assailed, turned, broken, and crushed back on his main body, out, under his orders; and now, without allowing his army to measure its strength with the Rebel foe, he burned and destroyed several Millions worth of munitions, provisions, railroad stock, &c., &c., and commenced a 'flank The qualifications of voters at the elections movement' to the bank of the James. Arrived are clearly defined, and the registrations under there, it was assailed by the Rebels in force, the Military Governor and the several Union and, standing at bay, gave them asevere thrashassociations is confirmed and approved. If by. Why it could not and should not rather the latter are meant Free-State associations, of which we recently gave an account, the antiSlavery Unionists are to have control of the movement to a certain extent. It is announced that the basis of representa tion in the Constitutional Convention is to be fired hereafter. The matter is one of such importance that we wish Gen. Banks had openly declared his intention. Under the Constitution of 1952 the basis of representation was the total population in each parish, and the result was that the country parishes wherein lay the large plantations and of which the negro population was in excess of the whites, were practically controlled by the planters and sent a majority of representatives to the Legislature. If this basis were now to be adopted there is reason to fear that the Free State Party, which reckons undoubtedly among its voters & majority 14 those entitled to vote at all, may be outnumbered in the Convention by the slaveholding interest that still controls the country parishes. No one doubts that New-Orleans will go for Emancipation. Cader the old apportionment, the Parish of Orleans is entitled to but 21 representatives. Ons white basis she would have 41, and as the consisted of hut 02 mambara have done this in its position before Richmond, with its field-works on one side and the Chickahominy on the other, saving the Millions' worth of property which its flight compelled it to destroy, and the thousands of wounded whom it was directed to abandon to the tender mercies of the enemy, we cammot yet learn; we may possibly be wiser if we can live to get through the General's Report. But, having at length reached a place of safety at Harrison's Landing, on the James, Gen. McClellan, on the 7th of July, 1862, addressed a letter to President Lincoln, wherein he says: The time has come when the Government must determine upon a civil and military policy covering the whole ground of our national trouble. The responsibil ity of determining, declaring, and supporting oh civil and military policy, and of directing the whole course be assumed and exercised by you, or our cause will be of national affairs in regard to the Rebellion, must now lost. The Constitution gives you power sufficient even for the present terrible exigency. This Rebellion has assumed the character of war; as such it should be regarded, and it should be conducted uron the highest principles known to Christian civilization. It should not be a war looking to the subjugation of the people of any State on any event. It should not be at all a war. upon population, but against armed forces and political organization. Neither confiscation of property, polit ical executions of persons, territorial organizations of States, or forcible abolition of Slavery, should be contemplated for a moment." -What had President Lincoln done, on the 7th of July, 1862, that should expose him to be lectured after this fashion? Had he propose on?" Had he evinced a vindictive, cruel, Committee held on the 13th inst. They vengeful spirit? Had he even hinted at the take part in the ensuing selections, recogni Abolition of Slavery? On the contrary, had he the duty of endeavoring to place the pr not just overruled, then superseded, Gen. Fre-men in office, but frankly stating that, in t ont, because of his Emancipation order in judgment, a Convention to frame a new Co tution should have first been called. issouri? T The slaveholding caste, controlling the Gov-fear evidently is that an election held on ernments and policies of eleven or twelve States, basis proscribed by the old Constitution had made war on the Union. They had, nearly defeat the object of restoring Louisiana to a year before, decreed the confiscation of all the Union a free and loyal State. property of Unionists within their reach, and had mercilessly enforced that decree. They had used slaves by thousands to erect fortifications and mount guns, and had armed and drilled Lieut-Governor; 3d, Secretary of State; 4th, Treasurer; Whereas, N. P. Banks, Major-General Commanding the partment of the Gulf, did, on the 12th January, inst., issu Proclamation inviting the loyal citizens of Louisiana to as ble on the 22d of February, 1864, in order to cast their vote the election of seven executive officers, viz: lat, Governor Attorney-General; 6th, Superintendent of Public Instruct two regiments of blacks at New-Orleans alone 7th, Auditor of Public Accounts; to fight against the Union. They habitually! Therefore be it resolved, That this Free-State General C mittee, not relinquishing its judgment that the only trie sheltered and concealed Rebel soldiers serving to reconstruction is a Convention to frame a new Constitu before any election for State officers; and not renouncin as scouts, spies, and guerrillas. The slavehold-lawful claim to have Slavery abolished immediately with the dangers of any futile scheme of gradual emancipat ing caste (of course with individual exceptions), and not yielding its assent to the idea that the election of se alike in the loyal and the Rebel States, was at executive officers can, by any proper use of terms, be st the Civil Government of Louisiana; but, nevertheless, re that moment implacably hostile to the Union nizing the patriotic duty of endeavoring to place in office whose opinions are in harmony with the wants of Louis and doing its utmost to subvert and destroy it. and the spirit of the age, will take part in the election; Yet Gen. McClellan admonishes the President that the property of these venomous traitors must in no case be confiscated, nor must Slavery be 'forcibly abolished.' Why not? Resolved further, That the Free-State Union men of Lou ana are hereby respectfully recommended to appoint delege to a Nominating Convention, to propose candidates for seven executive officers, to be held in New Orleans on M day, the first day of February, 1864, at 6 o'clock p. m., in Committee-room, corner of Camp and Common street, in t city. Resolved further, That we respectfully recommend that Why should Gen. McClellan have thought representation in said Convention shall be sa follows, vis of all this just on the back of his disastrous re- delegates from each ward of the City of New-Orleans; 5 de gates from that part of the Parish of Orleans on the right be pulse from before Richmond? Why but that of the river; from the Parish of Jefferson, 8 delegates; a from each of the other Parishes of the State as follows: his own heart told him, "This rosewater style John the Baptist, 1; St. Charles, 1; St. James, 1; St. Berna 1; Plaquemines, 1; Lafourche, 3; Terebonne, 21 Ascension, of soothing the Rebellion has proved a failure? st. Mary, 1; St. Martin, 2; Iberville, 2; East Baton Rouge, The loyal States cannot endure it much longer. West Baton Rouge, 1; St. Tammany, 1; Assumption, 3; i fayette, 2. Even the President, with all las Kentucky pre-file has taken the oath prescribed by the President's Pr judices, is outgrowing it. You must bully kim or he will repudiate it and try a sterner policy." Kit was not this that prompted that singular letter, we know not what could have im pelled it. Gen. McClellan has been, is, and will be, the favorite commander of our forces of every open sympathizer with the Slaveholders' Rebellion. Whoever in the loyal States hopes that Jeff. Davis may yet triumph over our armies insiste that McClellan is the man of all men to com mand them. Whoever holds that we ought not to subdue the Rebels insists that we should have done much better had McClellan been. retained in command. These, we can understand; but the partisans of McClellan who don't vote for Judge Woodward, Gov. Seymour, and Vallandigham, are too deep for us. Can it be that they comprehend themselves? LOUISIANA. The proposed plan of Gen: Banks to restore Louisiana to the Union is the subject of warm and earnest discussion among the loyal men of New-Orleans. The ground of their objections are briefly but clearly stated in the following Resolved, That no delegate to that Convention be admitt lamation of the 8th of December, 1863, and the oath of t Free-State General Committee. Resolved further, That the foregoing Preamble and Reso ions be published in all the daily newspapers of New-Orlea THOMAS J. DURANT, President, JAMES GRAHAM, Secretary. A LIST OF ACTS PASSSED BY THE LEGISATURE OF 1847. No: Title. Page. 1. An act to provide for the payment of members and officers of the legislature, approved January 15, 1847, 1 2. An act to give immediate force to section 37 of chapter 154 of the revised statutes, approved January 19, 1847, 2 3. An act to authorize the assessment and collection of certain taxes in the township of Woodhull, in the county of Shiawassee, approved January 28th, 1847, 4. An act authorizing any person to construct lines of electric tele- 6. An act to amend the charter of the city of Detroit, as to the 8. An act to extend the time for the collection of certain taxes for 9. An act to extend the time for the collection and return of taxes in the township of Marshall, in the county of Calhoun, approved January 30, 1847, 10. An act to change the name of Rhoda Zeolida Critchett, approved February 1, 1847, 11. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes for the year eighteen hundred and forty-six, in the township of Pittsford, county of Hillsdale, approved February 1, 1847, 12. An act to authorize the common council of the village of Adrian |