Annual Report of the Factory Inspectors of the State of New York for the Year Ending ..., Volume 14Argus Company, printers, 1900 |
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Common terms and phrases
60 Cigars 60 Number AVERAGE NUMBER Males Beer Bicycle boilers Bookbinding Bottling Brass Brewing Brick Bros Buttonholes Carbonated waters Carriages Changes ordered Charles Chas Cigars 3 48 Cloaks and suits Cloth cutting Coats Clothing Cohen Compliances reported Custom clothing Custom coats Custom dresses Electric light Embroidery Engraving factory inspector Females under 16 Flour and feed Frank Fred Furniture Furs George Gloves and mittens Harris Hats and caps Henry Herman Hours of labor inspection Iron Jackets Jacob Jacob Coats James Jewelry Job printing John Joseph Knee pants Knit Laundering Leather Location of firm Louis Machine Machinery Main st Males under 18 manufactured Metal Millinery Mills Morris NAME OF FIRM Neckwear Newspaper & printing novelties NUMBER OF EMPLOYES Paper boxes Pianos repairs Samuel Sash Shirt waists Shoes Skirts Smith Sons Steam Laundry Underwear Vests Wagons William Wood Wood pulp Wrappers YORK COUNTY-NEW YORK-Continued
Popular passages
Page 718 - ... no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, sub-contractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property.
Page 720 - A. person employing or directing another to perform labor of any kind in the erection, repairing, altering or painting of a house, building or structure shall not furnish or erect, or cause to be furnished or erected for the performance of such labor, scaffolding, hoists, stays, ladders or other mechanical contrivances which are unsafe, unsuitable or improper, and which are not so constructed, placed and operated as to give proper protection to the life and limb of a person so employed or engaged.
Page 64 - ... is hereby amended to read as follows : § 10. When wages are to be paid. — Every corporation or joint stock association, or person carrying on the business thereof by lease or otherwise, shall pay weekly to each employee the wages earned by him to a day not more than six days prior to the date of such payment.
Page 745 - No employee shall be required or permitted to work in a biscuit, bread or cake bakery or confectionery establishment more than sixty hours in any one week, or more than ten hours in any one day, unless for the purpose of making a shorter work day on the last day of the week...
Page 734 - Every boiler-house in which a boiler or nest of boilers is placed, shall be provided with a steam gauge properly connected with the boilers, and another...
Page 742 - Any two of the arbitrators shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and may hold meetings at any time or place within the State. Examinations or investigations ordered by the board may be held and taken by and before any one of their number, if so directed.
Page 87 - ... by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment; for a third offense by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Page 718 - ... be void and of no effect unless the person or corporation making or performing the same shall comply with the provisions of this section; and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum nor shall any officer, agent or employee of the state or of a municipal corporation pay the same or authorize its payment from the funds under his charge or control to any such person or corporation for work done upon any contract, which in its form or manner of performance violates the...
Page 745 - Such certificate shall be issued by the commissioner of health or the executive officer of the board or department of health of the city, town or village where such child resides, or is to be employed...
Page 69 - If a building in course of construction is five stories or more in height, no lumber or timber needed for such construction shall be hoisted or lifted on the outside of such building.