APPORTIONMENT. (S. B. 243.) AN ACT TO INCREASE THE AGGREGATE NUMBER OF SENATORS AND REPRESEN- Ratios for senatorial apportionment. Ratios for representative apportionment. Senatorial districts and apportionment. First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: SECTION 1. The senate shall consist of thirty-five members, the house of representatives of sixty-five members. SEC. 2. The following ratios are hereby fixed and established for the apportionment of senators and representatives of the general assembly of the State of Colorado, to-wit: The ratios for the senatorial apportionment shall be: First, one senator for the first eight thousand of population; second, one senator for each twenty thousand population thereafter, with one senator for fractions over fifteen thousand population. The ratios for representative apportionment shall be: First, one representative for the first three thousand population; second, one representative for each ten thousand population thereafter, with one representative for fractions over eight thousand. SEC. 3. Until otherwise provided by law this State shall be divided into senatorial districts, constituted, numbered and entitled to the number of senators named, as follows: The county of Arapahoe shall constitute the first senatorial district and be entitled to six senators; the county of Pueblo shall constitute the second senatorial district, and be entitled to two senators; the counties of Douglas and El Paso shall constitute the third senatorial district, and be entitled to two senators; the county of Las Animas shall constitute the fourth senatorial district and be entitled to one senator; the county of Boulder shall constitute the fifth senatorial district and be entitled to one senator; the county of Lake shall constitute the sixth senatorial district and be entitled to one senator; the county of Weld shall constitute the seventh senatorial district, and be entitled to one senator; the county of Jefferson shall constitute the eighth senatorial district and be entitled to one senator; the county of Fremont shall constitute the ninth sena torial district and be entitled to one senator; the county of Larimer shall constitute the tenth senatorial district and Tenth. be entitled to one senator; the county of Pitkin shall constitute the eleventh senatorial district and be entitled to Eleventh. one senator; the county of Clear Creek shall constitute the twelfth senatorial district and be entitled to one senator; Twelfth. the counties of Rio Blanco, Routt, Grand and Summit shall constitute the thirteenth senatorial district, and be entitled Thirteenth. to one senator; the counties of Costilla, Huerfano and Custer shall constitute the fourteenth senatorial district Fourteenth. and be entitled to one senator; the counties of Saguache, Rio Grande and Hinsdale shall constitute the fifteenth Fifteenth. senatorial district and be entitled to one senator; the counties of Gunnison, Delta and Mesa shall constitute the sixteenth senatorial district, and be entitled to one senator; sixteenth. the counties of Montrose, San Miguel and Dolores shall constitute the seventeenth senatorial district, and be en- Seventeenth. titled to one senator; the counties of Ouray and San Juan shall constitute the eighteenth senatorial district, and be Eighteenth. entitled to one senator; the counties of La Plata and Montezuma shall constitute the nineteenth senatorial dis- Nineteenth. trict and be entitled to one senator; the counties of Chaffee and Park shall constitute the twentieth senatorial Twentieth. district, and be entitled to one senator; the counties of Garfield and Eagle shall constitute the twenty-first sena- Twenty-first. torial district and be entitled to one senator; the counties of Cheyenne, Lincoln, Kit Carson, Elbert and Arapahoe shall constitute the twenty-second senatorial district, Twentyand be entitled to one senator; the counties of Otero, Kiowa, Bent, Prowers and Baca shall constitute the twenty-Twenty-third. third senatorial district, and be entitled to one senator; the counties of Archuleta and Conejos shall constitute the twenty-fourth senatorial district, and be entitled to one Twenty-fourth. senator; the counties of Sedgwick, Morgan, Logan, Washington and Yuma shall constitute the twenty-fifth senato- Twenty-fifth. rial district and be entitled to one senator; the county of Gilpin shall constitute the twenty-sixth senatorial district, Twenty-sixth. and be entitled to one senator; the county of Pueblo and Huerfano shall constitute the twenty-seventh senatorial Twentydistrict and be entitled to one senator; the counties of Park and Lake shall constitute the twenty-eighth senatorial Twentydistrict and be entitled to one senator. second. seventh. eighth. elected in 1892. SEC. 4. In the first senatorial district three senators Senators to be shall be elected in 1892, for the full term of four years from said date and one for the term of two years to fill a vacancy. In the second senatorial district one senator shall be elected in 1892, for the full term of four years, and one for the term of two years to fill a vacancy. In the fifteenth senatorial district a senator shall be elected in 1892, for the term of two years to fill a vacancy. In the twenty-fifth senatorial district a senator shall be elected in 1892, for the term of two years to fill a vacancy. One senator shall be elected in 1892, in the third, fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, nineteenth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth senatorial districts respectively, for the term of four years each. There shall be no senator elected in the sixth, tenth, fourteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, twentieth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth senatorial districts until the year 1894 and Senators to be at said election in 1894 there shall be a senator elected, in each of said districts for the term of four years. elected in 1894. Shall not work removal of senators already elected. Vacancies how filled. apportionment. SEC. 5. Nothing in this act shall be construed to work the removal of any senator from his office for the term for which he may have been elected but all such senators shall serve the terms for which they were elected; Provided, That in case of a vacancy caused by the death, resignation or otherwise of any such senator, the vacancy shall be filled from a new district as provided in this act. Representative SEC. 6. The representatives shall be divided among the counties of this State as follows: The county of Arapahoe shall have thirteen, the county of Pueblo shall have four. the county of El Paso shall have three, the county of Boulder shall have three, the counties of Lake, Las Animas and Weld shall each have two, the counties of Fremont, Chaffee, Clear Creek, Costilla, Conejos, Custer, Douglas, Eagle, Garfield, Gilpin, Gunnison, Huerfano, Jefferson, La Plata, Larimer, Mesa, Otero, Ouray, Park, Pitkin, Rio Grande, Saguache and San Miguel shall each have one, the counties of Conejos and Archuleta jointly one, the counties of Hinsdale and San Juan jointly one, the counties of Kiowa, Baca and Prowers jointly one the counties of Las Animas and Bent jointly, one, the counties of Dolores and Montezuma jointly one, the counties of Routt and Rio Blanco jointly one, the counties of Yuma, Morgan and Washington jointly one, the counties of Logan, Sedgwick and Phillips jointly one, the counties of Grand and Summit jointly one, the counties of Fremont and Chaffee jointly one, the counties of Kit Carson and Cheyenne jointly one, and the counties of Elbert [and] Lincoln, jointly one, the counties of Montrose and Delta jointly one. Approved May 2d, 1891. APPROPRIATION HIRAM P. BENNET. (S. B. 90.) AN ACT MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO PAY HIRAM P. BENNET, STATE AGENT Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated out of Appropriation. the money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated from the general fund, the sum of thirty-one thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay Hiram P. Bennet, state agent, compensation due to him for the recovery of five hundred thousand acres of school lands to the State of Colorado, on a disputed claim of the State against the United States, under and by virtue of his contract with the State of Colorado provided for in an "Act to provide for the appointment of a state agent," approved March 31st, 1885. auditor the SEC. 2. Whenever any lands so recovered to the State. by said state agent under the terms of his said contract shall have been selected by the state board of land commissioners, and such selection approved by the commissioner of the general land office, or the title vested in the State of Colorado, it shall be the duty of the governor, as Governor shall president of said board of land commissioners, to forth-certify to with, and from time to time, as such selections shall be amount due. made, certify to the auditor of the State the quantity of land or number of acres so recovered, selected and approved, and the amount of money due to said state agent under his said contract on account of the lands so recovered and selected; and it shall be the duty of said auditor to credit the claims of said Hiram P. Bennet, state agent, as aforesaid, for the amount so certified, whenever, and as from time to time the same shall be so presented by said Bennet, and to draw warrants on the state treasurer in favor of said Bennet for the amount or amounts which shall be so certified and claimed. Approved April 10th, 1891. APPROPRIATION-JOSEPH G. BROWN. (S. B. 298.) AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF JOSEPH G. BROWN. Appropriation. Emergency. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: SECTION 1. That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) be and is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to be paid to Joseph G. Brown, for his services as chief clerk of the bureau of immigration, and statistics. SEC. 2. In the opinion of the general assembly an emergency exists; and this act shall take effect and be in force from, and after its passage. Approved April 6th, 1891. APPROPRIATION CALLAGHAN & COMPANY. (H. B. 312.) AN ACT FOR AN APPROPRIATION TO PAY CALLAGHAN AND COMPANY, PUBLISH- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: SECTION 1. That the sum of eleven hundred and fortyfour dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any funds, not otherwise appropriated, that may come into |