Per diem and mileage assembly. For the per diem and mileage of the members of the eighth general eighth general assembly, the per diem of the officers, clerks, sergeants-at-arms, pages, janitors, chaplains, interpreters, doorkeepers, engrossing and enrolling clerks, committee clerks, or any other employe of the eighth general assembly, the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) in excess of the amount already appropriated, to pay the salaries above enumerated, and not already paid from the appropriation of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) made by the eighth general assembly, and approved January thirtieth, 1891. Contingent and incidental expenseseighth general assembly. Incidental expenses executive and judicial departments. For the contingent and incidental expenses of the eighth general assembly, viz: Rent of halls, and committee rooms, carpenter work, calcimining, material and labor, carpets, matting, window shades, draperies, furniture of all kinds for halls and committee rooms, heat, light, water, ice, washing towels, express charges, telegraphing, rent of safes, stationery, expenses incurred on account of inauguration ceremonies, expenses of committee appointed to examine books and vouchers of auditor and treasurer of state, the per diem and mileage of witnesses and any other expenses incurred by, or on account, of any contested election of any member of the eighth general assembly; the per diem and mileage of witnesses summoned before any committee, the stenographer's services rendered any committees, moving and storage of furniture, rent for storage of furniture and any other expenses not enumerated, the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) in excess of the amount already appropriated to pay the expenses above enumerated, and not already paid from the appropriation of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) made by the eighth general assembly and approved January thirtieth, 1891. For the incidental expenses of the executive and judicial departments for the years 1891 and 1892, and the deficiencies for the years 1889 and 1890, viz: Janitor hire, gas, brooms, dusters, soap, matches, washing towels, ice, carpets, matting, shades, gas fixtures, plumbing, calcimining, repairing, carpenter's work, refitting, labor, drayage, expressage, messengers, furniture for all state officers, postage for all departments, post-office box rent, rents of telephones, seals and rubber stamps, city and state directories, maps, instruments for state engineer, insurance on furniture and libraries, stationery for all departments, printing and type writing for office of state forest commissioner, safe for secretary of state's office (at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00), and any other articles that will facilitate the business of any department, for the years 1891 and 1892 and deficiencies for the years 1889 and 1890, the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00). contingent eighth general For the general contingent expenses of the executive General and judicial departments, for the years 1891 and 1892, viz: expenses Rewards for the apprehension of fugitives from justice, judicial assistant counsel, messenger and extra clerical help to the departments. executive, expenses of state board [of] canvassers, expenses of presidential electors, expenses of state board of equalization, examination of state treasurer's books, costs and court fees of state cases, rent of vault for state treasurer's securities, rent of vault for auditor of state's vouchers, and the payment of any unforeseen contingent expenses that may arise, not otherwise provided for, the sum of twelve thous and dollars ($12,000.00). For rent of executive and judi- Rent. cial departments, including heat and water, to pay the deficiency for the year 1890, and for rent of rooms for various departments of state, and for the years 1891 and 1892, the sum of thirty-six thousand dollars ($36,000.00). For the printing required by the eighth general assembly Printing for the years 1891 and 1892, and the deficiency for the assembly. years 1889 and 1890, viz: House and senate bills, calendar, letter heads and envelopes, materials, committee reports, roll calls, blanks for reports, rules, contested election briefs, bill covers, engrossing blanks, the session laws of the eighth general assembly in English and Spanish reports of State officers, departments and State institutions, message and inaugural of governor, publishing the amendments to the constitution, the house and senate journals for 1891, the printing of acts, or parts of acts, and any printing required by law, or ordered by either branch of the general assembly, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). For the incidental printing required by the Incidental executive and judicial departments for the years 1891 and executive and 1892, and the deficiency for the years 1889 and 1890, judicial Blank books, blanks, letter heads, envelopes, reports, notices, advertising of all kinds, lithographing, catalogues, school records and blanks, school laws, examination questions, briefs, dockets, warrants, checks, publishing state treasurer's quarterly reports, publishing the Colorado reports, proclamations, election laws, sample poll books, deficiency for supplement to stock brand and supplement to stock brand books, and re-indexing the records of the viz: departments. Copying, Expenses, state board of land commissioners. same, and printing for the labor commissioner, the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00). For copying, translating and indexing the laws of the and indexing. eighth general assembly, preparing and indexing the house and senate journals, translating and preparing reports, message, inaugural address and compilation of acts authorized by law, the sum of five thousand dollars (5,000.00). For the expenses of the state board of land commissioners for the years 1891 and 1892, and the deficiency for the years 1889 and 1890, viz: Appraising for lease, advertising, expenses of selling, platting, surveying, register and receiver's fees, fees of county clerks for recording, and office expenses, the sum of twelve thousand one hundred dollars ($12,100.00). For incidental expenses of the auditor of state, for the years 1891 and 1892, viz: Clerical assistance, and other expenses incurred by him in the discharge of his duties, the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) for the year 1891, and four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) for the year 1892. For incidental expenses of the secretary of state for the years 1891 and 1892, and the deficiencies for the years 1889 and 1890, viz: Clerical assistance and other expenses incurred by him in the discharge of his duties, the sum of eight thousand dollars ($8,000,00). Incidental expenses of auditor. Incidental expenses of secretary of state. Incidental expenses of attorney general. Incidental expenses of of public instruction. For incidental expenses of the attorney general for the years 1891 and 1892, viz: Clerical assistance, assistant counsel and all other expenses incurred, by him in the discharge of his duties including traveling expenses, the sum of four thousand five hundred and eighty-three dollars and thirty-five cents ($4,583.35) for the year 1891, and five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for the year 1892. For the incidental expenses of the superintendent of superintendent public instruction for the years 1891 and 1892, viz: Clerical assistance and all other expenses incurred by him in the discharge of his duties, including traveling expenses, the sum of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-five cents ($1,833.35) for the year 1891 and two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for the year 1892; for the maintenance for the normal institute districts for the year 1891, ($650.00) and for the year 1892, ($650.00). Maintenance normal institute districts. Unexpended balances. SEC. 2. All unexpended balances, remaining to the credit of any appropriation herein mentioned, shall, when all bills have been paid, be transferred to the general fund. SEC. 3. All bills incurred for clerks and assistants, or other employes, during the session of the general assembly, gent and expenses-by audited. to be approved as follows: For the house, by the speaker Bills, continand chief clerk; for the senate, by the president and sec- Incidental retary, and the auditor to audit the same as provided by whom law. The contingent and incidental expenses of the eighth approved and general assembly to be approved by the secretary of state and audited by the auditor of state, upon vouchers duly sworn to, to be certified as correct by the chairman respectively of the house and senate committees on expenses; all other expenses to be approved by the secretary of state and audited by the auditor of state; the incidental expenses of the executive and judicial departments to be approved by the secretary of state and audited by the auditor of state. The general contingent expenses of the executive and judicial departments to be approved by the governor and audited by the auditor of state. The bills for printing to be approved by the secretary of state and audited by the auditor of state, after same have been measured by the state measurer. The incidental expenses of the secretary of state, auditor of state, state treasurer, attorney general and superintendent of public instruction shall be payable in monthly installments, upon warrants drawn by the auditor, upon the state treasurer, in favor of the several officers aforesaid. All other bills to be approved by the board or person having such appropriation in charge and audited by the auditor of state. ennial report. SEC. 4. The auditor shall submit to the general assem- Auditor's bibly in his biennial report an itemized statement of the expenditures made from the appropriations provided for in this act. Approved, except item for the purchase of Mills' annotated statutes, April 9th, 1891. APPROPRIATION-H. E. MULNIX. (S. B. 96.) AN ACT MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO PAY H. E. MULNIX THE SUM OF SIX Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated out of Appropriation. any money in the state treasury belonging to the internal Auditor directed to draw warrant upon presentation of certificate properly signed. Emergency. improvement fund the sum of six thousand dollars for the purpose of remunerating H. E. Mulnix for money due him for the construction of a certain wagon road from Trinidad to Stonewall in Las Animas county and for which an appropriation was made by an act of the general assembly of the State of Colorado, entitled "An act to aid the county of Las Animas in constructing a wagon road from Trinidad to Stonewall in said county and to protect the embankments of the Purgatoirre river along the line of said road and making an appropriation therefor. Approved April 24th, 1889. SEC. 2. When said H. E. Mulnix shall present to the auditor of the state a certificate signed by the state engineer and chairman of the board of county commissioners of Las Animas county that said road has been completed according to the contract and that he has received no compensation directly or indirectly from said county of Las Animas in addition to the amount he has already received from the State for the completion of said road. The auditor of the state is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of the said H. E. Mulnix for the said sum of six thousand dollars. SEC. 3. Whereas in the opinion of the general assembly an emergency exists, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 10th, 1891. APPROPRIATION-OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. (S. B. 187.) AN ACT MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO PAY OUTSTANDING CERTIFICATES OF Appropriation to pay outstanding certificates of indebtedness. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the money to come into the treasury from the special tax of one-half mill created and levied for that purpose, the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars to pay outstand |