machinery for operating railroads, telegraph wires, insulators, and instruments for operating telegraphic lines. II. That all ex Former orders existing military and naval.orders in any manner restricting internal, domestic, and coastwise commercial intercourse and trade, with or in the revoked. localities above named, be, and the same are hereby, revoked; and that no military or naval officer, in any manner, interrupt or interfere with the same, or with any boats or other vessels engaged therein, under proper authority, pursuant to the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury. No. 4. ANDREW JOHNSON Ordered: EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, Washington City, May 9, 1865. May 9, 1865. First. That all acts and proceedings of the political, military, and civil or- The authority lished in Vir-. ganizations which have been in a state of insurrection and rebellion, within the of the United State of Virginia, against the authority and laws of the United States, and of States reëstabwhich Jefferson Davis, John Letcher, and William Smith, were late the respec- ginia. tive chiefs, are declared null and void. All persons who shall exercise, claim, pretend, or attempt to exercise any political, military, or civil power, authority, jurisdiction, or right, by, through, or under Jefferson Davis, late of the city of Richmond, and his confederates, or under John Letcher, or William Smith, and their confederates, or under any pretended political, military, or civil commission or authority issued by them, or either of them, since the 17th day of April, 1861, shall be deemed and taken as in rebellion against the United States, and shall be dealt with accordingly. Second. That the Secretary of State proceed to put in force all laws of the United States, the administration whereof belongs to the Department of State, applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid. Third. That the Secretary of the Treasury proceed, without delay, to nominate for appointment, assessors of taxes and collectors of customs and internal revenue, and such other officers of the Treasury Department as are authorized by law, and shall put in execution the revenue laws of the United States within the geographical limits aforesaid. In making appointments the preference shall be given to qualified loyal persons residing within the districts where their respective duties are to be performed. But if suitable persons shall not be found, residents of the districts, then persons residing in other states or districts shall be appointed. Fourth. That the Postmaster-General shall proceed to establish post-offices and post-routes, and put into execution the postal laws of the United States within the said state, giving to loyal residents the preference of appointment; but if suitable persons are not found, then to appoint agents, &c., from other states. Fifth. That the district judge of said district proceed to hold courts within said state, in accordance with the provisions of the act of congress. The Attorney-General will instruct the proper officers to libel, and bring to judgment, confiscation, and sale, property subject to confiscation, and enforce the administration of justice within said state, in all matters civil and criminal within the cognizance and jurisdiction of the federal courts. Sixth. That the Secretary of War assign such assistant provost - marshal general and such provost - marshals in each district of said state as he may deem necessary. Seventh. The Secretary of the Navy will take possession of all public property belonging to the Navy Department within said geographical limits, and put in operation all acts of congress in relation to naval affairs having application to the said state. Eighth. The Secretary of the Interior will also put in force the laws relating to the Department of the Interior. Ninth. That to carry into effect the guarantee by the federal constitution of a republican form of state government, and afford the advantage and security of domestic laws, as well as to complete the reestablishment of the authority and Aid will be laws of the United States, and the full and complete restoration of peace within given to Govthe limits aforesaid, Francis H. Pierpont, governor of the State of Virginia, ernor Pierpont. will be aided by the federal government, so far as may be necessary, in the lawful measures which he may take for the extension and administration of the state government throughout the geographical limits of said state. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal [L. S.] of the United States to be affixed. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary of State. Νον. 24, 1865. Claims for the reward for the apprehension of Booth and others, to be filed before January 1, 1866. Ante, p. 756. Offers of rewards for the ar rest of Jacob Thompson and others revoked. Ordered, That No. 5. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, General Orders No. 164. 1. All persons claiming reward for the apprehension of John Wilkes Booth, Lewis Payne, G. A. Atzerodt, and David E. Harold, and Jefferson Davis, or either of them, are notified to file their claims and their proofs with the adjutant-general, for final adjudication by the special commission appointed to award and determine upon the validity of such claims, before the first day of January next, after which time no claims will be received. 2. The rewards offered for the arrest of Jacob Thompson, Beverly Tucker, George N. Saunders, William G. Cleary, and John H. Surratt, are revoked. By order of the President of the United States: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant-General INDEX TO THE FOREGOING PUBLIC LAWS, RESOLUTIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND 645 under the homestead act, by persons in by persons under bodily disabil- allowed in complaints, or statements, on 35 American Colonization Society, 35 accounts of, for support of recaptured Africans in Liberia, to be adjusted,... 569 in legal proceedings exempt from duty, 301 American Maps, treaty with Great Britain for suppres- See Great Britain. appropriations for expenses under treaty with Great Britain for suppression of, 189, and plans, for library of congress,..... 851 American Nautical Almanac, ........85, 466 American Seamen, appropriation for relief and protection of, 138 Ames, Julia A., 852, 424 pension to,..... 580 Agents, &c., Amnesty Proclamation, among Indians, to have families with of President Lincoln,.. 787 695 not to apply to persons in custody, &c., 737 Agents, such persons may apply to the Pres- to purchase for the United States, prod- ident for clemency,... 738 377 of President Johnson, 758 Agricultural Implements, classes of persons excepted from its to be furnished, certain Indians,........ 694 operation,.. 759 Agricultural Statistics, regulations of Secretary of State, .... 759 appropriations for,... 155 Am-pe-tu-to-ke-cha, Agriculture, Department of, payment to be made to,....... 427 appropriations for,........ 23, 155, 455 Anderson, Charles, rooms for,... 381, 415 assignee of John James, payment to,... 594 See Department of Agriculture. Andrews, Solomon, Alabama, appropriation to test his new mode of not entitled to representation in electoral fastening mail-bags,...... 574 567 Annual Reports, provisional governor appointed for,..... 767 Ale, Beer, and Porter, duty on, tariff,.. internal revenue duty on,. of heads of departments, &c., when and number of copies, and how distrib- 185 .. 185 of agent and consul-general,........ 188 Shoshonee-Goship bands, granted,..... 682 nebagoshish Indians, extended,...... 694 Alexandria, D. C., board of visitors to be present at pay- commercial intercourse with, permitted, ment of certain, ....694, 697 735 See the several Indian Treaties. Alienage, Apache, Indians, plea of, not to exempt certain persons appropriations for the,... ..165, 544 782 .. Southern agency of, abolished, ..... 323 Aliens, agent for, and Kioways and Camanches, to be appointed,. 323 9 salary of,. 823 Allen, Isaac, Appeals. See Internal Revenue. 581 Ambulances, not to be exempted from enrolment or full pension to,.... act to establish uniform system of, in in cases arising under internal revenue law, how made, heard, and deter- 228, 229 20-22 to be examined, instructed, &c.,..20, 21 Appropriations, ambulances, how furnished and distrib- uted, 20 46 161 for the army, civil expenses, consular 3 |