Page 1864, ch. 20...... Internal Revenue. An act to increase the internal revenue, and for other purposes. March 7, Washington City Savings Bank. An act to incorporate the Washington City Savings Bank. 14 March 8, 1864, ch. 21... 17 Guardians and Committees of Lunatics. An act to enable guardians and committees of lunatics, appointed in the several states, to act within the District of Columbia. March 8, 1864, ch. 22..... 18 Expenses of Levy Court. An act to apportion the expenses of the levy court of the courty of Washington, upon the basis of population. March 8, 1864, ch. 23...... 19 Steam-tugs B. F. Davidson and W. K. Muir. An act to authorize the enrolment and license of the steam-tugs B. F. Davidson and W. K. Muir. March 8, 1864, ch. 24...... Ambulance System. An act to establish a uniform system of ambulances in the armies of the 19 United States. March 11, 1864, ch. 27.... 20 Parkersburg made a Port of Delivery. An act to constitute Parkersburg, in the State of West Virginia, a port of delivery. March 11, 1864, ch. 28..... Deficiency Appropriation. An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and for other purposes. March 14, 1864, ch. 30..... 22 22 University Lands in Washington Territory. An act in relation to university lands in Washington Territory. March 14, 1864, ch. 31... 28 Spirituous Liquors not to be sold, &c., to Indians. An act to amend an act entitled, "An act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers," approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four. March 15, 1864, ch. 33..... 29 Post-Office Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Office Department, during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixtyfive. March 16, 1864, ch. 34... 29 Franking Privilege of the President and Vice-President. An act in addition to an act to amend the laws relating to the Post-Office Department, approved March 3, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. March 16, 1864, ch. 35... 30 Nevada made a State. An act to enable the people of Nevada to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the union on an equal footing with the original states. March 21, 1864, ch. 36.... 30 Colorado made a State. An act to enable the people of Colorado to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the union on an equal footing with the original states. March 21, 1864, ch. 37...... 32 1864, ch. 38... and for other purposes. March 25, 1864, ch. 40.... Homestead Law. An act amendatory of the homestead law, and for other purposes. March 21, Mail Service. An act to provide for carrying the mails from the United States to foreign ports, Treaty with Indians. An act to authorize the President to negotiate a treaty with the Klamath, Modoc, and other Indian tribes in southeastern Oregon. March 25, 1864, ch. 41........ 37 35 36 Convention with Ecuador. An act to carry into effect the convention with Ecuador for the mutual adjustment of claims. March 28, 1864, ch. 42.. 37 Military Academy Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the support of the military academy, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. April 1, 1864, ch. 45. 38 Pensions. An act to increase the pension of the revolutionary pensioners now on the rolls of the pension office. April 1, 1864, ch. 46..... 39 Navy. An act relating to acting assistant paymasters in the navy, and regulating the appoint ment of cadets in the Naval Academy. April 1, 1864, ch. 47..... 39 Indian Affairs in California. An act to provide for the better organization of Indian affairs in California. April 8, 1864, ch. 48.... 39 of Columbia. April 8, 1864, ch. 49.... Union Gas Light Company. An act to incorporate the Union Gas Light Company of the District 41 43 ch. 51....... 44 Columbia Institution. An act to authorize the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind to confer degrees. April 8, 1864, ch. 52..... 45 Chaplains in the Volunteer Service. An act to amend section nine of the act approved July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled an act to define the pay and emoluments of certain officers of the army, and for other purposes. April 9, 1864, ch. 53..... 46 Appraiser, &c., at Portland, Maine. An act to appoint an appraiser and assistant appraiser for the port of Portland, and for other purposes. April 9, 1864, ch. 54.... .. Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. An act extending the time within which the states and territories may accept the grant of lands made by the act entitled "An act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. April 14, 1864, ch. 58..... Page 46 47 Nebraska. An act to enable the people of Nebraska to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states. April 19, 1864, ch. 59..... 47 Rock Island to be taken Possession of. An act in addition to "An act for the establishment of certain arsenals." April 19, 1864, ch. 60....... Bainbridge, The United States Brig. An act fixing the date of the loss of the U. S. brig "Bainbridge," and for the relief of the officers, seamen, and marines of the same, and for other purposes. April 19, 1864, ch. 61..... 50 52 Promotion in the Navy. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish and equalize the grade of line officers of the United States navy," approved July sixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. April 21, 1864, ch. 62.... 53 Rank, &c., of Provost Marshal-General. An act to amend an act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, so as to increase the rank, pay, and emoluments of the provost marshalgeneral. April 21, 1864, ch. 64..... District, &c., of Presque Isle to be called Erie. An act to change the name of the district and port of Presque Isle to the district and port of Erie. April 21, 1864, ch. 65.... Coinage of Cents and Two Cent Pieces. An act in amendment of an act entitled " An act relating to foreign coins and the coinage of cents at the mint of the United States," approved February twenty-one, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. April 22, 1864, ch. 66........ 54 51 54 55 57 Masonic Hall Association. An act for a charter of Masonic Hall Association, in Washington city, District of Columbia. April 26, 1864, ch. 67....... John Martin, Register to issue to the Steamer. An act to authorize the issuing of a register to the steam vessel John Martin. April 26, 1864, ch. 68...... Collisions at Sea, Rules to prevent. An act fixing certain rules and regulations for preventing col lisions on the water. April 29, 1864, ch. 69...... 58 Hospital Dues from Vessels sold abroad. An act to provide for the collection of hospital dues from vessels of the United States sold or transferred in foreign ports or waters. April 29, 1864, ch. 70.... 61 Inspectors of Customs. Pay of certain, increased. An act to increase the compensation of inspectors of customs in certain ports. April 29, 1864, ch. 71..... Donation Claims. An act in reference to donation claims in Oregon and Washington. April 61 29, 1864, ch. 72.. 62 Postmasters robbed by Guerillas. An act for the relief of postmasters who have been robbed by 62 62 Indian Reservations in Utah. An act to vacate and sell the present Indian reservations in Utah Territory, and to settle the Indians of said territory in the Uinta valley. May 5, 1864, ch. 77 Frauds in Names of Vessels. An act for the prevention and punishment of frauds in relation to the names of vessels. May 5, 1864, ch. 78...... 63 63 Lands to Minnesota for Railroads. An act making a grant of lands to the State of Minnesota, to aid in the construction of the railroad from Saint Paul to Lake Superior. May 5, 1864, ch. 79 64 Lands to Wisconsin for Railroads. An act granting lands to aid in the construction of certain railroads in the State of Wisconsin. May 5, 1864, ch. 80... 66 Charter of Washington amended. An act to amend "An act to incorporate the inhabitants of the city of Washington," passed May fifteen, eighteen hundred and twenty. May 5, 1864, ch. 81 68 5, 1864, ch. 82.... Lands in California. An act for the relief of the settlers upon certain lands in California. May Measurement of Tonnage of Vessels. An act to regulate the admeasurement of tonnage of ships and vessels of the United States. May 6, 1864, ch. 83 69 69 Iowa Railroads. An act for a grant of lands to the State of Iowa, in alternate sections, to aid in the construction of a railroad in said state. May 12, 1864, ch. 84.... 72 Page Convicts in Courts of the United States. An act concerning the disposition of convicts in the courts of the United States, for the subsisting of persons confined in jails charged with violating the laws of the United States, and for diminishing the expenses in relation thereto. May 12, 1864, ch. 85.... 74 .. martial. May 16, 1864, ch. 86..... ch. 87 Naval Service; Courts-Martial. An act relating to appointments in the naval service and courtsPostal Money Order System. An act to establish a postal money order system. May 17, 1864, Acting Lieutenant-Commanders and Commanders. An act to appoint certain officers of the navy. 75 76 May 17, 1864, ch. 89 79 Veteran Volunteer Engineers. An act to organize a regiment of veteran volunteer engineers. May 20,-1864, ch. 92..... 80 Navy Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. May 21, 1864, ch. 93 80 Nevada. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to enable the people of Nevada to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states." May 21, 1864, ch. 94...... 85 Montana Territory. An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Montana. May 26, 1864, ch. 95.... 85 Clerks to Paymasters in the Navy. An act for the classification of the clerks to paymasters in the navy, and graduating their pay. May 26, 1864, ch. 96...... 92 Appropriations to pay Damages by the Sioux Indians. An act making appropriations for the payment of the awards made by the commissioners appointed under and by virtue of an act of Congress entitled "An act for the relief of persons for damages sustained by reason of the depredations and injuries by certain bands of Sioux Indians," approved February sixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. May 28, 1864, ch. 97..... 92 Steamships between the United States and Brazil. An act authorizing the establishment of ocean mail steamship service between the United States and Brazil. May 28, 1864, ch. 98... 93 Certain Lands may be entered, &c. An act for the relief of the citizens of Denver, in the Territory of Colorado. May 28, 1864, ch. 99..... 94 Claims of Peruvian Citizens. An act to provide for the payment of the claims of Peruvian citizens, under the convention between the United States and Peru, of the 12th January, 1863. June 1, 1864, ch. 101.... Official Communications to be sent free. An act in relation to franked matter. June 1, 1864, ch. 102 Lands to Iowa for Railroads. Locations of Roads changed. An act to amend an act entitled "An act making a grant of land to the State of Iowa, in alternate sections, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said state," approved May fifteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-six. June 2, 1864, ch. 103...... 95 95 95 News-Boys' Home. An act to incorporate the News-Boys' Home. June 2, 1864, ch. 104...... 99 National Currency. An act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. June 3, 1864, ch. 106.. 99 Public Printing. An act to amend an act relative to the public printing. June 3, 1864, ch. 107. 118 Transfer from Military to Naval Service. An act to repeal the first section of the joint resolution relative to the transfer of persons in the military service to the naval service, approved February twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. June 3, 1864, ch. 108........ 119 Plattsburgh to be principal of Entry. An act to reestablish the principal port of entry for the district of Champlain at Plattsburgh, and for other purposes. June 3, 1864, ch. 109... 119 Port Lands to Michigan. An act to amend an act entitled "An act making a grant of alternate sections of public lands to the State of Michigan, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said state, and for other purposes." June 7, 1864, ch. 110..... Coal-Heavers and Firemen. An act to provide for granting an honorable discharge to coalheavers and firemen in the naval service. June 7, 1864, ch. 111. ... 119 120 Inspectors of Steamboats. An act to create an additional supervising inspector of steamboats and two local inspectors of steamboats for the collection district of Memphis, Tennessee, and two local inspectors for the collection district of Oregon, and for other purposes. June 8, 1864, ch. 113... 120 Counterfeiting Coin. An act to punish and prevent the counterfeiting of coin of the United States. June 8, 1864, ch. 114. 120 Ohio Volunteer Militia. An act to provide for the payment of the second regiment, third brigade, Ohio volunteer militia, during the time they were mustered into the service of the United States. June 8, 1864, ch. 115....... 121 Page Crews of Foreign Vessels in the United States. An act to provide for the execution of treaties between the United States and foreign nations respecting consular jurisdiction over the crews of vessels of such foreign nations in the waters and ports of the United States. June 11, 1864, ch. 116.... 121 Stipulations to Discharge Attachments. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to stipulate for the release from attachment or other process of property claimed by the United States, and for other purposes. June 11, 1864, ch. 117....... 122 Limitation of Action. Certain time not to be reckoned. An act in relation to the limitations of actions in certain cases. June 11, 1864, ch. 118..... 123 Members of Congress, &c., not to receive Money. An act relating to members of congress, heads of departments, and other officers of the government. June 11, 1864, ch. 119.... 123 Judicial Districts in Virginia. An act to change and define the boundaries of the eastern and western judicial districts of Virginia, and to alter the names of said districts, and for other purposes. June 11, 1864, ch. 120.... Summary Trials of Minor Offences. An act to provide for the summary trial of minor offences against the laws of the United States. June 11, 1864, ch. 121.... 124 124 Collection Districts in Oregon abolished. An act to abolish the collection districts of Port Orford and Cape Perpetua, in the State of Oregon. June 11, 1864, ch. 122.. Private Land Claims in New Mexico. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to confirm cer tain private land claims in the Territory of New Mexico." June 11, 1864, ch. 123...... 125 Army Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. June 15, 1864, ch. 124..... Home for Friendless Women and Children. An act to incorporate the Home for Friendless Women and Children. June 15, 1864, ch. 125.... School Lands in Missouri. An act concerning certain school lands in township forty-five north, range seven east, in the State of Missouri. June 15, 1864, ch. 126......... Gold, &c., certain Sales of, prohibited. An act to prohibit certain sales of gold and foreign exchange. June 17, 1864, ch. 127.... 126 180 132 132 . Withdrawal of Goods from Public Stores. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to extend the time for the withdrawal of goods from public stores and bonded warehouses, and for other purposes," approved twenty-ninth February, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. June 17, 1864, ch. 128... 133 Water-Tax in Georgetown. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the corporation of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, to lay and collect a water-tax, and for other purposes," approved May twenty-one, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. June 17, 1864, ch. 129.... 133 Foreign Coasting Trade on the Northern, &c. Boundary. An act to regulate the foreign coasting trade on the northern, northeastern and northwestern frontiers of the United States, and for other purposes. June 17, 1864, ch. 130. Veto Power in Washington Territory. An act to regulate the veto power in the Territory of Washington. June 17, 1864, ch. 181..... Superannuated Fund Society. An act to empower the Superannuated Fund Society of the Maryland Annual Conference to hold property in the District of Columbia, and to take a devise under the will of the late William Doughty. June 17, 1864, ch. 182...... 134 135 135 Ranchto Bolsa de Tomales. An act to grant the right of preemption to certain settlers on the Rancho Bolsa de Tomales, in the State of California. June 17, 1864, ch. 133.......... 136 Marquette and Ontonagon Railroad. An act extending the time for the completion of the Mar quette and Ontonagon Railroad, of the State of Michigan. June 18, 1864, ch. 134...... 137 Colorado. Time of Vote upon Constitution changed. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to enable the people of Colorado to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the union on an equal footing with the original states. June 18, 1864, ch. 135.. Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses of the government for the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. June 20, 1864, ch. 136....... 137 137 Wagon Roads in Michigan. An act granting lands to the State of Michigan for the construction of certain wagon roads for military and postal purposes. June 20, 1864, ch. 137....... 140 Claims of Peruvian Citizens. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the payment of the claims of Peruvian citizens under the convention between the United States and Peru, of the twelfth of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three," approved June first, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. June 20, 1864, ch. 138..... 141 Fishing Bounties. Duties on Foreign Salt. An act requiring proof of payment of duties on for Page eign salt before payment of the allowances provided for by the acts of July twentyninth, eighteen hundred and thirteen, and March third, eighteen hundred and nineteen. June 20, 1864, ch. 189.... 142 Marine Hospital in Chicago. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to sell the Marine Hospital and grounds at Chicago, Illinois, and to purchase a new site and build a new hospital. June 20, 1864, ch. 140....... 142 Idaho Reapportionment of. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Idaho," approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. June 20, 1864, ch. 141.......... 142 Entries of Land in Missouri. An act to confirm certain entries of land in the State of Missouri. June 20, 1864, ch. 142.... 143 Judicial Districts in Michigan. An act to detach the counties of Calhoun and Branch from the western judicial district, and annex the same to the eastern district of the State of Michigan. June 20, 1864, ch. 143.... Lands in California - College Rancho. An act concerning lands in the State of California. June 20, 1864, ch. 144.. 143 Pay of Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers, &c. An act to increase the pay of soldiers in the United States army, and for other purposes. June 20, 1864, ch. 145.... 144 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Expenses Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 147.. 145 Indian Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 148.. 161 Examination of Officers. An act to provide for the examination of certain officers of the army. June 25, 1864, ch. 149... 181 Payment for Horses, &c. Lost. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the payment of horses and other property destroyed in the military service of the United States." June 25, 1864, ch. 150... 182 •Grade of certain Navy Officers. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish and equalize the grade of line officers of the United States navy," approved July sixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. June 25, 1864, ch. 151.... 182 Retiring Navy Officers. An act to amend the act of twenty-first December, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled "An act to further promote the efficiency of the navy." June 25, 1864, ch. 152.... 183 Lands granted to Wisconsin. An act granting lands to the State of Wisconsin to build a military road to Lake Superior, June 25, 1864, ch. 153..... 183 Lands in Oregon. An act to amend the act of congress making donations to the settlers on the public lands in Oregon, approved September twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and fifty, and the acts amendatory thereto, June 25, 1864, ch. 154.... 184 Printing Public Documents. An act to expedite and regulate the printing of public documents, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 155.... 184 Public Instruction in the District of Columbia. An act to provide for the public instruction of youth in the county of Washington, District of Columbia, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 156... 187 Levy Court. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to define the powers and duties of the levy court of the county of Washington, District of Columbia. June 25, 1864, ch. 157... 193 Bailiff of Orphans' Court. An act to authorize the bailiff of the Orphans' Court, in the county of Washington and District of Columbia, to serve processes issued by said court, and for other purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 158.... Final Fees for Patents. An act amendatory of amend entitled to pro mote the progress of the useful arts," approved March three, eighteen hundred and sixty three. June 25, 1864, ch. 159. 194 194 194 Lands to California. An act to grant to the State of California certain lands for state prison purposes. June 25, 1864, ch. 160...... Settlement of Claims of Hudson's Bay, &c. Companies. An act to carry into effect a treaty between the United States and her Britanic Majesty for the final settlement of the claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound agricultural companies. June 27, 1864, ch. 162...... 195 Fees of Clerk, &c., in the District of Columbia. An act in relation to the fees and emoluments of the marshal, attorney, and clerk of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. June 27, 1864, ch. 163...... 195 Smuggling. An act to prevent smuggling, and for other purposes. June 27, 1864, ch. 164..... 197 |