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Circuit Court for District of Wisconsin. An act in relation to the circuit court in and for the district of Wisconsin, and for other purposes. June 27, 1864, ch. 165.....



Fugitive Slave Act. An act to repeal the fugitive slave act of eighteen hundred and fifty, and all acts and parts of acts for the rendition of fugitive slaves. June 28, 1864, ch. 166.......

Government Hospital for the Insane. An act to provide for the improvement of the grounds of the government hospital for the insane by an exchange of land. June 28, 1864, ch. 167.....

Public Works in Harbors of Northern Lakes. An act to provide for the repair and preservation of certain public works of the United States. June 28, 1864, ch. 168...

Colored Catholic Benevolent Society. An act to incorporate the Colored Catholic Benevolent So

ciety. June 28, 1864, ch. 169...


Seamen. An act repealing certain provisions of law concerning seamen on board public and private vessels of the United States. June 28, 1864, ch. 170...........

Imports, Duties on. An act to increase duties on imports, and for other purposes. June 20, 1864, ch. 171......

Ways and Means - Bonds, Treasury Notes. An act to provide ways and means for the support of the government, and for other purposes. June 30, 1864, ch. 172.... Internal Revenue Law. An act to provide internal revenue to support the government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes. June 30, 1864, ch. 173. ..... Prize Proceedings, &c. An act to regulate prize proceedings and the distribution of prize money, and for other purposes. June 30, 1864, ch. 174.....



Post-Roads. An act to establish certain post-roads. June 30, 1864, ch. 175............... Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company. An act to amend the charter of the Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company. June 30, 1864, ch. 176....












Navajoe Indian Captives. An act to aid in the settlement, subsistence, and support of the Navajoe Indian captives upon a-reservation in the Territory of New Mexico. June 30, 1864, ch. 177....


Convention with Colombia. An act to carry into effect a convention between the United States of America and the United States of Colombia. June 30, 1864, ch. 178...


Navy Yard in Western Waters. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to appoint a commission to select a site for a navy yard or naval station on the western waters, and for other purposes. June 30, 1864, ch. 179....


Guardian Society. An act granting certain privileges to the "guardian society" of the District of Columbia. June 30, 1864, ch. 180...


Indians of Middle Oregon. An act to authorize the President of the United States to negotiate with certain Indians of Middle Oregon for a relinquishment of certain rights secured to them by treaty. June 30, 1864, ch. 181....

Deposit. An act in relation to the village of Deposit, Delaware county, New York. June 30, 1864, ch. 182...



Pension Agents. An act relating to the compensation of pension agents. June 30, 1864, ch. 183 325 "Yozemite Valley," and "Mariposa Big Tree Grove." An act authorizing a grant to the State of California of the "Yozemite Valley," and of the land embracing the "Mariposa Big Tree Grove." June 30, 1864, ch. 184..

Las Ormegas and La Nana Grants. An act authorizing the issue of patents for locations made with certificates granted under authority of the act of Congress, approved March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, allowing floats in satisfaction of lands sold by the United States within the limits of the Las Ormegas and La Nana Grants in Louisiana. June 30, 1864, ch. 185....

Red River of the North. An act to facilitate trade on the Red River of the North. July 1, 1864, ch. 189...

Metropolitan Railroad Company. An act to incorporate the "Metropolitan Railroad Company," in the District of Columbia. July 1, 1864, ch. 190..........






Potomac Ferry Company. An act to incorporate the Potomac Ferry Company. July 1, 1864, ch. 191......


Levy Court. An act authorizing the levy court of Washington county, in the District of Columbia, to levy and collect its portion of the direct tax imposed by the act of Congress of August five, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. July 1, 1864, ch. 192.....


Direct Tax in Washington. An act to authorize the corporation of Washington to levy and collect the direct tax imposed by act approved August five, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. July 1, 1864, ch. 193...


Private Land Claims in California. An act to expedite the settlement of titles to lands in the State of California. July 1, 1864, ch. 194..


Lot of Land in Fort Crawford Reservation. An act for the sale of a lot of land in Iowa, in the Fort Crawford reservation. July 1, 1864, ch. 195...



Registers and Receivers of Land Offices. An act to regulate the compensation of registers and receivers of the land offices in the several states and territories in the location of lands by states and corporations under grants from Congress. July 1, 1864, ch. 196.....


Postmasters. An act to establish salaries for postmasters, and for other purposes. July 1, 1864, ch. 197......

Lands to Kansas. An act making an additional grant of lands to the State of Kansas, to aid in the construction of railroad and telegraph lines. July 1, 1864, ch. 198....... Telegraphic Communication. An act to encourage and facilitate telegraphic communication between the eastern and western continents. July 1, 1864, ch. 199......




Naval Hospital, Kittery, Maine. An act repealing so much of "An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and for other purposes," approved March fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as appropriates twenty-five thousand dollars for erecting a naval hospital at Kittery, Maine. July 1, 1864, ch. 200...


Navy. An act to provide for the efficiency of the navy. July 1, 1864, ch. 201........ ..... 342 Portland and Leavenworth. An act to establish Portland, in the State of Oregon, and Leavenworth, in the State of Kansas, ports of delivery. July 1, 1864, ch. 202.....


Officers and Crew of the Esser. An act to compensate the officers and crew of the iron clad-gunboat Essex for the destruction of the rebel ram Arkansas. July 1, 1864, ch. 203....... 342

Coal Lands and Town Property. An act for the disposal of coal lands and of town property in

the public domain. July 1, 1864, ch. 205

Desertion of Seamen. An act prescribing the punishment for enticing or aiding seamen to desert the naval service of the United States. July 1, 1864, ch. 204



Sales of Gold and Exchange. An act to repeal the act of the seventeenth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, prohibiting the sales of gold and foreign exchange. July 2, 1864, ch. 209......


Civil Expenses Appropriation. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. July 2, 1864, ch. 210


Fortifications and Works of Defence. An act making appropriations for the construction, preservation, and repairs of certain fortifications and other works of defence for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purposes. July 2, 1864, ch. 211


Wallabout Bay, Brooklyn. An act to authorize the United States to acquire land in Wallabout Bay, belonging to the city of Brooklyn, and to authorize the exchange of other lands therefor. July 2, 1864, ch. 212...


Lands to Oregon. An act granting lands to the State of Oregon, to aid in the construction of a military road from Eugene City to the eastern boundary of said state. July 2, 1864, ch. 213..


Colfax Street. An act to establish Colfax Street in the city of Washington and District of Columbia. July 2, 1864, ch. 214


Guerilla Marauders. An act to provide for the more speedy punishment of guerilla marauders,

and for other purposes. July 2, 1864, ch. 215


Pacific Railroad and Telegraph. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes," approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. July 2, 1864, ch. 216


Northern Pacific Railroad and Telegraph. An act granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Puget's Sound, on the Pacific coast, by the northern route. July 2, 1864, ch. 217.....


Rancho Laguna de Santos Callé. An act to quiet the titles to lands within the Rancho Laguna de Santos Callé, in the State of California. July 2, 1864, ch. 218... Warrant Officers of the Navy. An act to authorize assimilated rank to be given to the warrant officers of the United States navy, and for other purposes. July 2, 1864, ch. 219...... 373 Telegraphic Communication. An act for increased facilities of telegraph communication between the Atlantic and Pacific states and the Territory of Idaho. July 2, 1864, ch. 220........ 373


Reservations of Public Lands. An act in relation to the sale of reservations of the public lands
July 2, 1864, ch. 221....

Parties may be Witnesses. An act relating to the law of evidence in the District of Columbia. July 2, 1864, ch. 222..



Branch Mint at San Francisco. An act authorizing the erection of buildings for the branch mint at San Francisco. July 2, 1864, ch. 223....



Exemplifications by General Land Office. An act prescribing the terms on which exemplifica

tions shall be furnished by the General Land Office. July 2, 1864, ch. 224. 375


Bounty Lands. An act providing for satisfying claims for bounty lands, and for other purposes. July 2, 1864, ch. 226.....

Sales of Captured and Abandoned Property. An act in addition to the several acts concerning commercial intercourse between loyal and insurrectionary states, and to provide for the collection of captured and abandoned property, and the prevention of frauds, in states declared in insurrection. July 2, 1864, ch. 225...




National Forces. An act further to regulate and provide for the enrolling and calling cut the national forces, and for other purposes. July 4, 1864, ch. 237

[blocks in formation]

Rooms for Agricultural Department. An act to repeal a joint resolution, entitled "Joint resolution to grant additional rooms to the Agricultural Department," and for other purposes. July 4, 1864, ch. 238.....


gling." July 4, 1864, ch. 239....

Smuggling. An act making an appropriation to carry into effect" An act to prevent smugCourt of Claims, &c. An act to restrict the jurisdiction of the court of claims, and to provide for the payment of certain demands, quartermasters' stores, and subsistence supplies, furnished to the army of the United States. July 4, 1864, ch. 240



Post-Office Department. An act to correct a clerical error in the law of June thirtieth, eighteen Branch Mint at Dalles City. An act to establish a branch mint of the United States at Dalles city, in the State of Oregon. July 4, 1864, ch. 242...

hundred and sixty-four, relating to the Post-Office Department. July 4, 1864, ch. 241. 382


Landlord and Tenant Act. An act to regulate proceedings in cases between landlord and ten

ants in the District of Columbia. July 4, 1864, ch. 243 Washington Aqueduct. An act to provide for the supervision, repairs, liabilities, and completion


of the Washington aqueduct. July 4, 1864, ch. 244


Circuit and District Courts in Northern District of New York. An act to regulate the sessions of the circuit and district courts for the northern district of New York, and for other purposes. July 4, 1864, ch. 245


Immigration. An act to encourage immigration. July 4, 1864, ch. 246


Pensions and Pensioners. An act supplementary to an act, entitled "An act to grant pensions,"

approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. July 4, 1864, ch. 247..... 387

... 389


Seamen on Vessels wrecked or lost. An act for the relief of seamen, and others, borne on the books of vessels wrecked or lost in the naval service. July 4, 1864, ch. 248 Passengers on Steam Ships, &c. An act further to regulate the carriage of passengers in steam ships and other vessels. July 4, 1864, ch. 249 Congressional Globe and Appendix. An act to pay, in part, for publishing the debates of congress, and for other purposes. July 4, 1864, ch. 250 Submarine Inventions. An act making an appropriation for testing submarine inventions. July



4, 1864, ch. 251


Education of Naval Constructors and Steam Engineers. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to provide for the education of naval constructors and steam engineers, and for other purposes. July 4, 1864, ch. 252


Quartermaster's Department. An act to provide for the better organization of the quartermaster's

department. July 4, 1864, ch. 253....



[No. 1.] Thanks and Medal to Major-General Grant, &c. Joint resolution of thanks to MajorGeneral Ulysses S. Grant, and the officers and soldiers who have fought under his command during this rebellion; and providing that the President of the United States shall cause a medal to be struck, to be presented to Major-General Grant in the name of the People of the United States of America. December 17, 1863


[No. 2.] Thanks to Captain John Rodgers. Joint resolution tendering the thanks of congress to Captain John Rodgers, of the United States Navy, for eminent skill and zeal in the discharge of his duties. December 23, 1863.


[No 8.] Public Printing, and Bounties to Volunteers. Joint resolution to supply, in part, deficiencies in the appropriations for the public printing, and to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for bounties to volunteers. December 23, 1863.


Page [No. 4.] Annual Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Joint resolution to provide for the printing annually of the report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. January 13, 1864...

[No. 5.] Bounties. Joint resolution to continue the bounties heretofore paid. January 18, 1864.....

[No. 6.] Public Printing, and Bounties to Volunteers. A resolution amendatory of the joint resolution " to supply, in part, deficiencies in the appropriations for the public printing, and to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for bounties to volunteers." January 16, 1864.

[No. 7.] Thanks to Major-General Banks. A resolution, expressive of the thanks of congress to Major-General Nathaniel P. Banks, and the officers and soldiers under his command at Port Hudson. January 28, 1864..

[No. 8.] Thanks to Major-General Burnside, &c. A resolution of thanks to Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside, and the officers and men who fought under his command. January 28, 1864......

[No. 9.] Thanks to Major-Generals Hooker, Meade, and Howard, &c. A resolution expressive of the thanks of congress to Major-General Joseph Hooker, Major-General George G. Meade, Major-General Oliver O. Howard, and the officers and soldiers of the army of the Potomac. January 28, 1864....

[No. 10.] Thanks to Cornelius Vanderbilt. A resolution presenting the thanks of congress to







Cornelius Vanderbilt for a gift of the steamship "Vanderbilt." January 28, 1864..... 401 [No. 11.] Public Printing. A resolution in relation to the public printing. February 3, 1864. 402 [No. 12.] Thanks to Major-General Sherman. Joint resolution tendering the thanks of congress to Major-General W. T. Sherman. February 19, 1864.

[No. 14.]


Taxes on Lands owned by the United States. Joint resolution making appropriation for the payment of taxes on certain lands owned by the United States. February 22, 1864. 402

[No. 15. Transfer from Military to Naval Service. A resolution relative to the transfer of persons in the military service to the naval service. February 24, 1864....

[No. 16.] Thanks to Volunteer Soldiers who have reënlisted. Joint resolutions of thanks of con


gress to the volunteer soldiers who have reënlisted in the army. March 3, 1864. ..... 403 [No. 17.] Bounties. Joint resolution to continue the payment of bounties. March 3, 1864.... 403 [No. 18.] Thanks to Commodore Ringgold. A resolution of thanks of congress to Commodore Cadwalader Ringgold, the officers and crew of the United States ship "Sabine." March 7, 1864.....

[No. 20.] Interest on Public Debt may be anticipated. Joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to anticipate the payment of interest on the public debt, and for other purposes. March 17, 1864...

[No. 21.] Steamer "Mohawk," Register to issue to. A joint resolution authorizing the issue of a register to the steamer "Mohawk." March 25, 1864....

[No. 22.] Thanks to Admiral Porter. Joint resolution tendering the thanks of congress to Ad

miral Porter. April 19, 1864.

[No. 23.] Lot of Land to be sold at Auction. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to sell at public auction lot numbered thirteen in the village of Sackett's Harbor, New York. April 19, 1864.

[No. 24.] "Cincinnati," Accounts of Crew, &c. Joint resolution relative to the accounts of the petty officers, and others of the crew of the United States gunboat "Cincinnatti." April 19, 1864...

[No. 25.] Fort Pillow, Examination into Attack upon. Joint resolution directing the committee on the conduct of the war to examine into the recent attack on Fort Pillow. April 21, 1864...

[No. 26.] Decisions of Supreme Court. A resolution relating to the publication of the decisions of the supreme court of the United States for December term, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. April 22, 1864..










[No. 27.] Duties on Imports. Joint resolution to increase temporarily the duties on imports. April 29, 1864. [No. 28.] Volunteers, Payment of. Joint resolution for the payment of volunteers called out for

not less than one hundred days. April 29, 1864.


[No. 29.] Official Reports of Operations of Armies of the United States. A resolution to provide for the printing of official reports of the operations of the armies of the United States. May 19, 1864.


[No. 30.] Expenses of Joint Committee on Conduct of War. A resolution for the payment of expenses incurred by the joint committee on the conduct of the war. May 19, 1864...... 406 [No. 31.] Staff-Officers of the Lieutenant-General. Joint resolution relative to pay of staffofficers of the Lieutenant-General. May 20, 1864


[No. 82.] Member of Congress from Illinois. Joint resolution providing for the election of a member of Congr for the State of Illinois by the state at large. May 20, 1864

[No. 35.] Amendment of Charter of City of Washington. A resolution to amend the charter of the City of Washington. June 1, 1864

[No. 38.] Baron de Kalb, Payment to Sailors, &c., of the. A resolution to compensate the sailors on the gunboat Baron de Kalb, for loss of clothing. June 7, 1864

[No. 39.] Solomon Sharp may accept Testimonial. A resolution authorizing the acceptance of a certain testimonial from the government of Great Britain. June 7, 1864.......






[No. 40.] Thanks to Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey. A resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Bailey, of the fourth regiment of Wisconsin volunteers. June 11, 1864


[No. 41.] Des Moines, Iowa. Joint resolution granting certain privileges to the city of Des Moines, in the State of Iowa. June 15, 1864

[No. 42.] Revision of Laws of District of Columbia. A resolution to provide for the revision of the laws of the District of Columbia. June 18, 1864



[No. 43.] Marquette and Ontonagon Railroad. A resolution explanatory of an act entitled" An act extending the time for the completion of the Marquette and Ontonagon Railroad of the State of Michigan." June 18, 1864.....


[No. 45.] John Ericsson and the Dictator and Puritan. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to amend the contract with John Ericsson for the construction of two impregnable floating batteries, the Dictator and the Puritan. June 25, 1864


[No. 46.] Department of Missouri. Joint resolution amendatory of "An act to provide for the deficiency in the appropriation for the pay of officers and men actually employed in the Western Department, or Department of Missouri." June 25, 1864...


[No. 47.] Clerks at Kittery and Philadelphia Navy Yards. A resolution for the relief of clerks at the Kittery and Philadelphia Navy Yards. June 25, 1864


[No. 49.] Duties on Imports. Joint resolution to continue in force the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to increase temporarily the duties on imports," approved April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. June 27, 1864


[No. 50.] Emancipation Commissioners. Joint resolution correcting a clerical error in the award of the emancipation commissioners. June 28, 1864.. [No. 51.] Young Men's Christian Association. Joint resolution to incorporate the Young Men's Christian Association of the City of Washington. June 28, 1864



[No. 53.] Overland Mail Company. Joint resolution to authorize the Postmaster-General to extend the contract with the Overland Mail Company. June 30, 1864 [No. 54.] Army Register. Joint resolution to provide for the publication of a full Army Register. June 30, 1864



[No. 55.] Irish National Fair at Chicago. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to release certain parties from liabilities or payment of duties and penalties therein mentioned. June 30, 1864...


[No. 56.] Streets, Squares, &rc., in Washington not to be unlawfully appropriated. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to reclaim and preserve certain property of the United States. June 30, 1864


[No. 57.] Indian Regiments. Joint resolution for the relief of the officers of the fourth and fifth

Indian regiments. June 30, 1864


[No. 59.] Wisconsin. A resolution for the relief of the State of Wisconsin. July 1, 1864 413


[No. 60.] Expenses of Surveys of Public Lands.

of "An act to reduce the expenses of
United States," approved May 30, 1862.

A resolution explanatory of the tenth section
the survey and sale of the public lands in the
July 1, 1864

[No. 61.] Government Hospital for the Insane. A resolution to authorize the acquisition of certain land for the use of the Government Hospital for the Insane. July 1, 1864 414 [No. 62.] Naval Pension Fund. A resolution regulating the investment of the Naval Pension Fund. July 1, 1864 [No. 63.] Agricultural Department. Joint resolution to grant additional rooms to the Agricul


tural Department. July 1, 1864


[No. 66.] National Humiliation and Prayer. A resolution requesting the President to appoint

a day for National Humiliation and Prayer. July 2, 1864 [No. 67.] Military Academy at West Point. Joint resolution in relation to the professors of the Military Academy at West Point. July 2, 1864 VOL. XIII. Рив. - 6



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