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two feet in height. They are covered with carvings and paintings whose colors are still bright, even after a lapse of forty centuries.

Gazing on what he sees around, the traveler becomes lost in an effort to form some idea of the grandeur and vastness of the original.

Directions for Reading.-Let pupils read one or more of the paragraphs in a whisper, so as to improve articulation.

Mark rhetorical pauses in the last paragraph of the lesson. Name emphatic words in the same paragraph, and state whether the rhetorical pauses occur before or after these words.

Language Lesson.-Let pupils write statements, each containing one of the following words, used in such a manner as to show its proper meaning: haul, hall; site, sight; piece, peace; our, hour;

sum, some.

Rules for the Analysis of a Subject.-Select such points as are necessary to make the treatment of the subject complete.

Add such points as will increase the interest felt in the subject.

Arrange the points in a natural and easy order.

Note. In treating an historical subject, it is necessary to arrange the points in the order in which they occurred. In description, it is best to adopt some plan of treatment, and arrange the points according to the plan decided upon.





a board', on board of.
ae çept', take; receive.
ǎe'çi dents, effects; unusual re-

ae eôrd'ing ly, agreeably to a

ae count', statement of facts; bill.

ad mit'tançe, permission to enter; entrance.

ad vīçe', opinion worthy to be followed; counsel.

af ford', give; produce.

a'gen çy, office of an agent; action.

aid, help; assistance.

al to geth'er, with united action; completely.

a mid', in the midst of; sur

rounded by.

anx l'e ty (ang zi'e ty), concern

respecting some future event.

ap plause', praise.

ap ply', suit; agree.
ärch'eş, places made of stone,
brick, etc.

ärt, skill.

a shamed', affected by a feeling
of shame.

as sist'ing, helping; aiding.
as su̟re', tell truly; make sure or

at těmpt', try; make an effort.
at tĕn'tion, care; notice.
ǎv'e nues, broad streets; open-

a wait'ed, waited for.
a wâre, informed.
awk'ward, clumsy; ungrace-
äy, yes.

băde, said.


băn’dit, robber.
băn’ner, flag.
base, lower part.

bid'ding, command; order.
bil'lows, large waves.
bon'ny, handsome; beautiful.
bor'row, to receive from an-
other with the intention of re-

bōre, carried.

bôr'ders, edges; outer parts. brāçed, took a firm stand. braided, woven or twined together.

briek, a body made of clay and

water and hardened by fire. bri'er, a prickly plant or shrub. brig, a vessel with two masts,


brilliant, splendid; shining. brĭmʼming, full; nearly overflowing.

bris'tling, standing erect. bul'let, small ball of lead. bûr'den, that which is carried. but'ter fly, a winged insect of many colors.


eae'kling, sharp and broken in sounds.

ea nǎls', water courses made by


ea' per ing, playing; dancing. căpped, covered over at the top. eap tivity, state of being a pris


eär'go, burden; load.

eǎs'ters, rollers or small wheels. çel'ing, the upper surface of a


çen' ter, the middle point of any


çen'ti pēdeş, a kind of insect

having a great number of feet. çen' tu ry, one hundred years. chăn'nel, the regular course of a river.

cheated, taken unfair advantage of; robbed.

chōşe, wished; desired. çin'derş, small pieces of coal or

wood partly burned.

çîr'cu lar, round; shaped like a circle.

eli'mate, state or condition of the

air as regards heat, cold, and moisture.

elink, sharp ringing sound. elům'şy, awkward; ungraceful. elus'ter, number of things of the same kind growing together. eŏek'rōach eş, insects with long, flattish bodies.

eŎf' finş, cases in which dead bodies are placed.

eoin, piece of stamped metal used for money.

eŏl'um, a dark cloud of regular

shape; a shaft of stone. com månd’ed, had charge of; o dered.

com plaint', expression of anger.

eom plētè', entire; perfect. eon elude', make up one's mind. eŎn'duet, manner of action. eon fined', kept within limits. eon něet'ed, joined. Єon'quered, subdued; overcome. eŎn'quest, act of taking by force. eon sider a bly, in a manner worthy of notice.

con sĬd ́er ing, thinking; regarding.

eon'stant ly, all the time. eŎn'taet, touching; meeting.

eon tained', held. eŎn'ti nent, a great extent of

land unbroken by water. eon tin'u al ly, all the time. eon verse', talk. eqŭrage, boldness.

eow'ard, one who lacks courage. erǎe'kling, sharp noises. ereek, a small river or brook; a bay.

erew (kru), the sailors who man a ship.

erōak'ing, making a hoarse noise. erook'ed, not straight. erop, what grows in a season. eured, made well.

eū ri Ŏs'i ty, eager desire to find

out something.

eŭr’rent, motion of a river. eus'tom, way of acting; habit. eŭt'ter, small boat used by ships of war.


dāmes, women.
dět, that which is owed.
de'çent, fit; suitable.
de clâre, say with firmness.
deed, act; that which is done.
de fense, protection.
dense, thick; close.

de serĭp' tion, an account.
de şert'ed, left; given up.
de strue'tion, ruin.

de těr mine, decided; resolved. di'et, what is eaten or drunk. di reet'ly, instantly; immediately. dis ap point'ed, grieved; filled

with regret.

diş ǎs' ters, unfortunate events. diş ease, illness; sickness. diş hŎn'est, not honest; faithless.

dis missing, putting or sending


dis o besed', went contrary to orders.

dis pōşe', sell; part with. dis re gärd', lose sight of. dis' triet, part of a country; region.

di vide, separate into equal shares or parts.

dōme, very high and broad roof. drăg, pull; draw.

drāks, kinds of carts. dreadful, full of terror.

drift, borne along by the current of a river.

driz'zling, falling in very small drops.

drowned, deprived of life by


duek'ing, plunging into water.


ẽarth'quāke, a shaking or trem

bling of the earth. ĕeh'oeş, is sounded back. ef feets', results.

ĕf'fort (furt), struggle; attempt. em brāçe, clasp; grasp. ĕm'pīre, the country of an em


ĕn'e my, one who hates another. en gāģed', occupied; taken. ĕn'ġineş, machines used for applying force.

en rāģed', made very angry.
en tire, whole.
êre, before.

ĕr'rand, short journeys on busi


ex ǎm'ple, a pattern; a copy. ĕx'çel lent (ek), very good. ex çĕp'tion, that which is left out or omitted.

ex çitement, intense feeling. ĕx ela mā'tion, a cry; that which is cried out. ex'er çişe, bodily exertion. ĕx hi bi'tion, show; display. ĕx pla na'tion, that which makes clear.

ex ten' sive ly, widely; largely. ĕx'trå, more than usual.


fǎe'to ries, places where things

are made.

fâre well', good-by.
fā' vors, kind acts.
fearlessly, without fear.
feast, a joyous meal.
feat, a difficult act.
feeble, weak; sickly.

ferry, a place to cross a river. Ig'ured, ornamented with marks. file, a row of soldiers ranged behind one another.

flanks, the fleshy parts of the sides of animals.

flee, to run away.
flood, great flow of water.
flour, ground wheat.
fluid, water, or any liquid.
foot'men, male servants,

for mă'tions, things of certain shape or form.

fôr'tress, a fort; a castle. fôr' tune, chance; luck. frŎl'ie some, merry; playful. fu'el, material for fire.


găl'lop, a rapid movement, as of horscs.

găr' ret, the upper room of a house.

ġěmş, precious stones.

gěn'er al ly, usually; commonly. gleaming, shining brightly. glee, joy; happiness. glim'mer, a faint light. glis'ten ing, sparkling; shining. globe, the earth; a round body. glō'ri qùs, grand; splendid. glos'sy, smooth; shining. gôr'ġeş, narrow passages. gos' sip, foolish talk.

gov'ern ment, the power that controls a people.

grănd, large; imposing. grum'bled, complained; found

fault with.

guärd, that which protects. guests, visitors.

gûr'gling, flowing in a noisy



hatch, the cover for an opening in a vessel's deck.

heath, a meadow; cheerless tract of country.

hedges, thickets of bushes,

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