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146. (1) The board of examiners of every county shall, subject to the regulations of the Education Department, set apart at least one public school in each county as a county model school for the training of teachers for third-class certificates..

(2) Where more model schools than one have been established in any county and where the teachers in training for the two preceding years at such school have not exceeded twenty-five, the county board of examiners may, with the approval of the Education Department discontinue one or more of such schools, but not so as to reduce the number below that required by this Act.

(3) The municipal council of each county shall pay to the treasurer of each public school within the county to which a county model school is attached, an amount at least equal to the sum voted by the Legislative Assembly for each county model school, but the amount to be provided by the county council shall not be less than the sum of $150 annually and the council may, if it sees fit, provide a larger amount of aid. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 173. (Amended).


147. (1) The teachers of one or more inspectoral districts may organize themselves into a Teachers' Institute for the purpose of receiving instruction in methods of teaching and for discussing educational matters subject to the regulations of the Education Department. (New).

(2) The Minister of Education may apportion out of any moneys voted by the Legislative Assembly for that purpose the sum of $25 to each teachers' Institute organized and conducted according to the regulations of the Education Department and the municipal council of each county or city shall pay annually to the order of the president of each teachers' institute within the county or city a sum at least equal to the amount so apportioned by the Minister of Education. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 174.


148. There shall be an annual leaving examination, in the public schools on such subjects, and according to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Education Department. (New).




19. The Council of the Agriculture and Arts Association. shall be composed of thirteen members, elected as hereinafter provided. 49 V. c. 11, s. 19.

20. Ontario shall be divided into thirteen Agricultural Divisions, designated by numbers, and comprising the Electoral Districts, and each Division shall be represented by one member in the Council of the Association. 49 V. c 11, s. 20.

21.-(1) Four (or five, as the case may be) members of the Council shall retire annually, in the order in which the members have been elected for the respective Divisions, each seat being vacated every third year; and the Secretary of the Association shall send a list of the names of the retiring members to the Secretary of every Electoral District Society on or before the 1st day of September in every year.

(2) The retiring members (who are eligible for re-election) may continue to exercise all their functions until their successors have been duly elected. 49 V. c. 11, s. 21.

22. The nomination of a candidate or candidates to represent an Agricultural Division in the Council shall be made in writing by ten or more members of some Electoral District Society in such Division, and forwarded to the Commissioner of Agriculture on or before the 15th day of December preceding the election; and the Commissioner

shall, on or before the 26th day of December next ensuing, mail to the Secretaries of the several District Societies in such Division the names of all persons so nominated. 49 V. c. 11, s. 22.

23. (1) The members of the District Societies in each Division shall, at their several annual meetings provided by section 39 of this Act, elect from the persons nominated therefor one to represent their Division in the Council, each District Society having one vote, and the person receiving the largest number of votes of such District. Societies shall be the member of the Council to represent the Division.

(2) In case the vote for such member results in a tie, then the District Society amongst those Societies voting for one· or other of the persons in respect of whom the tie occurs which has the largest number of members, as appears by the report for the last calendar year, shall have the casting vote.

(3) Vacancies in the Council through death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Commissioner. 49 V. c. 11, s. 23.

24. (1) The first meeting of the Council, after the election of members in every year, shall be called by the Secretary some time during the month of February or of March; and at such meeting the members present shall elect from among themselves a President and Vice-President.

(2) The Council shall also appoint a Secretary and a Treasurer (neither of whom shall be members thereof), and may pay them reasonable salaries for their services.

(3) The regular meetings of the Council shall be held. pursuant to adjournment, or be called by the Secretary at the instance of the President, or in his absence of the VicePresident, or upon the written request of any three members; and at least seven days' notice of the meetings shall be given to each member.

(4) In the absence of the President or Vice-President from any meeting, the Council may appoint a chairman pro tempore, and seven members shall be a quorum. 49 V. c. 11, s. 24.

25. The Council may grant to the members thereof an allowance not exceeding $4 per day for the days on which they are actually in attendance at the meetings of the Council, and an allowance not exceeding four cents a mile for the distance necessarily travelled by the members in going to and returning from the meetings. 49 V. c. 11, 8. 25.


26. The Council shall continue to be a body corporate, and may acquire and hold land and personal property for the purposes of the Association, and may sell, mortgage, lease, or otherwise dispose of the same; and all property, real or personal, heretofore vested in or held by the Agriculture and Arts Association shall continue to be vested in the Association, and under the control of the Council thereof. 49 V. c. 11, s. 26.

27. The Council shall have full power to act for and on behalf of the Association; and all grants of money, subscriptions or other funds made or appropriated to or for the use of the Association (except money collected by or granted to any local committee for any special objects), shall be received by and expended under the direction of the Council. 49 V. c. 11, s. 27.

28. It shall be the duty of the Council to takem easures for the promotion of Agriculture and the useful Arts in the Province in any or all of the following ways, namely:

1. By holding agricultural meetings and shows of stock, implements, farm and horticultural products, machinery, manufactures and other works of art, either by themselves or under joint management with other Associations, whether the other Associations are incorporated under this Act or otherwise.

2. By aiding exhibition associations in accomplishing the same objects, by the granting of medals, prizes or other awards of merit.

3. By offering prizes for the best-managed farms, farm buildings, dairies, gardens, orchards, or vineyards.

4. By holding or aiding ploughing matches, and by the testing of agricultural implements and machinery.

5. By encouraging the planting of trees and the study of forestry.

6. By introducing and testing new varieties of grain, seeds, vegetables, or other agricultural productions.

7. By introducing or aiding in the introduction of new and improved breeds of animals, either from other countries or provinces, or from one part of the Province into another.

8. By offering premiums for reports on the breeding, rearing and feeding of animals, the management of the dairy, the production of wool, the improvement of agriculture and agricultural machinery and implements, the growth of timber, the adaptability of particular localities for particular branches of agriculture, the erection of farm buildings, fencing, draining, and other subjects relating to agriculture or the useful arts.

9. By causing, or aiding in causing, lectures to be de-livered on such subjects and at such places as may be deemed in the interest of agriculture.

10. By keeping registers of pure bred stock, either by themselves or conjointly with other Associations, or bodies corporate.

11. And generally by adopting every means in their power to promote improvement in agriculture and the useful arts in the Province. 49 V. c. 11, s. 28.

29. The Council shall keep a record of their transactions, and may from time to time publish, in such manner and form as to secure the widest circulation among the Agricultural Societies, and among farmers generally, all such reports, essays, lectures, and other useful information as the Council may procure and adjudge suitable for publication. 49 V. c. 11, s. 29.

30. On or before the 1st day of February in every year the Council shall transmit to the Department a report for the preceding calendar year, wherein shall be embraced a record of their transactions, a detailed financial statement verified by the Auditors, a list of all persons to whom prizes have been awarded, either for exhibits at the Provincial Fair or for other objects, such information as they

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