(3) The municipal council of the township shall collect from the taxable property in each section such other sums as may be required by the trustees thereof for school purposes. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 117. (Amended). NOTE. Under the provisions of this section, the trustees of a School Section levying the lowest possible rate for school purposes, will receive the same amount out of the general allowance as those sections where only the most competent teachers are employed. Moneys should be apportioned on a basis of salaries paid to teachers. See High School Act, section 43. The following words, forming part of section 123 of chapter 225 of the Revised Statutes of 1887, repealed by The Public Schools Act, 1891, are hereby re-enacted:"Where the public school rate and the separate school "rate are not the same, if the owner is compelled to pay "a school rate in consequence of the default of the tenant "to pay the same, he shall only be liable to pay the amount "of the school rate of the schools to which in virtue of his "right in this behalf he directed his money to be paid." To remove doubts, section 109 of The Public Schools Act, 1891, shall be construed to mean that union school sections composed of a part of a township, and any incorporated village or town shall not be included within the provisions of said section 109. 110. The municipal council of every city, town and incorporated village shall levy and collect upon the taxable property of the municipality, in the manner provided in this Act, and in the municipal and assessment Acts, such sums as may be required by the public school trustees for school purposes, subject to sections 116 and 117 of this Act. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 118. 111.-(1) The clerk of every municipality shall upon request, furnish the public school inspector with a statement of the assessed value of each school section as shewn by the revised assessment roll for that year. Such clerk shall be entitled to reasonable payment from the council for the above-mentioned services. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 116. (Amended). (2) The clerk of every municipality shal, at the request of any board of trustees, furnish the board with a state ment shewing the several parcels or lots of land composing the school section for which they are trustees, the assessment of such parcel or lot and the amount of taxes entered on the collector's roll against each parcel of such lands. The cost of preparing such statement shall be paid by the board of trustees applying for the same. (New). 112. The council of every municipality may, in addition to any demand made by requisition of the public school trustees, raise by assessment such other sums as it may deem expedient for the establishment and maintenance of a public school library, or for aiding new or weak schools within such municipality, or for the support of model schools, or for supplementing teachers' salaries. R. S. O. c. 225, ss. 142, 208. (Amended). 113. The clerk of every municipality in which any separate school section or part of a section is situate, shall, not later than the first day of December in each year, make out and transmit to the county school inspector a list of the supporters of separate schools against whom any county rate for public school purposes has been erroneously placed upon the collector's roll shewing the amount so rated against each and the total amount so rated. The county inspector shall, before issuing his order for the payment of the county grant to the public school sections, deduct therefrom the amount so certified to him by the clerk of such municipality, and shall give the trustees of the separate school section an order on the township treasurer for the amount thereof, and it shall be the duty of such treasurer to pay over the same. R. S. O. c. 225, ss. 122, 144. 114. It shall be the duty of every county clerk to furnish the Minister of Education with a copy of the minutes. of the council relating to school assessments and other educational matters and to transmit to the Minister, on or before the first day of March in each year, a certified copy in the form provided, of the abstract of the report of the auditors for the preceding year. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 128. SCHOOL DEBENTURES. 115.—(1) On the application of any board of rural school trustees for the issue of debentures for the purchase of a school site or sites, for the erection of a school-house or school-houses, or any addition thereto, or for the purchase or erection of a teacher's residence, the municipal council of the township shall pass a by-law for the said purpose, and shall forthwith issue a debenture or debentures to be repayable out of the taxable property of the school section concerned, and subject to the limitations contained in this Act, provided always the proposal for such loan has been submitted by the trustees to and sanctioned at a special meeting of the ratepayers of the section, called for the purpose. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 129. (2) All applications for a loan, for the purposes herein mentioned, shall be made by the trustees of a union school section to the council of the municipality within which the school house or site of such union section is situated, and all debentures for the payment of such loan shall be issued by such municipality. Any other municipality or municipalities forming part of the union school section shall pay, on the requisition of the clerk of the municipality by which the debentures were issued, as they come due, its or their share of the loan, including interest, so made according to its or their liability for school purposes, as determined by section 95 of this Act. (New). (3) Where application is made by a union section composed of a town or incorporated village and part of the adjoining township or townships and the school house is situated in such town or village, all applications for the issue of debentures for school purposes shall in such cases be subject to the provisions of sections 116 and 117 of this Act. (New). (4) Notwithstanding any alteration which may be made in the boundaries of any school section, the taxable property situated in the school section at the time when such loan was effected, shall continue to be liable for the rate which may be levied by the township council for the repayment of the loan. R. S. O. c. 255, s. 131. (5) The expenses of preparing and publishing any by-law or debentures under the said section 115 and all other expenses incident thereto, shall be paid by the school section on whose behalf such debentures were issued, and the amount of such expenses may be deducted from any school rates collected by the municipal council for such school section, anything in The Public Schools Act to the contrary notwithstanding. 55 V. c. 60, s. 3. NOTE. It is essential that the trustees should submit the proposal for a loan to a special meeting of the ratepayers of the section before applying to the council for the issue of debentures. When sanc tioned it becomes imperative for the council to grant the application; but see section 119. Provision should be made, that in case alteration is made in the boundary of a school section, where a debenture debt has been incurred, the property liable for the repayment of the loan should not be made liable for a debt of a similar nature until the original debt has been paid. (See Local Improvements, Municipal Act, sec. 624) "for the like purpose." 116. (1) Where application is made by a township. board of trustees, or by the trustees of any city, town or incorporated village for any of the purposes mentioned in the preceding section, and where the municipal council refuses to raise or borrow the sum required, then the question shall be submitted by the municipal council, if requested by the board of trustees, to the vote of the electors. of the municipality who are supporters of public schools, in the manner provided by The Municipal Act for the creating of debts, and in the event of the assent of such electors being thereby obtained, then it shall be the duty of such council to raise or borrow such sum. R. S. O. c. 225, ss. 130, 133 (1). (2) The municipal council may, if deemed expedient, without submitting the same to a vote of the ratepayers of such municipality, as required by The Municipal Act, for the creating of debts, pass a by-law for the purpose of raising or borrowing money, on the requisition of the public school board, for any of the purposes named in the preceding section. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 133 (2). NOTE-Upon an application being made by a board of school trustees, the council may borrow the sum required or submit the matter to the electors. (See ss. 293-340, et seq., Municipal Act. 117. Any debenture issued by any municipality for school purposes may be in the form given by this Act, and for such term of years and for such amount as the council shall see fit, not exceeding thirty years, or the municipal council may in its discretion make the principal and interest of such debt repayable by annual or other instalments, in the manner provided in The Municipal Act. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 135. (Amended). 118. All sums levied and collected by the municipal council of any township for school purposes shall be paid over to the secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees, without any deduction whatever, on or before the 15th day of December in each year. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 125. NOTE. But see 55 V. c. 60, s. 3 (5) amending section 115 of this Act. No municipal by-law hereafter passed for exempting any portion of the ratable property of a municipality from taxation in whole or in part shall be held or construed to exempt such property from school rates of any kind what soever. In all cases in which two municipal corporations are united by proclamation or by any Act of the Legislative Assembly, all the assets and liabilities of the school corporations of the minor municipality shall be assumed by the school corporation of the united municipality. 119. When, in the opinion of any rural school corporation it is not desirable to apply to the municipal council for the issue of debentures for any of the purposes mentioned in this Act, such trustees may, without a vote of the ratepayers of the section, require the municipal council to raise, by one yearly rate, such sums as may be necessary for the purchase of a school site, the erection, or purchase of a school house or teacher's residence. R. S. O. c. 225, 8. 40,-3. (Amended). NOTE. Under the provisions of this Act the trustees constitute a corporation. (See notes to sections 3, 5, 570, Municipal Act re councils). Trustees may raise by one yearly rate without issuing debentures. 120. No township council shall levy or collect in any school section during any one year more than one school rate except for the purchase of a school site, or for the erection of a school-house. R. S. O. c. 225, s. 132. |